日曜日, 6月 26, 0017

Busy like a bee x x

Ps ps peeps really bz w work...n MS! Haha no la cut down alot on ms liao :)
Work comes first :( no time play play le
Also no time to blog ;p
Wonder wat r e 76'ers doing?
Most prob bz w work family n kids by now bah...think we're e few left behind which r single available n losers in tt sense! Hee all scoring F9 in getting n maint a decent relationship la lol

U peeps noe la i suck at rs hee ask my ex all wld agree! Keke fendi pointed out i suan gers i like too much le >.< i got so bad meh... lily? Snake ladies?
I'll ponder on this issue while i hang out w e monkeys in monkey forest! Haha

土曜日, 6月 25, 0017

Maple story GM event!

It's a really tight thing n had fun at this event. Gota admit there's even a hot babe from asiasoft there! Its mainly kids n all of e registrants got to play some form of game to get e devil's scroll!
I did say there's some effort in organizing this event but it wld be better if Asiasoft put in more effort! Come on man Cargo n Yeti plush? They aint cute! Even e norm orange mushies look better! Not to mention e slimes!
Look at e recent Ro event in KL, one is heaven e other's makeshift!
More plushies n cute stuff wld be gd! Also more ads n signs to show e way. If this event is exclusive n since we paid like $10 i'd hope e org wld give other MS freebies... E "goodie" bag is some rojak stuff jumbled together.
Worst of all i'm abit confused is this event abt MS or Asiasoft? Pls wear tshirts baring MS logo or icon la!
I'm like really suprised e GM of Asiasoft was there too! Talk abt promotion! Hee

It's a fun event lots of kids ard n i had lots of fun!
But spending over 3hrs n only playing less than 3mins of "Ola Ola" wld make me think twice abt e next event in future...
But i'd really hope e organizers wld put in even more effort in future :)

金曜日, 6月 17, 0017

Long time no blog =(

PS ppl long time no blog =( sigh too busy w work n maplestory! keke
These few days no mood to work liao, really super low mood.


Coz of MS? ermmm nah...
Coz of new woman? ermmm nah...
Coz of new toys? hmmmm nah...

I think its coz i'm still stagnanting in life lor, same job, same life, nothing new.
I've seem to have lost the zest to fight n continue in this endless road call life.

But anyway there's least something i'm enjoying doing now, even if its only for a fraction of the moment.

So lets see how things go abt ;-)

月曜日, 6月 13, 0017

Honey vs honey

Its an age old issue since man n woman walked e earth.
The two different sexes r always in conflict, but interestingly they seem to cohabitate quite nicely. This difference is really emphasised in Mr n Mrs Smith :)
The show is like a recollection of memories of e couple when they visited a shrink w regards to their interesting "marriage" issues, which happens to be of conflicting interests from their job.

Did i mention their jobs r professional killers? But its termed a nicer way like professional engineer n system analyst...both terms describes nicely the way john n jane work. John being bashful joyous mucking around like a dog, while jane is acute sharp careful n analytical of e situation.
Actually neither of them knows wat e other's profession is, n both thinks e other's e perfect stereo-type partner they need n hence behaves likewise

It gets really funny n interestins when e masquerade ends n e cat fights w e dog!

Some scenes i really like is when john is trapped in e lift n jane blows it, when jane races off n john mis-fires n hits her windscreen, e part when jane was down behind e sofa n john kicking her n gets something in return from her (^^); hee a much better movie i wld say than madagascar

I actually hate angeline for her role in tomb raider. She's like too hard core feminist...but this show shows me another side which is... Nice :)

土曜日, 6月 11, 0017

To 64 or not?

