金曜日, 12月 02, 0017

Which would you choose?

If in life you could only have one of the following, which would you choose?
Great love
Great sex
Great money
If you were to choose any of the above, the others would never appear in your life...
Cheem hor? Heard this off class 95 again ;p
I guess no need me to say you peeps would have already guessed what I would choose liao ;p
Yes! It's Great SEX! Muahahahaha
As if I could fake you guys le! kekekeke
Even if I was to remain a poor guy all my life, I wont mind, coz I know all of you would support me ;p
Guys? Eh where you all run to ah? I havent start borrowing $$$ man! kekeke
Well I'm an a guy with great ambition, to earn a million or a billion.
Just enough to cover the needs, of my family.
All these years, I've been chasing sexy butts, short skirts n *ahem* free love muahahaha
It really isnt what I want, along the way i've hurt and broken alot of hearts ;p like real hor
I would choose Great Love, a never ending love for as long as I last and beyond. If possible la
Sad to say, the one I love doesnt love me. There are others whom love me, but I dont love them, the way lovers do
I can say I'm a very lucky guy, lots of brotherly & sisterly love to help me get-by =)
My road ahead is still very bumpy, as my mood swings from being merry to sad and weary.
Maybe I should go join a church ;> Muahahaha
To taint and rebuke the holy words ;p
Joking ah! Kauz dont wan ppl to flame me siaz

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