日曜日, 2月 18, 0019

Protege to the New piggy year =D

Ah... Happy new year again, every year at this time i would be busy spamming ppl's SMS w greetings keke
This year i wont be visiting ppl, due to my grandpa's recent wake @@
Anyway went to see protege w the hair cutting gang =D May Melvin n bat hehe
Bat as usual full of crap BS man zzz tell me wat watch protege liao go watch ghost rider @@
For me its okie one la.. it isnt me whom have the record of always sleeping in the cinema kekeke
This time round May didnt sleep okie! Poor ger have been working the whole day liao siongz >,<
Feel abit bad for her too la, satu olang eat reunion dinner.. so i offered her next year if she's still single come over my place lor haha
Neither my family or me would mind having one or two guests for dinner keke
I remember last year it was SK n SH.. but this year bo lang lor ;p
Protege is NICE~!~! Andy is the most handsome one lor! The cutest is the little ger, got one part when liang ge was carrying her, she refused to get down lor! hahaha noti ger keke
There's 3 socking parts in the show all of which is by the drug mummy.. sad lady lor 2 times she was on OD on cocaine, last is the most horrible one, the one with the rats =.=
In the end it is the little ger whom saved the day... she took the needle n threw it into the basket, just like in the beginning
I dont know which is more deadly... Drugs or the emptiness in our lives...
I really agree alot from the views being portrayed, the old sch cocaine drug lords are deminishing, these ppl and the dealers no doubt play a very impt part in jacking cocaine prices up. There's still other more deadly n easily obtainable drugs like ecstasy n ice etc...Look at the drug "presentation" shown LOL looks superbly professional man!
Alot of the bad stuff comes from the addicts themselves, aka the ppl whom escape from reality, from emptiness, when they are sooo into the drug's so called "benefits"
Zzz... ask ourselves this... wat is the purpose of our lives about anyway? If u can answer this Q, u dont need to see this show n most probally wont understand it too.

火曜日, 2月 13, 0019

"Wouldn't it be a resounding yes?"

...in a familiar tone as i came out of my lift-while holding open e door for tis poor lady,she seems like cringing from fear...well ppl always hv tis feeling towards me so its ok :)

Who knows tis familiar voice spoke out n i turned ard - ah karen koh, she still looks so lovely,flowing hair,perfect complexion n ice cold eyes.she doesnt look like a day older since sec 1? Lol yeah she's just as old as i am =X hohoho

Just maybe someday i'll catch up w her :) since we're sec sch mates lol

I doubt she'll even be bothered...she's e ice queen n she's super snoobish-only mixing w e elites?lol i remember 1st time she saw me when i moved in,she has tis stunned look-she might look e same but i've "matured" muahaha aka uncle liao la lol

K k i'll be nice when i see her next,nope i wont be mean n ask her how many guys hv she divorced - prolly alot =x me bad @@

Nvm bah, on my mind now is dinner tml...who's on for it?

Dark side of human nature?