Tough question everyone wana know.
Short ans? Its nope.
Even if MS offers win xp 64 as FOC i wld say wait!
Most prob e app u are using isn't supported by e WoW 32bit emu which comes w xp64.
On top of which there's limited anti-virus sw, AVG n NAV doesn't work, symantec's AV ver 10.x works n e only free alternate is Avast.
Mainly sw which needs 32bit drivers wld not work n it's really tough identifying those sw! Only way wld be trial n error lo hee
Games wipe its also dependant on e drivers, which i suppose e sw dev wld take nope effort to dev.
Hey think of it this way kids dont hv lots of red tape n paper work to do when buying sw n games! Lol

火曜日, 6月 07, 0017

Getting lost in the Galaxy?

Well tt's wat i felt after we watched H2G2 (@_@)
It's not tt bad a storyline starting w some dude's ignorance which resulted in his home being demolished. Ironically e Earth was also destroyed tt way, due to humans not logging their protests...
Wat's nice maybe e theme song somewat w e lyrics "goodbye n thanks for all e fish" being sung by e more intelligent Dolphins warning abt e impending destruction of e earth.
There's also an intelligent but sulky robot call Marvin, he sure gets my vote for being e most cute robot in recent shows! Haha
Basically tis show tells us how ignorant we humans r n how much we take things for granted...the earth, relationship n friendship.

So maybe e authors wan us to start going out n make e world a better place rather than be some reclusive hermit...

日曜日, 6月 05, 0017

Boink goes the Mushroom (^_^);

Yipee... just got hooked on something new ;-)
Ermm... not really something that new and swanky like my K750i la
But its somewhat fun and nice game to play hehe (^__^)

What game u may ask? It's Maple SEA!
The SouthEast Asian version of Maple Story la keke

Ya alot of u may laugh at me... why play this childish girly game? (-__-);
But kauz u dudes also got play Gunbound mah! (Some even got majorly hooked la! lol)
So dont come n give me crap about this game being childish n boring man!

Its actually quite cool la hehe MMO, small client to download/install, not bandwidth intensive, versatile jobs... but heck the most important thing is...

It's FREE! As in free biru lor! keke

So nuff of crap... i'll go back to pondering on which job to take on...
Hmmm... mage?, bow?, or thief?...

金曜日, 6月 03, 0017

Fw : 柔綿體驗 ! 哈哈哈 !

我的GF來我家玩...... (My GF came over to my place to play)
然後......... (And then...)
剛好她的"好朋友"來找她....... (So happens her "Friend" just came to look for her)
(我想大家知道我在說什麼..) (I guess everyone would know what i'm talking about)

我想...一般男生的房間..... (I think... Most guy's room...)
除非你有特別需要...... (Unless you got "special" needs...)
不然..你找得到漫畫.找得到 U2 的CD .....找得到過氣的顯示卡....... (Else, you would only find Manga or U2's CD...)
但絕不會有護墊這種東西....... (but you wont be able to find that thing)

但是.......... (but...)
這種東西說來就來... (these speaking of these type of things...)
她要用...你總不能拿個衛生紙給她墊......... (If she needs it... You cant just give her tissue paper...)
突然間...我想到.......... (All of a sudden, i remembered)
我媽是女的.... (My mama's a female)
我妹也是女的.......... (So is my younger sister)

她們一定會有這種東西...... (They sure have it!)
(我真聰明) (I'm so clever)
老娘的東西我不想翻.........所以我把腦經動到我妹的房間......... (My mama's things i dont dare touch... So i directed my attention to my sister's room)

我去我妹房間翻了3個抽屜... (I went to my sister's room n racked thru 3 drawers...)
就發現了這個.......... (and discovered this...)

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當時心想~我真聰明....一下就找到了.. (At that time i tot i was so smart, took me such a short time to find it)
而且還不用花錢~ (on top of it i dont have to pay for it!)

拿給GF以後........ (i gave it to my gf...)
隨著盒子打開來...她也發出了..."咦"的一聲...(as she opened the package, she was shocked)
我隨著她的眼光看過去...我也呆住了........ (i fglanced at what she was looking at... n was equally shocked)

裡面竟然是..........棉花糖 (in it contains... candy floss!)

