月曜日, 6月 22, 0021

Wise words from one of my pesky angels

(10:27 AM) Fierce Angel :    
*yeee agree
(10:54 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*agree wat?
(10:55 AM) Fierce Angel :    
*your msn pm
(10:56 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*LOL u got blog meh~ :P
(10:56 AM) Fierce Angel :    
*not mine lor.. :P but ur list of gfs loe
(10:57 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*i where got list of gf wor~ hahaha
*wat u think ghosts of gf past? LOL
(10:57 AM) Fierce Angel :    
(10:59 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*she posted this in her blog after seeing my MSN DM http://www.elyricsworld.com/whatever_works_for_you_lyrics_donnellshawn.html
(11:01 AM) Fierce Angel :    
(11:02 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*i wonder if i sld reply her...
(11:03 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*or just keep mum
(11:10 AM) Fierce Angel :    
*keep mum.. :P cos the more u reply the more she will reply u.. and then it's a never ending story
(11:11 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*ya tt's wat i'm thinking too
(11:25 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*i still feel its a loss...
(11:25 AM) Fierce Angel :    
(11:26 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*well breaking up no matter how u see it is still a loss
(11:27 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*u know losing wat is impt to u?
*no matter wts the reason is still a loss
(11:29 AM) Fierce Angel :    
*u officially broken up?
(11:30 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*yeah few weeks back
(11:31 AM) Fierce Angel :    
*but u broke up for a reason
*so dont think too much abt it
(11:36 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*still wld think of her mah...
*i also hope she wld be happy
(11:37 AM) Fierce Angel :    
*in the early stage ma
(11:38 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*early or later stage i wld still think of my ex de
*dnt u?
(11:39 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*its just tt ex wld be in this special place where its not like u care so much, but also not like u dont care for them
(11:42 AM) Fierce Angel :    
(11:42 AM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
(1:48 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*Her MSN DM....... 我真的很累..
(1:49 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*aka I'm really very tired
(1:49 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*... another sad story
*i can read those.. :P
(1:49 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*:P benefit for doubt mah
(1:49 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*she will get over it
(1:49 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*eh i also need to get over it~
(1:49 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*women is toughter than u think..
(1:50 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*delete her from ur msn pls..
(1:50 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*i know~ she is tougher than me~~~
*eh i del her how many times le lor~
(1:50 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*then add back ah
(1:50 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*n i readd her back so many times ><;
(1:50 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*aiyo.. :P u worse than me
(1:50 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*ya i more chui n lousy in affairs of the heart then u lor ><;
(1:51 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*-.- u are a guy and 30++
*how can that be
*you more drama
(1:52 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*i feel like put in my DM... "let it go since u r tired, it is destined we arent meant to be..."
(1:52 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*-.- ignore it
(1:52 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
(1:52 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*if you really thinking of letting go
*just ignore whatever thing she put in her msn or her blog
*unless u are playing some soap opera drama..
(1:53 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*by replying each other through msn msg, is not really solving the problem
(1:53 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*ya me know =(
*but i cant let go if u can sense from my words...
(1:53 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*know then do it..
(1:54 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*every break up hav its stage, u r on the first stage
*thats why its difficult to let go
*but once you are able to go through this stage, everything will be easier
*i think its u who keep telling me, "time will heal"
(1:55 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*yeah ><
*but no matter how many times it wld still hurt
(1:56 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*and everybody knows it.. and get over it.. :D
(1:56 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*sometimes i feel like just asking her.. is tis wat u really wan?
*n she'll tell me up to u
*its ok w me
(1:56 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*u know, no matter what question or how many question u ask.. there will be no answer to it
(1:57 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*as im sure she also doesnt know what she actually want
(1:57 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*myself i dont wan this... but if she not willing to make the effort to improve thgs... it wld only get worser =(
(1:57 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*thats why she told u, "up to u"
*then if you know it, u must let go
*you can accept her the way she is..
*you cant expect her to change either
(1:58 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*ya we're just not meant to be ^^
(1:59 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*if you knew it all along.. then stick to it
(2:02 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*i fickle minded can anot? LOL
(2:02 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*you cant keep thinking of the rs..
(2:02 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*i just need help keep constantly reminding me... whip me up abit :P S&M hahaha
(2:02 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*go find new gf
