火曜日, 9月 27, 0017

To the girl whom is important to me... I'm sorry...

Re: it hurts =`(

Since this came in first, i'll have to reply this... why do u wana rake up the past? It has already went under the bridge liao...

I'm sorry if i had hurt ur dignity

I changed it to miscomm liao n both of us admit n apologized lor. We both were equally at fault rite? Fair?
I not asking for alot, just the courtesy to let me know so i would know how to react to other ppl when they ask

My greatest fear is not to be slapped on either cheeks by u, nor is it i'm never gona be able to win ur heart.
It is for u to be unhappy n to cry becoz of me. And both happened on friday night...

I feel like a failure lor, not able to keep u happy...

I dont wan emails to n from u to have such heavy feeling to it... so i would just let it pass...


ps: this hurts just as much as on firday nite... so please dont rake it up no more ok? else...

3 件のコメント:

12:51 午前 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

random surf by your blog.. hmm, if u give her the pair of tickets.. u shldn't be so 'concerned' in who she go with.. its a gift with no strings attached, isn't it?

it may make her and others feel that u got an agenda... like u wanna impress or make her feel that she owe u something in return.

9:56 午後 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

Nice gd point there =)

Havent really given a thought of any agenda yet... hmmm

It would be easier if i really had thought of an agenda too!

Great suggestion!

7:57 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

Hmm… y need to explain “random surf by your blog” u must be the girl who going out w another guy mention in this blog right. Shldn’t u/girl at lease ask him first (priority) since the tix is fm him. Ur comment have shown ur are selfish, inconsiderate, & who take advantage of ppl kindness. =(



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