火曜日, 8月 30, 0017

Her untimely request today...

I duno how to write this down... I knew this day would come soon, but i really didnt see it coming this soon.

Yes, you'll have guessed it. Its the end.

I'm still quite hurting from the SMS...

"Hi-short qns-Shld we heed ur fren advice?Shld i stay away fr u?Is it better?M i doing more harm 2 u by agreein 2 go out wif u-i'm ok wif it but m i selfish?"

I made a nice n short reply... the hardest SMS i've sent to date...

"if tt is ur wish me lady. wat they say doesn't hurt my heart as much as wat u r askin for. but i wld accede 2 ur request then..."

I'm ok guys. I'm good no worries. Time i closed this chapter n moved on...

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