火曜日, 7月 26, 0017

Sorrow for the lads

Spent en uneventful evening MSN'ing with an old buddy of mine =)
We'd lost contact for a long while, think least few years ago when we split from from the same company. But over the years i sort of barely kept contact with him but i still got updates about him, sudden marriage, had a kid n recently divorced.

So ya know two guys MSN'ing must be talking tiko(dirty) stuff la! lol The norm hehe but nah we had a healthy talk range from work to cars and from money to women...

Ya when guys talk about women, it gets kind of raunchy with the latest conquests rite? ;-)

NOPE, sorry dudes... not for this time round as this buddy of mine is still very sore from his wife, poor dude...

I was like abit shocked, Mr Lady-killer kena killed by lady?

I was readily expecting Mr Lady-killer to be the one whom jumped ship n get caught with his pants down with some chick...

But i was soooo wrong!

His mate jumped ship n he was left dangling with a broken heart, scarred by the one whom he gave all his heart for.

How deep is the scar? Ermmm no idea, but long enough for a womaniser to stay away from woman is pretty deep for me to say so.

I took some effort to get him chatting on about himself as more pressing matters are at stake, like his kid's custody n the alimony...

Which would mean how long more is he gona be in this state before going back to being a normal "guy", well alimony can be pretty hefty. I KNOW !!!

It would turn any guy's world upside-down n in his case i doubt he would become a regular single guy anytime soon...

He loves his kid alot! Well he never told me much about he n his kid, but somehow i get this feeling its more important to him than the alimony.

Dont think u guys need to guess, the kid was awarded to the woman...

Due to our woman's charter prefering to allow the woman to take care of the kid no matter what's the reason for the divorce. Unless she has a criminal record or of mentally unstable la.

He has to pay alimony for the kid in this case too, not sure if he has to pay for the wife or not. What i do know is the wife is staying with the parents n she's more than financially capable of providing for the kid.

So why the double stab of awarding the child to the woman n still wanting him to pay for the alimony n on top of which its the wife whom is unfaithful not him ?!?!?

Ironic right? lol Women's charter ok !!!
Hurray Singapore nice one !!!

Luckily the kid takes his surname n he's allowed to visit him anytime he wants, but as a gd dad he doesnt want his kid to find out the real reason of their divorce.

I only hope the wife n her family do not help "erase" the image daddy in the little kid's mind...

Lesson learned... no matter who u love n how much u love her, before u get married do a PRE-NUP AGREEMENT !!! Ya practise it so ur $ is ur $ n her $ is her $!!!

If any of u need help with a prenup, ask me n i'll refer u to a lawyer friend of mine =)

Yup the same one who's very gd at divorcing too! lol

Now i REALLY get the idea of why my lawyer said NEVER to get married man!!!
There must be 1001 other ways to suck man dry with the laws & Woman's charter in Singapore!

FYI the lawyer is a female too -__-|||

Ermmm shouldn't the law be changed to protect guy's interests too?
(Ya i know, sorry guys have no interests at ALL, u sign on the dotted line n u sign away EVERYTHING!)

How about a Man's charter? hahaha

Dang think about all the countless married man conned into signing away their love n lives at ROM, w/o knowing how powerful the Woman's charter is!

In short woman can play n fling n do whatever they want, no need remorse, coz the charter caters for the custody of the kid n free alimony too

n guys have to clean up the mess later on =)

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