月曜日, 12月 05, 0017

Wise words from a wise man

It was a surprising conversation which I had, It lasted for a mere 15 minutes
Without me saying much this person actually knew what I'm going through
I've never told him much about anything at all, he only knows i've got some feelings for her.
Pure and simple. I wasn't expecting him to talk to me in such detail at all. He knows, that is all I could say and i suspect he knows so much more than what I could hope to say in this blog. FYI he doesnt read this blog.
He is very analytical of the situation and took the words right out of my heart.
These words are what i'm really scared to say or speak out
To her you are nothing be a companion to kill her time and have fun
When she's back with her partner, you've to learn to be strong and not emational.
In the end just enjoy and have fun, cause that is what she only wants.
She loves to be pampered, so just give her what she wants.
Dont feel for her, cause someday the one who's gona be really hurt is you.
He conveyed everything he wanted to say, crystal clear, to me. But what really hit me is the following...
The sad things is you cant share your feelings with anyone, as no one can understand you.
None of them have been through what you and me have. They can only give you negative feedback.
A salute to him from this friend.
How sad it is to be surrounded by friends who only cares about having fun?
Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, but when you cry, you cry alone...
Is this what she means by not having any close friends?
Am I gona be like this? Is this who I wanabe?
Who could really reach her heart?
Am I lucky as compared to her?
So many questions and no answers in the horizon Let sleeping dogs lie, as they say.
I've done too much already, she'll come to me if she needs to, but i highly doubt so =)

4 件のコメント:

10:06 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

My friend,

You dun cry alone. Sometimes we are too sad to notice those who cry with us.

If you can count how many good friends you have and it's more than zero, you are indeed lucky.

Or else, your darkest moments will show the friends to keep for life.

I was lucky to see you in KL :D

We fall in order to learn how to get up .. GamBaTei

12:12 午前 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

Yep, friends whom help shine the light, but I fear the shadows casted by the light ;p

Seeing u in KL is also gd for me, for i was also running away from my shadow too

The one whom had to suffer was the dog! hahaha

3:45 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

So unfair, this guy one word actually won us all words..

Dont feel for her, cause someday the one who's gona be really hurt is you.

I told u something like this before, that u will be hurt.. Yet mine words are like gone as the wind..

Now I'm curious to know who this man is..


2:01 午前 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

The different thing is he experienced wat I've been thru before =)

It's like empathy lor ;p

I only summarize wat he meant, it may sound similar to wat you might have said lor. You've got such beautiful words too =)

I've promised someone never to quote again...

Sorry, no doubt u may have said something like the above lor, but say is one thing experiencing, remembering n relating how u felt to someone who's going thru the same thing is a totally different thing. Hope u understand.

I'll be the one probing coz i've never spoken to this guy abt this issue before, so how does he know so much?



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