月曜日, 1月 22, 0019

lala-lala the clams =D

Amaiii~!~! Thats the word to describe these fabulous beauties!
Sweet, slight spiciness n light liquor taste to complement the texture of the clams =D
This is the second time i experiment with this portuguese dish, since having been hooked when i was in Macau with the dog! LOL
They call this dish Ameijoas Portuguesas or something like that!
Its supposed to be steamed, but i did the stir fry way ;-)
Interestingly when we had this at Fernando n other portuguese restaurants in Macau n its pretty tasty!
Looks nice eh? Wan a bite? It's still in QC stage.. not presentable! hehe
The dog's gona kill me cos i'm using up all the white wine he bought! hahaha
Opps! I forgot to add the lemon~!~! *abish*
Hope i can perfect the recipe n serve others on the next gathering?
I know it's good ;-) Joey n the rest can justify for me! But its still far from my expectations ;p
Hmmm whoi's going overseas? Get me a bottle of white wine to experiment somemore? lol

土曜日, 1月 20, 0019

A time to slack =D

Recently I got this renewed vigor n eagerness to do things ;p maybe its the new job!
haha I'm really eager to start work soon! Get into the nitty gritty details ASAP!
I was commented by my new CIO that I'm too kan chiong! LOL
Yeah I told him i wana meet him up n grill him abt the servers n network!
Think he's scared! haha
Contrally I should be afraid... alot of unknowns n alot of latency issues abound in my new job
Newgrounds for me... new challenges which I've yet to ever face before...
I would not fail nor would i back down on this new job.
It's really pretty scary as the CIO talked with the CFO during my 2nd interview
CFO : So what would his position be?
CIO : hmmm Systems manager?
-______________________-" These guys are scary okie! LOL
Me : Nonono... Junior systems engineer would be nice =D Since I'm pretty new to the team group n everything...
And its just a title!
CIO : Among us its okie to be any title, but when you are liasing with external parties a senior title would mean more weight...
Dumbfolded... Ok you win!
CIO : So we'll give him the post of Senior Systems engineers, since there's already so many network engineers n HQ would complain
@@ To me title is never important, the job n challenge is wat i crave for =D
Crazy hor me? hahaha so yeah my new job would require me to tutor the green horns n pretty much everything inbetween LOL
This job isnt a 4k paying job nor do i get to slack... but would be a real test n real satisfaction...
On my personal note, ya I'm thinking about her... someone whom I've meet up only once or twice before.
She's attractive when she knows who she is.... Wonder why I keep thinking of her...

金曜日, 1月 19, 0019

Apocalyps? PUI~!~!

Just blindly went for the show Apocalyps... watever at gv vivo.
Was recomended by afew frens saying how gd it is, directed by Mel Gibson etc etc
Didnt really know its a MA18 show leh.. MA18 for GORE -.-; not my fav zzz
Its definately not a show to watch before meals! LOL but its gd for those hoping to go on a diet =D
Lots of blood... beheading...
Only MA part i would say is the poor toad being haressed!
Yeah and also how sore-losers mayans are... aka 8 guys whack 1 poor jaguar ;p
I also like the behive part, nice move throw a beehive at your pursurers!
Or then those few interesting parts... nothing much to mention ;p
Oh ya there's this bowl-hair cut guy whom was beheaded n then speared again? Same bowl hair guy? lol
I hate guys with bowl hair cuts zzzzzzzzzz
Honorable mention would be the delish donuts we had =D Think its called vinco?
Much better than donut factory! But cannot be compared to mister donut X"(
Vinco's donuts are not really that nice, but the holeless donuts are much better than those regular donuts! hehe
I'm actually quite dissapointed my fren stood me up today =(
She told me she would gladly join in for the movie... then this morn told me she has work n very tired...
So i just told her not to come, even though she later told me she wanted to go...
I dont like forcing ppl to come or make them feel guilty so that they would join in... ;p
No more devil's tail liao hor haha now is wearing halo above =D
Last but not least... Jian's guitar arrived at my doorstep this morn! Yeah!
But its too late for me to physically check it thru... leave it for molo zzz
Sigh... yeah I'm leaving my old company at last =D Molo I'll tender, so gd bye my old frenz... =(
I'll truely miss u all... but its REALLY REALLY time i moved on...