土曜日, 7月 23, 0017

Hair cut !?!? Hot date ?!?! New prospectives ?!?!

At last tio liao la! hehe me just went for haircut this morn! hehe
Surprised right? Everyone thought i would be the next hermit wanabe, dont shave nor cut hair, messy like hell eh hehe well almost at the same lvl as the Toowong man liao! keke

No choice la... bo bian! K k guys its not coz i last night went out w hot date so must impress ppl hor! I repeat again CL is attached, she's older than me.
Best part i call her 083 ;-) (Go figure it out what it means! hehe)

I had to go cut hair n shave nice nice la... coz today got interview lor!
Heck usually i wont even be bothered abt cutting hair nor grooming myself just to go for an interview? diao...

Tip, for IT guys hor if u got liao (the sutff) hor the interviewer wont mind how's ur outlook eh! hehe Come on we all know la, all show n no work is the worst kind of employee any company can get eh ok!

Back to the haircut portion, at last (kauz i really procastinating for a very long while liao! lol) i go Bat's recommendation la Senses Hair saloon...

You all know la me n hair saloons dont mix! Me n girls also dont mix!

What happened was when i reached there at 10am, they were like 1/2 open the lady signaled they're open for business, but the tag says closed -___-|||

When i went into the saloon, i'm like out of my league, i become the shy timid boy liao lor ~__~ kena manipulated by the hair dresser May ee ;p hehe (I duno mah~!~!)
Which happens to be the most presentable looking lady in the shop lor

Everything i ask her opinion n let her decide lor, but gota agree w her lor i look better w mid-length hair but i choosed the color i wana highlight lor, but she choosed the exact shade (thinks its called Loreal #13) subtle n not too outstanding like Bat's ;-) hehe

btw according to Bat May ee is the owner lor, but she said she's only an "employee" there, so i really duno lor ~__~

Anyway she's scary la, she literally remembers all the ppl she cuts hair for le... She has some vague rememberence of Bat! lol But gota admit her attitude is wudi ok! Can say to date one of the best "employee" i've ever meet. She pays attention to all customers around, be it those she's cutting hair or those whom are suffering the strong amonia smells from the dyes, aka aku lor (@.@)

I was being abit noti lor hehe ppl cut hair i busy SMS bat abt the hair cut, SMS nick abt looking for job n think i was also SMS'ing CL abt go sin ming hehe...

In short i was trying to keep myself busy la, since i'm shy n dont dare to talk much to May ee n her other hair dressers la (*^_^*)

Anyway my hair cut turned out to be great! Ermmm so far everyone said it looks gd! hehe except mama la ;p she say why i dont pay her $50 n she high-light for me? lol

But more importantly the praises from CL was god sent! hehe
Equally important was i think my interviewees were also impressed w my outlook la! keke

Back to the interview la, it was like last minute thing i meet ron's bosses at TCC bugis for an informal interview lor, just sit n chat talk shop abt wat the doing blah..blah...blah....blah......blah.......Zzz
K i was seriously trying not to doze off la! keke

I also suck at interviews lor! Hehe only talk abt work, never ask abt pay package n other benefits ~__~ well... nvm la dont think they're interested in me lor, think i'm too expensive for the job lor >_<.

You can get 5 bagladash n few more 'O'lvl girls w the pay they need to pay me lor! hahaha nah joking ok! hehe i'm the lowest paid guy in the whole lot of ppl whom grad from QUT la =( sad man... sigh nvm lor hehe take this interview as an experience lor =)

Getting the kick out of going for interviews liao le hehe
It's like self promotion lor, how u present abt ur self ur experiences n what u want in the future outlook.

So far the worst interview i ever had was w Singtel la duno wat i doing n also duno wat they want man lol next funniest interview i had was with Reuters lor interview swee swee they love me but i flunk the tech test coz it was like quite cheem eh DVB stuff n i didnt go study much abt it la ^_^; hehe

Anyway back to my current interview lor, i think they love me la but maybe due to budget reasons n some operational issues, they wont take me in lor

I must also take into consideration they may want me n would asceed to my pay package... then what should i do?

Should i take the job?


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