月曜日, 4月 25, 0017

Long time no sleep sooooo long liao!

Wa like so long never blog liao le! Hehe gomen bz w work le ~_~
Had to put in last burst of fire before project ends, ermmm sort of la! hehe at last we've gotten rid of those IBM white elephants!

Ya had wasted my fri n sat to help out in the migration x_x n didnt really have enough time to sleep, much less to blog

At least i saved sunday from getting wasted! Hehe

Had managed to pull Gay Dog n Flat Bat out today, but as usual Bat is SUPER LATE!

SMS him no reply -__-"
Call him no ans -__-""
Best part contacted him at 1pm, said would come down NOW
In the end he came over only at 4pm -__-"""

*sigh* there goes our plan of trekking down to Ang Mo Kio to look for a special $999 notebook lor
but our actual mission is to go there n look at those girls whom are suppose to look like Ang Mo Kios (tomatoes) la! kekeke

Soory, me aint no meat lover! which i think most of u can guess when u guys think of lily la! ^__^;
I think everyone of u would have some form of ermm fond memories of her hor~!~! hehehe ~__~""

Since I'm like talking about meat lover, late night MSN session w HH & MJ turned an all innocent session talking about huge Baos to breasts!
Ya we were like chatting about huge Baos in Melaka n i sort of remembered this delish bao Gay Dog's terrorist mama bought from JB!

Its big, juicy, skin is thin, filled with alot of fillings n dirt cheap!
Only issue is its called Yeh Zhi Mei Bao! Coz its just as big!
Dont ask me, i never seen amy's breasts before! Also duno if Day Dog's words is hao siao (bull shit) anot le!
Since its common knowledge Gay Dog's words must pah (give) 90% discount eh! hahaha

Anyway back to what i was like thinking of a few moments back.

Is going out with a lady suppose to impress her?

Duno maybe most of the guys out there whom "asks" girls out is just so as to impress their dates on how "smooth" or gentlemanly they are.
How about friends? Normal female friends? Is there not such thing as pure platonic friendship between guys n girls?

Well my toughts are chaotic as per norm, so reading this may sound wierd to u hehe

It just hit me tt this girl whom i know also showed symtoms of like guys n girls can never have platonic relationship

Why i say this?

Well i sort of asked her out just to chill out (btw the girl's attached hor), since she's free n I'm outside n dead bored the kind of stuff
But she down right reject me on a single pretext, dont wana go out w u alone -___-""

Winner liao lor such an answer!
Heck actually i wana ask her out n another fren along eh
Then say till like tt machum i am big bad wolf like tt le
(actually i am! hahaha but soory hor i now vege eating monk liao! keke)
Make me super sian le!
Come lar kopi, chit chat, talk cock sing song also cannot meh -___-"""

ME really got so boring meh till girls dont wana go out with me meh ?!?!?

Ok la! I'm just a bit teeny weeny less interesting than Mr bean in real life la ;p~~
Liu wo yi dian zhi zun xin mah! ( Leave me some pride/face le!)

hahahaha ;p

k la molo i go join SDU or SDS liao la! bwahahaha!

Like real! kekeke

Wierd man... think i can never comprehend what women are thinking about! hehehe


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