日曜日, 11月 27, 0017

Zodiac sign for the Virgo Man ;> keke

Well, nothing better to do then look thru zodiac signs n see if its really me anot le! hehe
It's like a mini-laughter just to see how accurate these things are ;>
To date i've only seen one which is quite accurate about me... hush...
So here goes...
Time is precious for Virgo man and if you make him wait, he will consider that as an insult.
Got so bad meh? Hmmm used to alot of plane flying liao le ;p keke
He hates to hear criticism and hates to be criticize.
No la! Siaoz prefer ppl to tell me straight in the face than behind my back gossip lor
Sometimes no choice lor ppl discuss abt me n dont wana let me know, afriad of hurting me lor ~_~ hehe
If he is criticizing other people, then he must be influenced by other Zodiac.
Last time I criticized someone ah.... hmmm quite long time back le hehe on top of Odean Katong... I still remember u know ;-)
He is and he likes to be a perfectionist.
Perfect about wat? *ROFL* Think i'm the one who has the worst standard in taste liao le ;p keke
Look at my love life... hahaha from bad to worse le!

He always think he is doing the right and appropriate thing , and often he thinks he makes no mistake.
Ok 1UP for this, most of the time I'm doing the wrong things at the wrong time! hehe
And it's mistake after mistake... Thinking I could right the wrong...
My whole life is a mistake! muahahaha ;p
He is a bright guy and could accept comments if he thinks it can improve himself.
Hmmm accepts comments? Yeap, but act on these comments ermmm trying to la
Kauz... new gay hairstyle, new clothes... uncles also need time to change eh mah ;p kekeke
He is the type who well adjusted to make changes.
Life is about changes, need to make changes to adapt to life... still trying to make changes, however subtle it maybe...
He will spent money carefully and spent it worthwhile.
Ermmm not exactly frugal la, but been spending alot recently, not very good n healthy on my wallet! haha
Thinking about a major purchase which i may still do on impulse...
He will only extravagant for his personnel pleasure only.
Haha sorry, recently I've yet to be spending much on myself, always on others. Making others happy =)
He is quite romantic, a type of guy who can drive 100 miles just to tell you how much he misses you.
No car le ;p Why drive when u can make a IDD call? or SMS better still? keke
If he does not care about you, he will not even spent a dime to call you locally.
Ermmm... MSN la! I where got so ngiao eh ;p least would SMS if i could le...
Except to my ex la! keke She's still very fierce towards me ~__~;
Long distant special low rate call is also out of the question.
No la! Recently had this long chat w this suku guy... cost me $61.58 ok! lol
Tia eh le! ps coz i had to leave before having a chance to really chat w him lor...

