金曜日, 5月 20, 0017

Memory, you never let me cry... and you, you never said goobye...

Soory peeps, so long no blog hehe.. Realy busy with work n gota reinstall my lappy (at last! haha)
Of coz la reinstall lappy give alot of probs n imagein the amount of time n effort having to put back all the programs i use (@.@); better dont do this too often haha ;p

Just some SMS stuff i kept, sort of short quotes which i sometimes read just to get the warm feeling back into my heart =) Dont get wrong idea hor! hehe these SMS is just to show how stupid i am kekeke

From screwlose ger :
"PS correction sld be u look nice in anythg as long as u wear tt sunshine smile or ur's la ;-) take it as a compliment or sweet nothings if u wan :-)
*giggle* tnks 4 sweetin my day =)"

k la the end abit the CMI la hehe I was like ji siao someone lor, dont say por la but really mah ppl smile liao i just see enough to make me day liao! haha dont ask me who ok ;p kekeke

From screwlose ger :
"My impression of u was n still is y do u keep msgin when i'm tryin 2 get sm zzz like now?!"

haha of coz i kena snubbed big time la ;p was in a sensative mood tt time n trying to figure out wats wrong abt me lor hehe then ppl reply me like this, i sort of felt like kena long pia (bang wall) ok! lol

From screwlose ger :
"Treat u a meal? No prob-so when u free 4 a meal? Wat kinda food u like? Fishball no but since u like bittergourd ok la"

I'l forever keep this SMS ok! Just for the sake of the FREE meal! (^o^), of coz ppl not so ngiao treat me eat $2.50 eh fishball noodles la! kekeke

From screwlose ger :
"Oops i'm sorry my dear-no wonder take taxi-k la u claim taxi fare fr me-1 meal nt enuffah plus a movie lo"

Wah this SMS i also keep haha makes it 2 meals n 1 movie treat le! kekeke Can treat this like coupon print n go redeem! hahaha

From trouble ger :
":x u not e first who say.. everyone going to kill me le cos i send her e song one *give innocent look*"

Emm this one i was complaining abt our dowager playing this nice song over n over n over n over n over ... AGAIN! nice song u hear repeat over 2 hrs hor u would also puke blood ok!
Just so happens today we OT the dowager also do the same THING!!!! ARGHHH~!~! This time not me la, but Mike Tyson go confront her, "eh this song very nice hor~!~!"
(in a sarcastic tone la kekeke)

From Wanabe ger:
"Hurry up kanna sexual harrrasement from allan"

Hahaha this is classic ok! hehe think its HH first time solo w allan at some remote site which we're suppose to go meet her la (as per norm we're always late! kekeke) then allan was like getting overly friendly w her =~~~) KNN funny part is kauz HH chor lor n look like guy le! hahaha still got ppl wana get fresh n touchy w her? OMG~!~! kekeke

From trouble ger :
"nah!my bf suddenly tell me yest tat he dun wish to get married which of cos made me upset.just wan to understand u guys mindset.not tat i wan to marry but he keep mentioning it when i have not even tink abt it.asked him if he hinting break,he say no.NAN REN!"

This SMS is the most cheem todate la, so just kept it lor hehe
why? coz in the blurrness she one SMS made all guys seem like jerks le! lol
aka "1 bamboo stick overturn the whole boat" in chinese la ;p
Of coz me see this SMS super lost in space... haha coz machum like my fault like tt le ~_~

From trouble ger :
"wat u said is right...i should do it while i'm strong..we r goin diff directions le,no point ..but um getting e after effect now! :("

This one is sad la no matter wat i dont like my frens to suffer from r/s breakup etc la maybe its i naive lor thinking no one else in this world would break a ger's heart la.. but actual fact is it happens everytime la! Well ppl wan my frank opinion so i give her the bullet w/o the sugar lor (ps all my sugar kena stolen by the screwlose ger from above! lol) but i really rather hope i'm wrong lor (nabe buy toto also never so zhun ok!)

From screwlose ger:
"Ya i hvn't come down 2 earth yet ;-) it feels gd 2 b in e clouds :-P"

This one le is my compliment la least i can make some ppl happy lor! hahaha ;p

So can say all these are part of my fond memories (esp the free meal n movie part! haha) be it sweet or sad.

But do i really leave an impression in ppl? No idea... but i doubt so, as i'm like the floating cloud above, giving temporary shade to the weary n tired below...

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