Caught 2 shows today, both showing the dark sides of being human @@
1st is Babel
2nd is Adrift
1 day 2 shows? wow~! power sia me kakaka
Babel is really very gd~! Really deserves the award lor, its actually a very simple plot 3 totally different scenes n groups of actors intertwine to form 1 single story
Hmm wats so dark abt the human nature here?
Sad prick, so young n already lying thru his teeth zzz end up got his elder bro killed -.- Not to mention wanking thinking abt nude gers at such tender age  =.=; Is this wat the dudes in middle east do? nothing to do go wank n dream of woman? ROFL Geez.. no wonder 1 woman aint enuf wor =x (no punts intended on religions okie?)
Hmm maybe they sld intro the little boy to the japanese sch ger? Humping season baby~! hehe Poor ger letting lose her hairy monster n no dudes to sniff her up? Even when she strips nekkid~!~! also bo lang ai >,< wah kauz.. winner lor LOL
Brad pitt aint no saint too, abusing everyone in his way zzz wats the use of venging ur anger on ppl who's trying to help u? Crappiest wld be the americans, anyhow declare terrorists endup leaving her own ppl there n not willing to even air-lift them?
Sometimes i also wonder lor.. 4hrs to the nearest city/town n they didnt go on ahead? Stay there n let her bleed till dry? LOL
Last but not least, nvr bring a cleanliness fanatic on a trip to 3rd or 4th world countries zzz
Could i say the real victim is Mamiya the tour guide? sad dude.. Next up wld be the elder bro of the "killer" the only real casualty in the whole show?
The story leaves some Qs unanswered..
How did the mother of the japanese ger die? headshot suicide? or jump down? 0o;
Why did santiago run from the border patrol? his previous run-ins? or due to Amelia having lack of papers?
What did the japanese ger write to tell the inspector?
Next up would be Adrift... based on true story? 6 frens outing in the end only the bastard n mother return...
1st to report to st peter's is michelle, the only decent looking babe in the whole show =x sick bastard dan was suppose to save her, but at last min i guess he got sick of her endless crapping? Next up was.. Zach Accidentally stabbed by the same sick bastard n leaving to bleed dry -.-; Lauren is our "heroine" think most prolly she drowned from swimming off alone >,< James died from his own fractured skull injury..
But the dang bastard dan didn't~!~! And Amy had to save his ass in the end zzz
Dang lots of nekkid guy's butts zzz no nekkid females thou X"( LOL
Best advice i could remember when u are adrift is dont do anything! wait lor zzz
Hmmm wat's enjoyable today?
Fish porridge for breaky =D yummy~!
Ya i konked out while waiting for Babel to start seating at cathay! ROFL
Hmm someone told me this...
get 2 gfs, wild one for the boinking n abusing... n bring the gentle one back to show mama
Yeah, just remember to bring the correct one home! ROFL
Not to mention there's alot of gers out there like Hardcandy...
Who knows she might be the one holding the whip on ur wedding night ;-) HAHAHA

日曜日, 2月 11, 0019

Embers in e dark...

Its quite comforting tt 4 of my frens turned up for e wake, even though i didnt ask any of them to make it...

Thanks to joey des may n bat :)

Even if she didnt ask or come...it doesn't matter no more :) i'm happy as i am hee

土曜日, 2月 10, 0019

Someone? Anyone? No one...

Most of u wld surely be askin-who's tt ger i posted in my prev entry ;p
Alas i also duno,just grab a pic n throw it in :)
Origins? No idea @@

There's so many viable alternatives than "made in singapore",my cousins r promoting "made in vietnam" for being so much more attractive-well attractiveness is somethg intangible n no doubt viets r vv gd! =X for me imports r nice,but i wld rate china,m'sia n locals being least attractive to me,too materialistic. As they say no money no honey. I got no money too bad Haha

To be fair not all imports r gd n there's often alot of barriers to importing-cost, but more impt is language,culture n communications.

I cite an example,i was w a fren filling up tis survey at pepper lunch n it asked tis Q-"how many guests are there today?"
Relatively speaking any local wld say 2 me n her...
But she told me tis "huh? 20+ ppl so many all over leh!"

I was lost lol i'm not sure if she's purposely pulling my leg or not but it got us debating on was e Q worded properly :)

Locals sometimes suprises me too,my fren heard my grand pa died n she pestered me to tell her where's e wake.she wans to go -,-; tis ger i've got to treat her seriously.she means her words n alot of times she's v stubborn! She's e same ger whom make shen yu soup for my mama... Nope she's not my target! She's my gd fren :) a wonderful fren. But alot of time she needs a kick in her butt! Lol

No matter how many great frens i got,there's somethg wrong w me...i'm alone,so alone...tis e same sickness which coz all relationships to fail...

I'm thinking of e ghost in my mind...

No such thing as a free meal -.-;