He hates rough and crude people.
Huh? Wrong again la! Kauz all my gang where got Nice guys eh! keke
Sorry man cant click with those goodie two shoes ppl! *hiakz*
So most prob the nice guys u see around me... Actually arent really tt nice la! hahaha
His woman has to be clean and dress well.
Not really le, but got this thing for ladies in power pants la ;p No way for ladies in flowery stuff lor @_@
Would always remember this zebra pants which my colleague wore once! Once is enough liao! Hahahaha
He inspects any thing in details beside being a perfectionist, so you could be lying in your bikini with a perfect figure and he can suddenly comments you about your big feet.
*blink blink* No la! Siaoz If i was to really comment on ur feet would mean I got nothing to comment liao
Only after I've praised all the gd points abt the shapely figure, firm tits n nice butt la *wink* haha DOM le~!~! kekeke
Nah think I'll first start with the hairs on ur butt... ;p kekeke XIU DO~!~! keke
If you gain 2 pounds , he may comments you are getting too fat.
No way man, 1kg is abit more than 2 pounds and I dont see a difference, so why worry? hehe
Before going out with this kind of guy, look at yourself head to toe in the mirror and ask yourself if you are really and entirely ready.
duh~!~! Who cares la! Only thing which would make me feel uncomfy is black-telephone wires drooping out.
Makes me really embaressed to point it out to the ger lor, wait ppl think I DOM beo ppl eh bra strap le x_x;
when in actual fact if the ger dont every few minute adjust the strap i wont be bothered about it at all! hehe
Unless he dates a model, then he will have less comments.
Models? Please I hate models le! Would be a hard time on myself to make sure she's really ok and comfy ya know!
He is neat and tidy, so his life always in a schedule, a fix time to lunch, the same time to go home.
>__< hehehe my life is in a shamble, it couldnt get any worse than this. Actual fact is always something crops up... at the last min
He is well knowledge about food and conscious about nutrition, so you won't see this guy eating a junk food, or strange and exotic food for sure.
=~~) U must be joking man! Fav joint is fast food outlets ;p exotic yeah... gota try it u know! hehe
Dont tell me about BBQ'ed starfish or scorpions on the stick ok! lol
You will see him in social events or party if only necessary.
Sort of lor... Dont really socialize alot la hehe cant drink, cant dance, dont smoke x_x die young from all the carbo! keke
He is gifted with acting, so if he says he can not go out with you because he is sick, then you will belief him.
This is pua my lobang le! keke kauz... Nah already got someone shot my plane down liao telling me I dont wana join them coz I didnt wana see her =___=;
He is a hard to please when it comes to what to eat, how to work, what kind of a woman to date.
Not really la! Hehe I'm quite easy going about food unless something comes into my mind la ;-)
Work? Can molo then do? hahaha
Just some woman whom I feel comfy with, not overpowering, confidence, be herself lor
He always neat and tidy all the times, even if he is in the army, he will be the cleanest soldier in the camp.
hehe no comments =x In my next life lor! keke I always clean up after someone... but not myself ;p muahahaha
He likes to speak properly with no slang.
Singlish not slang ah? keke Sorry my command of ang mor, hokkien, malayu n other language too poor liao ;p
He hates laziness and lazy people. He always act like a boring mature adults, but getting to know him , you will know he has his own charm.
I am lazy! I procastinate alot! hehe Is there anything wrong about tt?
Hmmmm dont think I could charm any lady out of her pants ;p
Ladies? hahaha *siamz the incoming debries*
He always see things clearly, so he is not the type to be blinded by love.
*blink blink* MAJOR WRONG! The standard answer is I've been tormented by my feelings really major during the weeks in BJ.
More appropriate answer, should be I was being very accomodating, but if it was anybody else, you'd have been pushing your luck.
Maybe I would try it again in the future ;-) Since I've learnt alot and know how to handle things differently, this time round...
He is a kind and cool guy, but if constantly irritate with rudeness, ignorant, or stupidity then he will show you that he is annoyed.
Yeap, if its realated to the above, I didnt show annoyance, instead I showed concern ~__~; Major weakness!
You may see a guy in this Zodiac dress up in an old shirt and old Jean, but if you look carefully, you will see that his hair is neat and unconsciously he will touch his hair a lot.
Have meh? =~~) Guys comments? Ladies comments? hehehe
His desk is always neat and if he sees small scrap paper on the floor, he will pick it up or put it in the basket.
I should take a pic of my desk! Muahahaha
People may think he is selfish, because when he says "No", he really means it.
?_? Reminds me of these words which someone told me ...
"Yes means yes, maybe means yes, no means maybe yes?" hahaha
Made me really laugh hehe I really duno hehe
Any favor asked , he will help but always in his own limit.
Usually yes, think "technical support" x_x always call me during weekends! !@#$%^&*()
Or when I'm sleeping, in toilet pang sai or when i pah game no time ans x_x
The more he see faults in others, the less he wants people to see his.
Nah I dont really point out ppl's faults la like BO or fart quite normal lor, to flaw is to be human.
It's these mistakes which make ppl more loveable, like think how Jo came about to call Jon as Lau Ba etc lor
I dont really like ppl whom seem to be so flawless, perfect? Like models la, very fake! hehe Of coz they're hiding their normal selves from u lor.
Why hide? Nothing to hide when you're friends lor
If you want him to change his faults, try to tell him gently or he could take it as an insult.
Ok, I like this point lor I also like my bullets to be sugar coated la ;p
I may get the point, but It's really hard to change lor especially habits which die hard la, needs alot of time n effort eh ok! hehe
He wants love that comes with quality, so he only has a few loves in his life.
Bingo! But my QC these days really dropping alot la ;p I dont really have alot of lovers in my life and I dont intend to change that.
One is enough...
Woman's trick will not work with him. If he breaks up with a woman, he will also try to avoid all her friends and her environments too.
Hmmm wat's woman's tricks eh? apa?
Yeah, true enuff on the avoiding part. It would really hurt when u start thinking about the past... or when folks ask...
It's like the tone is changed, but ppl would keep remembering you n her being together in the past... kind of thing.
He is very picky and every breaking up, he will be double careful next time.
Gota learn, I dont breakup everyday! Neither do I go skirt chasing ;p Maximise what you've learnt in the past and dont repeat the same mistakes!
Growing is the key word, If you dont fall down you wont know how to climb up again.
He can sweep woman with his charm, but he likes to keep his relationship like a friend.
Can I sweep woman with my charms? lol Dont make me laugh la! lol To date no ger has found me to be charming le! Hehehe =~~)
A friend the lover
one to be wooed like a summer's dream
treated with respect like an elder
loved tenderly like a child in the mother's bossom
having her in first place like a champion's trophy
communicating like long-lost old friends meeting again
having the same thoughts and thinking on the same wave-length
understanding each other by simple geastures...
My love... My friend... hand in hand, forever
He likes a sincere self confident woman, neat and clean, perfect and tidy.
Thought all gers are like that eh le! Strating to think gers these days come from some die-cast factory where they mold them using this stamp kekeke
A real two "P" , picky and perfectionist Zodiac.
I'm not picky nor am i a perfectionist...
I'm really happy go lucky kind, except when tangled in the sticky web of love...

Siam liao la!
sixx, kook, mon, 小六, 老六, 小黑... wat else?

Be yourself, no matter what they say... Endless ♡ for the ☆

2 件のコメント:

3:26 午前 に投稿, Blogger My Daily Struggles さんは書きました...

Nothing better to do then look thru blogs n see what's going on in the blogosphere.

Mr. Capricorn

9:33 午前 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

It's ok =) Not alot of hippy and Jazzy stuff here! Haha

Opps, almost forgot to add the url for this zodiac horoscope =)


There's alot of zodiac horoscopes in that thread, very nice! hehe




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