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我呆了數秒...然後開始發作....(i was dazzled for few seconds before it hit me)
搞屁啊..........盒子沒事做成這樣幹什麼........... (wtf? why make such packaging for candy?)
這樣會比較好賣嗎........(would it sell better with this sort of packaging?)
還是說裡面可以放毒品不被發現...(or u could put drugs in it n not be discovered)

翻到背後.....(i flipped the package...)
出現這個.......衛生棉花糖 (and this appeared... candy floss pads!)

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Translation by kook's fansub! v(^_^) lol

Pee she show!

Didn't quite make it on e first day :( was really banging tt there did be something fresh there...
So even when *everyone* warned tt this pc show is sucky, i still went ahead to it...
OMG i was sooo disappointed man!
No techie stuff
No babes
No gd offers

No shi@z at all!

Think this is e worst IT event i've ever been...
Even linuxworld is much more interesting than this! Lol

Let's just hope next week's CommunicAsia doesn't suck! But hey tt's e biggest network event ;)
Dont forget e babes n freebies!

Today's K750i themes =)

Updated Mamegoma theme with animated background

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Panzz Dog...

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Last but not least an updated Toro neko =) hehe

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Short tempered n impatient...

Think this is a well known fact lo singaporeans r short tempered la
Take an example when a taxi stops to pick up passenger e cars tt r forced to stop wld nearly immediately horn n once someone starts to horn others behind wld follow suit (-_-)...
So much for rd courtesy eh?
Take e above example when a car just stops, e situation may change tempers flare n things get ugly :(

Dont like anger hee makes me hungry thinking of such stuff ;-p

I like to move it move it! Again ?!?!?

OMG, i cant believe i really went to watch Madagascar again man!

Had to meet up with the gang for a final thingie, sort of like a farewell thingie for both SK & co... & elusive E.Honda la hehe

The venue was supposed to be at suntec for dinner at Rice Table, but freaking place is fully booked! As most are quite hungery n didnt wana wait, so LPPL go some pann thai restaurant for dinner lor.

As per normal, kena put plane by Honda... no show (-__-); all used to it liao la
He got some conference call lor, even when later go see show also no turn up (-__-); x 2

Warning hor tt thai restaurant can skip it la, small portions, expensive n tastes so-so only
Think the best dish we ordered was the Green curry, its mildly spicy but tastes like the standard green curry... lots of coconut milk hehe (^_^)

BBQ Sotong (Squid) which Battosai says tastes like spicy char siew (roasted pork)
Deep fried Groupa, thai mango style, meat like tough grandma meat... but its a big fish la =) no doubt u can see the cook over cooked it, turning the tender flesh too dry =( wasted sial...
Tom yum kun was, mildly spicy la got lots of bits of flower crab (-__-); cheap stuff...
Pandan chicken was like oily, tastes bland n abit tough for pieces of chicken tigh meat.
Blachan (prawn paste) fried rice, stay away! SUPER small portion. Very high price. Zilch.
Pineapple rice, small pineapple n even shallower bottom, comes w slices of prawn n sausage.
Tang Hoon (Vemecelli?) salad, no try but heard from the rest is the suckiest dish we ordered!
Long bean stir fry, funny thing they tie up the long beans into knotts before frying in some blachan with some Tau kuah (bean curd), very oily, not tasty at all... (how are u gona convince ur kids to eat vege with such stuff man! hehehe)

Nah we didnt stay for any dessert, the food looks EXACT like the pictures ok!
Gota give kudos to them! hehe which also happens to be the prob, too small a serving for a group of 6 hungry pax! lol So we tot the dessert also would be just as miserly as the main dishes! haha

After dinner went to see Madagascar again lor... n the cinema alot of noisy kids le (x_x); cant really enjoy the show la hehe

While waiting for the show to start i stumbled upon a set of 10 chibi Bleach characters la =) hehe
I'll try to post up something another day lor... most prob they would be replacing the Hamtaro set i've got up on my Switches lor hehe (^__^)v

K nuff said ... molo hope to go PC show! Yeah...

Current theme used on my K750i

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