金曜日, 6月 19, 0021

Usagi drop... The little girl in you

Just started reading this interesting sounding manga, not many of chapters yet. I wonder why its called "Usagi Drop", usagi means rabbit in japanese...

This manga is about a Rin, a 6 yr old girl who's life is abruptly changed when her dad died (her mother abandoned her?) and she found out she is an illegitimate child and hv to stay with the family

From Rin's perspective i would feel she's terrified, your whole world crumbling around you (mother abandoned her?) found out she's an illegitimate child, all the father's relatives shun her and pushing away the responsibility of taking care of her?

Mothers sacrificing so much for their children?

Diakinchi hv to change his work & lifestyle totally to take care of Rin, mkaing her his responsibility, being responsible for his decision. Accomodating her and stuff like that.

Rin has a major role to play too, being in a different environment, ppl around her gv her those "looks", looking down on her etc... She's going thru alot of stress & changes, having to learn a new lifestyle, new friends & learn how to trust ppl again. There's alot of sad moments as she tried to adapt and Daikinchi isnt the most attentive guy around (but he's better then me ^^;)

I duno wat i'm posting here... just felt those pics of her face looks gd, the feelings...

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