火曜日, 8月 02, 0017

Operation : Chicken Little, Sorting out the chix in the basket


Before i continue hor, should let u guys know first le.
Just coz i bring out a ger does not mean i'm interested in her in the past, present or future le. Aka just like i keep bringing a guy out meet u peeps, u sick sick ppl keep thinking i'm gaying w him la! hahaha

Diao... ok above gaying example u guys know la its the GayDog himself lor! hahaha n the pax whom say i gay w him is none other than my sweet n terrifying ex n the farting ah pui! kekeke

Wah lau u sick sick ppl keep thinking i'm either busy whipping his gay ass or interested in some 083 auntie le! Both are not true ok! I've been framed by the sixth sense which some of u seems to posses

"I do not fantasize about some guy's ass nor some old ladies~!~!~!" *waves hands in circle*
(but sometimes i would wana land my feet on tt big fat dog's ass ok! hahaha)

k k... for the serious part la, someone made me me this comment lor

"i nvr took u seriously leh .... even til now ..."

Kauz hear liao i heart pain le...
My glass heart break sial (x_x) ppl take me for monkey
Then i kena label Sensative New Age Guy somemore *abish*

k k too Off topic liao la *sniff sniff* *blows nose into tissue*
This comment sent me thinking abit, cannot think too much wait ppl say i super SNAG le.

Actually this blog was suppose to be quite long going off into another view eh hehe
but i got bitten by the stupid gaydog n got sobber abit liao =) hehehe
(Help~! Think i got rabbies from that bite liao! Molo i take MC go see doc get jab! keke)

I think i would need more time to know a person, being interested in knowing a person doesnt mean things would turn out well =)

Somethings are best left as being friends, colleagues or as it is the best la...

I shouldnt be telling too much things to ppl whom i take for as friends but not knowing anything about them at all lor or do they really treat me as a fren anot lor...

I know i'm sincerely trying to be gd frens w them la, trying to help out n get to know them better lor. But i feel tt they are knowing me better where as i know nuts abt about them.

Ya what i feel for another person doesnt mean that the other person would treat me the same way lor.

Sumimasen...Sorry to make u all worry about me.

K 10z dudes... got the idea liao =)

PS to her : sorry but i dont wana go off into the opposite end n sound like some ger-crazy SNAG la. I just feel like i'm the ant running around n not knowing where to go now lor... I'll make it a point to try n see to it tt i could find out something new tt i duno abt u everyday, this is no flowery mouth like before liao...
btw the cookie u passed to me tastes horrible (@_@)

PS to aunties : I would still ask her out, talk to her, chat n joke w her lor.
As long she willing to communicate w me I would be gladly do so too lor.
As for is there anything going on, i got no idea n dont wana go think abt it la.
If u wana know go bug her lor! hahaha *wink wink* I just wana enjoy her company as she makes me feel comfy lor, no generation gap la ;p kekeke

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