金曜日, 7月 22, 0017

Just cause ppl love to eat hamburgers doesnt mean they would love to meet the cow!

Ok time to spill the beans ;p
Had a wonderful night out with CL aka Problem Child...

Single night out with a hot date? w00t~!~!

Sorry guys hehe nah that's not the case ok! Well i played a little mischief on my part ;-) n had asked FatBat out beforehand! Yeap 1 Bat 1 mons n a cute lady!

How did it happen? Hmmm... Ok Bat wanted to go watch The Island at our usual haunt n i was about to go home to wash up, funny thing i had a sudden urge to call on CL. Just to disturb her la! lol

Background check, most of the time hor ask her out is like go long pia (bang wall) eh, dont need to try asking her! Surely confirm is kena rejected eh!
So i was like just teasing her playing the part of lost puppy w sad watery eyes kind of thing hehe ^_^ Hope she doesnt read this! lol

She was like all the way saying "No! I wana go jogging", repeat upteen times over n over n over... but i was like saying "nvm la next week also can jog..." ;p

So somehow i ended up using my lousy persuasive skills n managed to psycho her to join me for dinner lor! hehehe

Before i continue hor, she's attached ok so dont get any more wrong ideas liao x_x

So anyway i managed to pull the wool over her eyes n get her to join me for dinner n then later part i also bluff her said i got spare tix for the show, which in actual fact i dont! haha
(Had to call Bat to go buy 1 more tix hehe ^__^ arigato kyodai! hehe)

She hitched a cab n picked me up at me place, see now new age liao le not guy pick up ger ok! Its the opposite! lol Haha nah its coz she's along the way la hehe

Dinner was at a noodle restaurant (CS basement, beside soup restaurant, same reataurant as the time i went w Kelvin Tuan & Tiffany) I didnt really made a big effort to conceal the fact i tricked her into joining me n bat for dinner n movies hehe gomenasai!

But too bad liao lor... she took the bait line n sinker all the way liao keke
Of coz i not the kind whom would pang sei or ask ppl pay eh la, nor would i ask them take plain noodles or $2.50 fishball noodles la! lol

The food is nice there! For starters we had the Mango shrimp wrapovers, some beancurd skin wrapovers n Fried tofu w special sauce.

The Mango shrimp is dissapointing le, kauz cant find no shrimp -_- n it was abit cold, maybe its the characteristics of the dish, the mango is cold but the shrimp is warm w the hot n crispy wrappings?

Just an advice, do not drizzle the special sauce over the Fried tofu, dip the tofu into the sauce when u want it... else it would get soggy.

Not really fantastic, the first time round w KT & Tiffany was definately better! lol

For main course, we ordered wrongly liao ;p Only after the noodles were served did i know i had ordered soup eh le -___-|| Joker hor? lol

Bat had the Beef noodles (since he's afraid of getting nightmares of seafood! hehe)
CL had the Shrimp dumpling noodles
Me had the Wanton noodles...

All came with soup x_x Forgot should order dry eh =~~( Nvm lor

Best part la, i duno how she managed to drink finish the soup n had to ask for refill lol Personally i felt the soup was abit bland, the seaweed n spring onion/chives did not bring up the flat taste of the noodles. But the Wantons n Shrimp dumpling were packed to the brim w fresh pork n Shrimps! hehe

Well i tried fleeching one of the juicy Shrimp morsels from CL... but dang i couldnt manage to pull it off! >_<

The movie? Ya its nice lor hehe ermmm abit gory n messy, in the sense the action got us abit mixed up in certain scenes... especially how the heck does Lincoln 6 Echo manage to manuveur in the endless mazes @.@ Eh first time running also can find exit ok! Also the part on the micro machines getting in thru the eyes... x_x

This movie would allow us to reflect on the future of bio-science n cloning, with all the stem cell research hor...

How would we know that the organizations out there doing these researches do not breach on such in-humane practices? Its really farming of humans just to harvest the organs or in worse case, harvest the child...

Nuff said of the movie la... Hope u all could watch it n derive ur own thoughts about it lor =) hehe

I hope in the future i could have the oppurtunity ask her out for Charlie n the Chocolate factory lor hehe Since most prob she'll give me a mindful next time round afetr reading this blog! kekeke

OMG! Kauz we forgot Tiffany is working nightshift at tamp! lol forgot ask Tiffany out for kopi! lol

Shhhhh... hope Tiffany doesnt read this! hahaha

So this is the breakdown of how much i spent today...

Meal at noodles restaurant = $43+
Movie tix for The Island = $24 (owe bat)
Cab fare to send her home = $12
Smile n laughter she shared = Priceless!
Hope she doesnt read this blog = Lagi priceless!

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