(2:02 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*nah i need to let go... move on then when all is ok then look for new gf
*i dont wana be a rebounder
(2:03 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*its not fair to anybody =)
(2:04 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*haha.. being fair doesnt do good to anybody
*world is not fair and everybody know it too
*we treasure what we have now is also because the world is unfair towards us before
*:P so it's a good thing
(2:05 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*-,-; eh so u mean i sld just grab a gf not cos i really love her but cos i need someone else to replace her? no way man! zzz
*i allowed one of my ex to be a rebounder n till now i still regret it
(2:06 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*not just any girl, but at least girl that you quite like or comfortable with la..
*who knows it will grow into someting else
*u will never know
*at least we try
(2:07 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*ya i tried w her.. n now i'm hurt ><
(2:08 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
(2:09 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*thats why its time to let go.. :(
*one or both will be hurt.. but should you regret it? NO..
(2:10 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*cos at least u tried, and when it didnt work out.. no body is to be blamed.. you are just not meant to be together
*and stop wasting time mourning over it, time is precious..
(2:11 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*dont regret it when you finally wake up, time has passed few years and you've missed so many chances
(2:11 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*ya... 10z tt's wat i've been feeling all these while... i dnt feel angry w her, i just feel its like a great loss, too early to gv up.. u know tt kind of feeling
*ya lor ><; me old le mah zzz not like u all so young~ hahaha
(2:11 PM) Fierce Angel :    
(2:12 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*i must put my DM to be somethg more cheerful n some way to let others come cheer me up n encourage me ^^
(2:12 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*although I am younger than u, even me always have the feeling of time passing to fast
*there always not enough time to do things i would like to do when im young
(2:13 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*thats why i telling u, dont waste time
*:P cos before u realize.. we are getting older and older
*i still feel im 17
(2:13 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*hai hai~ u 17? BS :P
(2:13 PM) Fierce Angel :    
(2:14 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*nah.. we can age physically but our mind stop aging ma
*anyway the number of girls compare to guys in the world is 4;1
*why should you worry
*u can actually have 4 women at the same time
(2:14 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*zzz 1 is enuff lor~ pls~~~
(2:15 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*i not muslim k!
(2:15 PM) Fierce Angel :    
(2:15 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*i also v loyal de k~!
(2:15 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*ya ya
(2:15 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*eh u know me how long wor? hahaha
(2:15 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*i know la..
(2:15 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*kauz how many times u see me flirt? hahaha
*how i wish i'm like other guys lor... can flirt n so easily get over gers ><;
(2:15 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*but when it's not urs.. there is no point to loyal over that item lor..
(2:16 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*very often
(2:16 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*over 1 ger nia... sigh... my life is in horrid ruins hahaha
*=___= eh where got lor~ pls~ gv me an exmple of when u see me flirting? LOL
(2:16 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*aiyo... i keep thinking... how come all my guys friends so drama like u
(2:17 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*cos we gt no alternate places to vent our questions n doubts?
(2:17 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*tot drama queensss are enough but the drama kings also join the party
*and too bad that my exes got over me like .... over night?
(2:17 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*tt's y i say... i sld be like those casanovas la... gt over gers so easily... everyday change different ger rite? LOL
(2:17 PM) Fierce Angel :    
(2:18 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*ya, thats should be the case..
*aiya.. u can think abt it.. but dont let it bother u
*it will heal
(2:18 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*me loyal la zzz as a fren u know how loyal i am le ><
(2:19 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*kauz maybe tt's y i cant let go of such thgs so easily bah
(2:20 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*u need me to slap u?
(2:20 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*10z for ur words n advice leh ^^ really appreciate it n hope i cld gt over her soon
(2:20 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*a wake up slap
(2:20 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*if u slap me n it wld help i dnt mind lor =(
(2:20 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*aiyo.. that advice, im pretty sure you heard it from everybody
*hahaha.. and urself know it too
*u just need someone to vote for the thought
(2:21 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*ya i hear it 101 times le but i jst need to keep hearing it ><
(2:21 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*of course it would help, the pain from the slapping can make u forget her at least for few hours
*or let me help u think of 101 ways to revenge your ex
*that would be very fun
(2:26 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*you really are.. that's why u need lots and lots of slaps
(2:27 PM) sixx:    
*... ya =(
(2:28 PM) Fierce Angel :    
*still dare to laugh
(2:30 PM) Innocent Me~! :p :    
*kk i'll post this in my blog~ ^^ hehe

Ouch~ I need to heal back soon n move on with my life... =(

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