水曜日, 8月 03, 0017

Sneaky Sneaky to JB ^o^ AGAIN! ~_~

Wasn't really trying to be sneaky today eh le!
Last min at abt 8+am si gui FatBat call me say he taking MC le!!!

Tell me also take MC -__- of coz i gd boy la no wana take MC got a persistant prob w a server at office la (No prizes for those whom guessed the server is ProbChild's baby la >__< )

Does this face look sick to u? hahaha

Bat suggest go JB w the Doggie poop, so i just tell him u get him liao then let me know i go office settle prob lor...

Not my idea ok~!~! I very innocent eh le! Seldom pon-tang(skip) work eh kekeke

So wait n wait... Bat say the dog sleep till like dead to the world liao, call hp n call home no listen (>_<)

Siao liao lor! Put me plane AGAIN la, kauz i go office no bring bag n laptop le how to work? hehe n i wasnt planning to stick around to get my ass burnt by my boss le!

Sian liao lo... make me no mood till i didnt even go makan lunch w the two beautiful flowers in office. (PS Carrotcake, ppl complain say u no go eat lunch w them n choose to go w lau aunties le!)

Anyway later in the afternoon we manage to meet up n go JB la ^o^

Reach Woodlands customs only the crazy dog say he can smell SR's Black Forest cake le!
I retort by saying wah didnt know my fart smells that nice! ^o^v

Talk about being crazy le...all the way till we reach City Square he keep saying that he can smell Black Forest cake...

Well we between the 3 of us we had like 2 slices of Black Forest cake n a Rocky Mountain lor.

I would strongly discourage ppl from taking their lemon tea or frosted lemon tea... SUCKS major! hehehe

Rocky Mountain, some sort of cheesy cake w a layer of lightly flavoured coffee-cheese on top. The bottom cheese layer sort of feels abit too heavy n the edges abit too burnt x.x
This one looks better la!

Black Forest, looks nice taste nice, nto too sweet hehe gd for the ladies la! But its very creamy! Doggie even found a berry seed in it! haha
ps lousy pic la ~_~

Well while having the cakes the 2 had to pull off some form of racist jokes le -__-

Bat was acting like he's from Asia n Dog a white la, the idea is just how minute n unsignificant is Singapore n Malaysia as compared to Bangkok to the average white guys! lol

B: I'm from singapore!
D: Duno where is that
B: I'm from Malaysia!
D: Duno where is that
B: I'm from Bangkok!
D: Yeah yeah, bangkok i've been there! Bang gers! Bang gers!
D: Turned out to be guy, Turned out to be guy (-__-);

Makan song-song(happy) liao, we went geese hunting w the crazy dog (@.@)
This time round its for a 2nd hand hp lor, its really terrible ok!

Hmmm... Think its even more horrible than going shopping w the 3 Taurus ok!!! That's just how bad it is!

Well for once, all we know is its a Samsung mobile which is sliding n has a sqaure center button n is like dirt cheap lesser than SGD$200.

No model number n only his very-very-very-very vague recgonition could we rely on.

I guess all of u know la, u could always depend on him to detect which gers are wearing bra, find a certain ger in school uniform in a large crowd of school gers la or anything gota do w the fairer sex eh, find him sure can help u settle eh! hehe

But if u r gona depend on him for identifying a certain mobile or identifying if the ger is really ger or trans hor... forget it la!

Make us walk up n down Holiday Plaza the whole afternoon n evening (x_x)
Duno if its due to he wana see gers or really cant find the phone he wants...

Think he is looking for this model la... In the end bought this model lor...

Not bad rite? The model he bought, it is a SGH-E808C which is a white version lor n u know la when kids get a new toy sure play gleefully w it eh lor ;p hehe

I really regreting setting his slider tone to bubbles man (x.x) coz pesky him go set to something else n keep annoying the hell out of us in the cab trip return back!!! %$#@%&^%#$%

At last after mission accomplished we could RNR till dinner time liao lor hehe in the mean time i went about n grabbed a bag of 30 x Ikan Muruku =)

Nice le! Well its not some delicacy or exquisite snack la...
But in the rememberance of angel whom delivered this to me when i was fainting from hunger made it especially meaningful for me lor ^.^
(Of coz not to mention that to a hungry man anything which can be eaten then is delicious!)

Anyway we made out way from Holiday Plaza to Stulang Laut near Eden Garden Hotel lor, this is our mission! To have cheap n good seafood! Well it has really been years since we were in the area, least 5years or more i did say.

Walking down the river banks remind me of those times we all had lots of fun as a whole group of frenz came along, had great food n stayed over in 1 rm in the Eden Garden hotel lor hehe. It was really fun, when the dog n i had the financial capability to take such short breaks la...

Back to present, the area seems vaguely familar lor, the restaurants besides the river banks have changed owners n different names have sprouted around. The little market which was in the carpark is no longer there.

The place seems much more deserted, maybe its due to us visiting during offpeak weekdays?

We went to this restaurant with the numbers 728 in big chinese characters, there's like only 3 other group of dinners there lor n they were like having light meals as compared to us la hehe. btw i was still like quite full n cant eat much (@.@)

Since the Bat doesnt eat any seafood, we went w the standard stuff of Lemon chick, Hotplate Tofu n Blahchan kangkong. The dog ordered abt 1kg of chilli crabs n 500gm of butter crayfish n 6 fried man-tous (chinese buns)

(x.x) Siao liao la ... I CANT eat so much le!

The food served was so-so lor, the lemon chick is not bad, kangkong abit too overcooked n the hotplate was running out of sizzling power. (-_-);

The Chilli crabs tasted not bad la, but its small mud crabs lor, not bad la but not as fresh n sweet as i was expecting lor. But the buns is light crispy n surprisingly not oily at all n it went very well with the crabs =)

Best is the Butter crayfish, very nice n tasty. They deep fried it in some batter n it resembles abit like tempura or goreng pisang but the batter is lightly coated! Just too bad for 500gm it is only 2 crayfish n we only had like 4 pieces of the tender flesh.

Even now i feel very full! hehehe

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