月曜日, 5月 02, 0017

Bathing the Dog and Fishy smells

Sian man today started m day horribly, why le? koonz at 3+ n kena woke up at 8 -_-
How come leh? Well my family is now hit with the Da Chang Jing korean drama fever...
Y n my sis early morn watch it while i was KO'ed on the living rm sofa x_x
But never the less i was able to watch Naruto movie la... At long last ok!
Not everyone's as heng as Effendy can go jp n watch it eh =)
Well tot tday can continue my RNR after hanging out w Dog n Bat for few days straight
Who knows KNN eh while i was enjoying some anime (not discovery channel kind la dei! lol)
Stupid dog call me up begging me for help...
why leh? Coz he lost his wallet on a Comfort cab he took earlier
n u know the usual stuff, cancel credit cards n such
Then gota go make police report at some police post lor
So both Bat n i went to meet him at Katong la, to give him a kick in his ass for being so stupid man!
When we meet up then found out he cant make no police report coz he's a foreigner n no identity on him
-___-"" For god's sake how many ppl would be carrying their passports out man!
Kauz if u lost ur wallet of coz all ur identity cards would be in it la! duh~!~!~!
So we jolly well had to take a cab back to his place to take his passport just so as to make a police report lor
Most of the time i'm majorly pissed, but was indulging in my latest plaything. My precious PSP ;-) hahaha
We're really scared of going to Dog's place man... Everyone knows his mama is terrorist #1 ok!
(Even if she self proclaims herself as #2 also no one dare to claim to be #1 ok!)
Anyway she'll most prolly skin him alive n include us too if she was to hear about his folly! ~__~"" hahaha
Who knows so suay till when leaving tt time his mama came back >_<
This time siao liao la... Both bat n i had to put on thinking caps to come up with some excuses to save all of our butts ok!!!
But she's super not keen on letting us out! As she wans Doggie to sleep in his kennel le. Wait at night no energy to work man...
We managed to escape from alcatraz la and then gota go hunt for the closest police post to make the police report lor...
Kauz KKB area hor police post is much harder to find than Macs ok!!! Anyway lucky nothing much happened after tt la.
All these happened becoz the dog had to go to Alf's place to get a freaking stupid Win98 SE CD -__-"""
So we jolly well went to TM (AGAIN!!!!) for dinner. Since the dog's shag like dog liao hehe
Getting phobia of tampines liao man...
Ever since the dog started working there it seems to become our meeting grounds liao @_@
Dinner was LJS la =)  i took the standard combo A + fish as per norm, bat took the spice 3pc chicken set
N the dog as per norm dont wana eat... He'll only eat after seeing ppl eat la! hehehe
(nabe machum like char bo le! Dont wana eat coz say no appetite -__-" wana slim down -__-"")
So within like 5 mins of us munching into our meals, off he goes to hunt for something extra-ordinary! hehehe
This time round he got this grill fish meal thingie and was like boasting wah so chio le hehe he say see this pax infront buy this meal very gd looking man!
Who knows after he took a bite into it... $@!#!#( all the words come out liao.
"This aint no grilled fish! This is steamed!! Grill my ass man!!" Ya think if he said it loouder LJS staffs' really gona grill it! haha
-___- ya la of coz man who's expecting LJS to really grill the fis to serve u meh?!?!
Come on man It's a Fast food restaurant man hehe dont compare it to "Assault & Battery" ok! hehehe
I took a bite (so if molo MC most prob its due to the freaking wierd fish man!!!)
Immediately i wana peng san man... It looks like fish, but it doesnt smell like fish and for god's sake it doesnt taste like fish!!!
Ya its about as tough as chicken meat ok! And had this really wierd fishy smell, the kind u know stale fish would give off...
Well me being the gd bro, had to grind it in ;-)
"wtf dont come here n test this type of wierd stuff la LJS is well known for fried fish, So stick to it! kekeke"
Mean rite? hehe nah the dog can take more grinding hehe
Maybe later i'll write some of the more interesting stuff we did in the past ;-)
Just to rub it in for LJS, freak man LJS tamp the aircon machum like dont have man
You know the most horrible thing is just after smelling the fish, the dudes at oppo tables left.
#@!^T*O& BO DAMN STRONG OK!!!! Please la go out no need to put on perfume n such man
But why cant Singaporeans be more considerate.
If u just did sports n know u got odour, FUCKING GO HOME N BATH FIRST LA!!!!
Freaking no brainers man...
Other than tt dinner was peaceful... Luckily la hehe ^__^

So now i'm back home, sweaty n sticky from all tt running ard in the hot sun =(
but lucky i no BO la keke but lily last time always complain i got BO hahaha ;p~


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