木曜日, 7月 28, 0017

Got feed n got gastric

Had a wonderful oppurtunity to eat Ostrich steak this afternoon at Vines Seafood & Steak (Novena Ville, 275 Thomson rd)

It was quite lucky that we managed to make it there for lunch! Well the best laid plans are always foiled by something unexpected, but anyway we were able to sneak away from all the work to savior this wonderful meal!

The restaurant is a cozy n hippy place w lots of brown n earthly looking mediteranian deco, sort of resembling Margarita's. All the waiters are handsome lads n we were suspecting they are also of mediteranian origins. They are serious about their job going around carrying a stern face, but warm smiles constantly greets the patrons.

Most of the patrons are of working class or least mid management level as compared to the patrons of the other food joints around the area.

As we were in a rush, we didnt have the time to really look thru the main-menu n the 4 of us ordered the same Ostrich steak set lunch n done medium. Before u all rattle off why there aint no variation in the orders, i would like to say this, none of us have any idea how does ostrich meat taste like. Even though its the most expensive item in the set lunch menu, $14++ is still quite reasonable n its only like $5 higher than the usual steak/chix sets.

The set came w Gumbo chicken soup, mixed fruit pudding n coffee or tea. On top of which we ordered a dozen escargoes for appetizers.

Dont ask me what is gumbo soup ok! I've got no idea too hehe, but i suspect the soup has some flour content n lots of finely chopped bell peppers n has a nice slightly fresh bell pepper taste on top of the creamy taste.

Looks nice, smells even nicer...

The escargoes were somewhat dissapointing in that the tiny morsels were abit too soft n lacking in flavour. The butter was overpowering the taste of the garlic n herbs.

Out main course is heaven! A nice slab of ostrich meat served on a bed of sliced onions on top of a sizzling hotplate. Accompanied by small chunks of sauteed potatoe bits n boiled vegetables.

Big piece of meat right? CL's portion le... n she's still hungry -___-;

The meat is very tender, even for the sides which are often tough for normal beef steaks as there is no fats to keep the juices in. It tastes faintly like beef but has a slight smell, which some find it not so pleasant. The manager recommended only going for either medium or medium well at most, if its too rare the smell would be over powering n too well, the meat would turn too tough. Dont forget even as u eat the steak, the meat is still cooking!

The onions sort of became sauteed over time n begin to soak in the juices of the ostrich n brown mushroom pepper sauce.

The potato chunks were of bite size, at first impression it seems like they are plainly deep fried, but on second glance, it seems like its grilled n had some form of special seasoning which gave it a somewhat "sweet" taste which is alluring n somewhat uncommon taste in local cuisine. It's sort of like having a pretty girl wearing a orange/yellow summer (chiffon?) dress n a sweet warm smile in the crowds of pretty office ladies along orchard rd... Bright n attractive.

Pudding! Pudding! Pudding! Yummy! Hehehe

Desert was kind of attractive looking pudding with a bright pastel orange hue, its smells vaguely of watermelon & honeydew, on top of other fruits which we've got no idea of. ITs just wierd that there's a layer of clear gelatin below the mixture of fruits, which could mean the gelatin sinked down while it was firuming up.

Sorry ppl, pix would be posted later in the day... I need to sleep now x_x

Edit : updated with picx now hehe ^_^

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