木曜日, 4月 23, 0021


finding the reason to stay tgt, is there such a need? must there be a reason or cause to stay tgt? why can't it be simply I love her, I want to see her smile, I want her to be happy, I want her love n attention, I want to be her everythg.

why can't I be the one to make her happy? what's holding me back, restraining me?

clear my doubts n work on my sincerity!!!

why do I doubt her?
why do I see her with colored shades?
why do I keep saying thgs n meaning e other?

step out of my doubts n pain before it's too late!!! dodo!!!

"drift away" is already signal for u to wake up!!! before she leaves!!!

I sld forget her negative past n concentrate on building a positive future w her

instances where she thinks for me n I dnt know (vvvvv impt!!!)
- bought katakana fridge magnets n I was in self-indulgence over my feelings
- asked me over for porky soup but I turned her down saying I'm still hurt n ashamed to see her
- lots of chances on msn to make up but I was still in self-indulgence hurt mode >,<
- she can ask other guys to fetch her but instead she asked me
- worst of e lot is I doubted her n made her world crash down. does it really matter if she's borrowing or using other guys' $? why must I think of her actions as wrong? she needs to survive n maybe tt's her way of living which I sld accept n not question or doubt!!!
- she's crying in her dreams, in e nights n her loneliness, where was I? e one whom promised to be her constant n promised not to leave her no matter wat hpns? I am hiding in my cave nursing my wounds.. I'm still trying to rebound n get back on my feet. no one is able to help me, no one dares to say bad thgs to me abt her or us.

it has always been her, thinking positive n me screwing it up.

my words lack e sincerity?

we can be tgt, just we duno how?

nobody is right or wrong in a relationship, it's just difference in life n views. take it positive as a variance in ur life n choices :)

what are we like before this incident?
how can we be happy w each other again?
I need help...

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