火曜日, 4月 19, 0017

Ah Peh Sickness & Commitment? Simi lai eh? (aka Middle age crisis & commitment? what's that?)

Every single person would come upon this day whereby u'd feel like "where am i rushing to?", "why am i doing things?" or "what am i doing with my life?"
What has all this gota do w commitment ?!?! haha All these mut be crap thought up of by this crazy guy right?
Na actually i should change the topic to "Ah Peh sickness & commitment with the SINGLE GUY!" hehehe sounds better right?
Ya true enough most of my peers of my age are either successful businessman or w fledging careers or in various form of commitment w some female(s) ;-) la
while aku le      ^__^
no gf                -__-*
no career          -__-**
no car              -__-***
best part
no commitment  ^__^ v
lame right? No choice bah, cant seem to find an interest in what i'm doing right now.
Its like i'm living just for the sake of breathing my next breath ;p
Well i still have my wings n can roam where ever i want n whenever i want! hehe
no need to be cinderella report home by 2359hrs else gota kneel on durain husk! hehehe
But sometimes u find u need tt special someone whom u get to hug n share ur moments of joy n folly with...
Well the Gay dog's a gd place to dump all the trash with! ^_^ (only issue is he'll dump u alot of other trash back!)
but heck man i aint gay! wana hug also find a decent ger la! haha so dont u peeps think i'm turning gay ok! lol
Does this mean i'm on the lookout for new gf?
Short ans is Nah!
Gf = commitment, its hard to find someone who's gona merge her life w u, of course alot more is at stake la
frens family lifestyle spending interests (etc)
But more importantly is soulmate, maybe what i'm expecting is abit much la, since soulmate is like someone who knows what u think, r gona do n how u feeling etc just by ur simple gestures.
Ya soulmates is someone much harder to find, actually soulmate shouldnt be found.
It should be developed w the one u love n cherish...
If u cant develope such a relationship with ur partner, i'd say its a failure in a r/s no matter how u see it.
When two individuals get together, its like two different worlds colliding together.
What survives and remains would be what is the outcome...


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