土曜日, 4月 09, 0017

My First Post! ^_^

Hmmm... sumimasen ps actually i duno wat to post in this first post eh!Image hosted by Photobucket.com hehe Well i've never blogged before nor am i internet sauvy, always have to ask colleagues how to do this and that! Really! I dont even know how to use words or excel! Image hosted by Photobucket.com Hahaha

Well anyway I started this blog just coz i'm super curious what is so attractive about blogging? So best way out is to experience it is to get my feet wet Image hosted by Photobucket.com Hehe so hope i'll keep this blog constant la Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Anyway today i saw Cai Lan (Think its 菜篮 hehe ps my chinese F9 eh hope he dont mind la! Image hosted by Photobucket.com hehe ) while buying Lim Chee Guan (林志原) eh bah kwa lor hehe then my mama was like saying he's sister cai liang or something was last time her school principal la n his family all is single name eh cai lan, cai liang etc... so i was like thinking ... duh so is his son gona call Cai Tou (菜头 carrot/radish?) n his daughter gona call Cai Hua (菜花 some other vege!) isit ? hehehe

Sometime this evening was pulled out by my Gay dog (狗狗) along w a 2-Dimensional Bat! (Well i'll explain about them some other time!) to go lar kopi Image hosted by Photobucket.com at tamp lor, so while waiting for Flat Bat we soh ah soh and stumbled upon SPH (Dont ask me what is stands for, but it aint Singapore Press Holdings ok!)

Ok! I lied Image hosted by Photobucket.com wasn't really soh'ing around, but a deliberate attempt to go there and hitch a plot to kidnap a kawaii Image hosted by Photobucket.com home Image hosted by Photobucket.com hehe Well I was like dead set on getting one of them nice sexy n flat tummy

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Sweet right? =) I guessed so too! So long never buy toys liao le so was thinking swee liao la she's my baby liao n no way is she gona get away from me! Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Ya also we so happen to meet Ah Poh, a long time friend who owns the shop, double shot, sure get discount liao!

While chatting with Gay Dog (well we usually have these meaningless debates(?) on meaningless things like why is the sky so high etc la super bo liao stuff which i may blog in the future! Hahaha), anyway i unknowingly psycho'ed Flat-Bat-o-sai to also get a set! Hahaha what persuasive powers of the dark side i do have ;-)

We even thought up of the ultimate scam to bluff both Gay Dog's n Battosai's mama, since both of their mamas know all of us very well! What's the plan? Very simple since both their mama's would do triple-suplex plus DDT final combo on either of them if they both ANY game console, we hitch upon an easy plan...

Gay Dog is to buy a PSP for Flat-One as birthday present and Flat-one is suppose to do the same for Gay Dog!

This way all of us can get our darling PSP and most importantly save our hides from appearing in the obituaries of the Sunday Times! Hehe genius right ;-) I knew it!

Back to the great PSP adventure, we jolly well ran around Tampines looking for good PSP deals lor, went to MM find Willy but his price is cut throat le =( Sorry hor Ah Ho, but MM pricing really very ex. Next stop was the no-name eh shop opposite KFC, cheapest value pack pricing, but attitude sucks major! (Think woman on PMS)

In the end went back to SPH, coz we're most familiar with Ah Poh after Ah Ho lor

But alias, tian suan bu ru di suan (天算不如地算 think its this written this way la hehe my china F9 ok! dont expect too much ;p )the game i wana play Bleach, no more stock Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Sigh, now my plans for world domination would have to wait till another day liao lor =(

PS : HH (Kon wanabe) so too bad lo have Bleach for u to drool at liao lor hehe

Jya ne
Kookie, kook, nobody's monster!

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