土曜日, 2月 10, 0019

Someone? Anyone? No one...

Most of u wld surely be askin-who's tt ger i posted in my prev entry ;p
Alas i also duno,just grab a pic n throw it in :)
Origins? No idea @@

There's so many viable alternatives than "made in singapore",my cousins r promoting "made in vietnam" for being so much more attractive-well attractiveness is somethg intangible n no doubt viets r vv gd! =X for me imports r nice,but i wld rate china,m'sia n locals being least attractive to me,too materialistic. As they say no money no honey. I got no money too bad Haha

To be fair not all imports r gd n there's often alot of barriers to importing-cost, but more impt is language,culture n communications.

I cite an example,i was w a fren filling up tis survey at pepper lunch n it asked tis Q-"how many guests are there today?"
Relatively speaking any local wld say 2 me n her...
But she told me tis "huh? 20+ ppl so many all over leh!"

I was lost lol i'm not sure if she's purposely pulling my leg or not but it got us debating on was e Q worded properly :)

Locals sometimes suprises me too,my fren heard my grand pa died n she pestered me to tell her where's e wake.she wans to go -,-; tis ger i've got to treat her seriously.she means her words n alot of times she's v stubborn! She's e same ger whom make shen yu soup for my mama... Nope she's not my target! She's my gd fren :) a wonderful fren. But alot of time she needs a kick in her butt! Lol

No matter how many great frens i got,there's somethg wrong w me...i'm alone,so alone...tis e same sickness which coz all relationships to fail...

I'm thinking of e ghost in my mind...

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