木曜日, 12月 15, 0017

The famous Bakerzin at last?

Rushed down to meet sis this afternoon for lunch, paisei la come back so long no meet her hehe ppl already complain the dog no go meet her liao ;p now i also no go find her? hahaha Woman ah! problem le! keke

So anyway this is what she had la, some spicy clam pasta. Crazy ger add tobasco sauce to it somemore le! x_x xiu do! But gota agree it gives an added dimension to the flavor lor
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Myself i had some porkchip w pasta la, very tough porkchop lor x_x can take n throw at robbers ok! 1 hit KO! Confirm! keke
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Portion damn blardy small la ;p like machum Happy meal lor ;p Me so big size where got enough eh? hehe

So... after which i went to call for desert la ;p hehe
Sis said order 1 enuff liao la, me still hungry le, so greedily ordered 3 instead! kekeke
But i didn't order tiramisu, kena screwed by her for not doing so! hahaha ;p

This is some secret pleasure la, lot of choco, heard the bean on top is very bitter. So i guessed it must be some coffee bean lor keke Myself i love the biscuit layer inside =)
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Ordered this walnut cheese cake! Yummy! very creamy n very nutty texture hehe
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This one i like =) Eclair keke actually its coz of this eclair then i go buy desert eh le hehe i see the oppo table ppl eat song song so i can't resist the temptation la keke
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Too bad i cant chor lor i felt like taking the whole thing up n bite into it like a hotdog ;-) YUMMY! hehe

This one is i kena candid shot ~_~; diaoz...
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Last but not least, this joke was told by a vegetarian colleague whom was arguing with us about why he choosed eating greens instead of meat.

VEGE : "I choosed not to eat meat and instead vege because vegetables dont have 心(xin, heart) in it"
VEGE : "Tell me where got vege inside got 心?"
ME : "Ermmm...菜心 lor!"
VEGE : =_________________=" *must be there thinking wana kill me liao! hiak hiak*

6 件のコメント:

10:25 午前 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

wah one month haven't see you, u like put on weight hor???
Who is the vegetarian colleague? Wes? Potato

10:41 午前 に投稿, Blogger Jonathan Wong さんは書きました...

Hey, is the picture taken from your T9??

1:29 午後 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

@Potato, I where got put on weight la! lol Come back feel my jeans lagi loose le ;p
Who else other than Wes? keke

Last night chat w KFC till 4am @_@ now still abit high haha

@Jon, no la didnt take my T9 out yet le hehe havent found a suitable pouch to bring it out =(
But i'll find one i like soon! keke

Guys who free on 24th go makan dinner? Those attached eh not welcomed! ;-) hahaha

5:58 午後 に投稿, Blogger Jonathan Wong さんは書きました...

Go mustafa center and buy a pouch for your T9 la. Cheap and go.

9:58 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

Wahahah good one on the vegetarian reply....Everytime i read your blog on the food you eat, its always so sinful -_-"

U and Kenny gay issit.. He also msn me just now, said he talk to you until very late this morning

3:10 午前 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

@Jon, bro i know la but i not looking for those normal pouch, u know my pattern eh keke must be something special ;-) think most prob i gona use my HP pouch instead keke i wan something which is draw-string kind la, see how lor. I bought the T9 pouch but feel it's a waste of $ coz i dont really like it lo =(

@Potato, tt one is taiko eh la ;p make him LPPL keke. No la just wat i so happen to eat lor, some pics better than purely words rite? hehe

Dont think u wana know wat we talked abt, coz its already in the past liao. As i said, 进水不凡河水.



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