金曜日, 6月 03, 0017

Fw : 柔綿體驗 ! 哈哈哈 !

我的GF來我家玩...... (My GF came over to my place to play)
然後......... (And then...)
剛好她的"好朋友"來找她....... (So happens her "Friend" just came to look for her)
(我想大家知道我在說什麼..) (I guess everyone would know what i'm talking about)

我想...一般男生的房間..... (I think... Most guy's room...)
除非你有特別需要...... (Unless you got "special" needs...)
不然..你找得到漫畫.找得到 U2 的CD .....找得到過氣的顯示卡....... (Else, you would only find Manga or U2's CD...)
但絕不會有護墊這種東西....... (but you wont be able to find that thing)

但是.......... (but...)
這種東西說來就來... (these speaking of these type of things...)
她要用...你總不能拿個衛生紙給她墊......... (If she needs it... You cant just give her tissue paper...)
突然間...我想到.......... (All of a sudden, i remembered)
我媽是女的.... (My mama's a female)
我妹也是女的.......... (So is my younger sister)

她們一定會有這種東西...... (They sure have it!)
(我真聰明) (I'm so clever)
老娘的東西我不想翻.........所以我把腦經動到我妹的房間......... (My mama's things i dont dare touch... So i directed my attention to my sister's room)

我去我妹房間翻了3個抽屜... (I went to my sister's room n racked thru 3 drawers...)
就發現了這個.......... (and discovered this...)

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當時心想~我真聰明....一下就找到了.. (At that time i tot i was so smart, took me such a short time to find it)
而且還不用花錢~ (on top of it i dont have to pay for it!)

拿給GF以後........ (i gave it to my gf...)
隨著盒子打開來...她也發出了..."咦"的一聲...(as she opened the package, she was shocked)
我隨著她的眼光看過去...我也呆住了........ (i fglanced at what she was looking at... n was equally shocked)

裡面竟然是..........棉花糖 (in it contains... candy floss!)

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我呆了數秒...然後開始發作....(i was dazzled for few seconds before it hit me)
搞屁啊..........盒子沒事做成這樣幹什麼........... (wtf? why make such packaging for candy?)
這樣會比較好賣嗎........(would it sell better with this sort of packaging?)
還是說裡面可以放毒品不被發現...(or u could put drugs in it n not be discovered)

翻到背後.....(i flipped the package...)
出現這個.......衛生棉花糖 (and this appeared... candy floss pads!)

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Translation by kook's fansub! v(^_^) lol

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