木曜日, 8月 18, 0017

Dream ? Trouble in paradise Island...

Another wierd dream...

Invited on a holi by AB,ABL, fendi n some other frenz

It was like some kelong bamboo resort by the seaside, it is huge n everything is made of bamboo w a rustic feeling w a muslim touch(dark red lacquer) n its very roomy.

I tot i was suppose to gona chill out, arrived in the morn on some overnight trip n i still have the ton-night feeling in the morning sun.

Somehow i find the place familiar n homely, even though i've never been there before. Its like i know the whole place/island is booked by AB/ABL n everyone is some fren of theirs, got a few guys n gers. Mostly familiar faces are guys n some gers i wana siam from ~__~ nasty! hehe

One of the few gers i find familar other than AB was a ger with a warm, cheerful n frenly smile, she looks surprisingly familiar n its like someone which i'm acquainted with in the past.

Of coz i duno who she is la -_-"

Somehow i spent time chatting w her beside the bamboo walkway, ignoring the fatigue from the trip.

Funny thing i dont remember dreaming about how i spend time during the stay or wat food i was makaning le -_-"

Somehow in the night, i sort of stumbled upon AB/fendi having some issues w some guy. Seems like the guy had done something n AB/fendi had caught it in film.

After the scuffle broke up, AB & fendi decided i should help keep the negatives safe somewhere. Duno wat it is i kept it with the photos of the last holi they had, which i just got n never got the time to look thru lor.

Was walking around n saw ABL n she wanted to look at the pics the guys took of the last holi lor.

Why not? I just hand it over lor...

She had the eyes wide wide look n asked me how i get the pics eh.
I was like huh simi tai ji look? N took over look at the pics -___-"
Horror sial... Real topless pics of her n nips kena photoshoped out. (AB's fav pass-time? lol)

Diao... siao liao la! Ppl's gona ask how i get it man, so i immediately grab the album n zhao lang liao. Gona go find AB & fendi n ask what happen...

It gets worse...

Along the way bump into some of ABL's fren n drop the album n the photos drop out lor x__x

OMG! liao la this time round ppl gona take me as DOM whom fetish for ABL liao la T__T

Quickly kio the pics n ran off somemore n w some angry gers in pursuit lor...

Finally got rid of the pursuing gers la... *phew* can RNR abit liao...

Meet the warm frenly ger again n had more chat, funny le same bamboo walkway w those lazy chairs -__-"

Totally forgot abt the photos n negatives ~__~ hehehe

After the chat, more walking around before AB & fendi find me for the negs as think they successfully negotiated w the guys la aka blackmailed la -_-
n now they wan the negatives from me lor.

I was like ok, pass to u la, keep w me make me more mahuan man...

It just had to get much worser...

Siao liao! Pah bo ki(lost it) liao! I chop chop go around and find it...

Look up look low, duno where i dropped it le ~__~
Then i try recall what i do lor.

I had the pics when with ABL, check.
The gers saw the pics, check.
The strange n warm ger, check.

Chotto! I had the album when i sit on the lazy chair, but i think i drop it at the chair lor!

So i go the chair look, no have le! The ger also duno zhao(run) go where liao

Wah Piang die liao lor!

How to ans to AB & fendi?
How to ans to ABL?
How to ans to the strange ger?

Really Hao(cry) liao lo ~__~;

So i went looking around for the ger n bump into ABL. Kauz damn malu liao la, no road run liao...

So resign to fate let her question lor *gulp*

ME : "Ermmm i lost the album, did u see it?"
ABL : "阿呀!早就拿回来了!" (Got it back already!)

*phew*... lucky me man Thank god! Now comes the hard part!

ABL : "是谁给你这些照片地?" (Who gave u these pics eh?)

Me no ans, would not betray my buds! Must smoke my way out! hehehe
Before i can speak le...

ABL : "你不说也知道是谁啦!" (Even if u dont say i also know who gave it to u)
-___-" Diao... Pua Kang(secret's out, literal meaning is "tear hole") liao?

ABL : "着些照片都是假的!" (these photos are fake!)

*pengz* n i was like thinking it is real pics kena censor out?

ABL : "Jon还是Fendi给你的对吧! 早就看过这些照片了!" (Jon or fendi gave u these photos rite? I've already seen them before liao)

-__-" In the end I'm the joker lor ~__~ hehehe

Then i woke up to the music "Have i told you that i love you" on Class95...
Duno which is more terrible, the music or Glenn Ong's voice ~__~ hehehe

3 件のコメント:

3:16 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

Dude, how come bad things will have me and/or AB... -_-""

Lolz, interesting dream though, hahaha

- Zoidz (MS Lv30 Cleric)

7:02 午後 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

Alright mah! My housemates! hahaha all the dirty pattern we all know liao la! hehehe

Well no choice la, not i wan eh le! The dream come out u 2 i cant say its someone else! hehe

7:10 午後 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

Bro the most wudi thing i got is this... wudi le explain my dream to me! hahaha

Strange Girl: You have been wishing for a girl who you can click with & talk abt anything.. The reason why u have not seen her before is because such a girl has not appear in your life.. Yet at the same time, the familiarity represents that you might have already know the girl personally but she has yet reach your comfort level… Time is not ripe..

That’s explains y u could recognise ur friends & cannot recognise the strange girl...



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