Where sld i begin? I was thinking of writing about the matrimony which i watched yester with a fren.. but leh.. nah~!
Had a wonderful evening out with the dog, he showed me his new nikon D40 n we were trying out some effects at marina bay.
Wonderful camera, but come on who would spend so much time adjusting light, exposure, balance... zzz zzz *drool*
LOL sorry man I'm a techie guy, but i really dont have so much patience when it comes to taking pictures.
-.- sry i'm no upskirt or peeping tom okie! hahaha
I believe in alot of scenes in life dont wait there just so u could fiddle ard w your camera's settings n shot.
Yup i'm a candid shot guy ;-) I love taking pictures of ppl or events which just happens, not cos they planned for it to happen, but things just happens... unexpectedly =D
And my preference for camera is like what he call it the 傻瓜机 aka the idiot's camera or more commonly know as digital camera =D
Point n click~! ROFL no hassle =D
Well dinner was wonderful at the Chin Fa Huo Hai Xian... too bad the dog didnt come lor =D~
I enjoyed the streaky pork n lots n lots of soy sauce chicken n pepper chicken~!~!
both are abit salty, but somehow they remind me of 三杯鸡 =D~ one of my fav chicken dishes hehe
Its really enjoyable as i got MJ, HH, CL & janis to eat with me.. and share gossip abt office! LOL
not my cup of tea.. but come on the ladies hor.. wudi man! CL left the coy so long liao still got the latest gossips in town zzz
Naive me eat n eat.. n didnt know wat surprises were up their sleeves lor.. Woman are EVIL~!~!
*Remembers Manli from ytd's The Matrimony* and the more prettier they are.. the more evil it is! *sweat*
Yeah after i had like 3/4 tank full they started asking me about which is the special ger i'm seeing..
One devil is bad already.. imagine having 3..
Anybody special?
Are you sure?
We read from your blog...
There's this ger you've been thinking about...
The one lor.. (T.T);
which is the one ah?
Ya lor who is it? (T.T);
Tell us leh~!~! (T.T);
The one which you've been out with once or twice one lor...
The one which you are always thinking of one lor~!
WHO AH?!?!?!?!
They even brought along an ultimate weapon.. kenny~!~! LOL who killed kenny~!~! haha
-_____- yeah this bro of mine hor.. BO YONG ONE~!~! switch sides from helping me to helping the gers zzz
So much for brotherhood! Zzz
*panic mode* diang lai eh?? which is the one?? How come i got no recollection !?!?!
They said i would delete the entry in my blog.. but i really got no idea who they talking abt leh?
I talk abt all the woman in my life wor.. but none of them is exclusive lor hahaha
hmmmm as far as i know i'm not seeing anyone exclusively lor >,<;
I wish i was.. but i aint.. so there isnt any the one ard my life.. sorry dudes ;p
If there is any status quo or change in objectives.. i'll let u know ;-) ROFL
I'll keep these words in mind..
If you've asked there's still a 50% chance, but if u nvr ask, there wont be any chance at all
Very good morale booster ;p hehehe this is some pic i found~!~! LOL

木曜日, 2月 08, 0019

4 suppers 1 night 1 dead tired me

Alot of things have happened since i last blogged, seriously..
Mainly is Yen's wedding, meeting up with old frens n i quit my job =D
But nothing beats the craziness last night, having 4 suppers with 4 different groups of frens n it was almost suppose to be 5 groups zzz
10pm 1st group at kallang the 24 hrs prata joint where i had 2 telur bawang n milo dino, wah shiok leh~! so long havent ate their prata liao
love the sweetness of the bawang which goes very well with their curry ikan lor =D bagus kekeke
next up was...
11pm Sempang bedok, more prata sinfulness. But i didnt eat X"( too full la, cos just barely 30 mins after i had my prata i was rushing down liao @@
I could only stare at their yummy prata bom n =D~ its super sinful man! lots of margarine n sugar >,<;
after that...
3am Wan Tou Sek... Geylang 126 for tim sum w old colleagues, mr vegge is there too =D
*sweat* cos ps man... there dont have much vege stuff for him >,<;
but i really miss the gang! Lots of yummy tim sum which i can barely squeeze into my overfilled tummy T.T
last stop~!~!
4am w mr bird~!... blk 256 kim keat ave... yeah the main reason why i stayed up till sooo late lor...
my 2 dear cousins are watch-dogging my grand pa's wake...
Yeah, this the major news i got when i was at yen's wedding.. grandpa went to hospital n is in a coma lor...
at tt moment during the wedding dinner, i really wanted to just go... but i didnt..
so now i'm making up for it la =D on top of its been a really long time since we cousins had meet up n chat lor
It's really fun n entertaining talking to mr bird, aka al-bird kor! n jarrick.. he even has a new vietnamese gf wor *whistles*
Few words to desrcibe, 1 word not enuff la... word chio, playful, cute
Got her there bird kor n me become 2 of the many light bulbs hanging ard la! 甜蜜蜜~!~! ROFL
Tonight is round 2 mahjong time haha
5th wheel? yeah if this evening i had meet joey n des up for supper lor >,< scary hor?