水曜日, 4月 13, 0017

TV Tv... Love it or hate it...

All of us have this love hate relationship with the little square box, it's sort of like the one u have w ur mate ;-) hehe
It comes in many form, shape, sizes n colors n these few years it have progressively turned slimmer, wider n sexier as we demand it
What do we all do infront of the square box?
I vaguely remember days gone whereby my whole family crowded around infront of the TV watching good old shows from SBC, it wasnt a big TV maybe a 21" which is huge in those days. There wasnt anything like NICAM stereo or DVD quality stuff then, just some flickering clor images appearing, even then i would be equally pleased n eagerly looking forward to watching TV w my family...
Looking back, those were great times to me. Sitting around w my parents n sister just enjoying the vivid images n storyline unfold.
The TV mersmerizes us, bringing us into a fairytale like world for us to experience whatever program, over the years i'm still equally mersmerized. Heck u can call me a TV freak, since my whole life literally revolved around tt square box -_-;
Since after being introduced to game consoles like NES/MD, i've been spending alot more time infront of it, way too much time.
Regret? Nope, thru gaming i to know alot of great frenz n learnt alot of things while growing up...
But the sad thing would be, i gradually distant myself from my family. My life i grew up without experiencing more family joy n laughter. I only knew games, TV shows n outside frenz.
Blind to the affairs happening at home ... n around me.
My dad got involved with women. I lost an Uncle to cancer. I lost another due to a car accident, in this accident my dad the driver only had light injuries, my mum had multiple fractures in her leg n have to walk like a limp. My aunt was paralysed from waist down n would forever hate my dad. I've to live in shame when ever i meet her, even though she doesnt resent me at all.
My cousins got hitched, it was like only yesterday when i attended their weddings. Only to hear tt they're all divorcing now. How ironic.
All these happened while i was quietly watching TV,
n i still am watching CSI NY while i'm penning this down...

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