木曜日, 10月 27, 0017

Dying in Beijing...

Long time no blog liao le x_x ppl go overseas work trip got alot of time to RNR...
Me si literally work whole day ok! Siong man...
Typical schedule la...

0800hrs fall in for breaky w colleagues =)
0815hrs makan finish breaky, walk abit... =)
0830hrs go to 8th floor apartment to start work... with colleagues =)

ready to work!

1200hrs lunch break! Go makan lunch w colleagues -___-"
1230hrs lunch finish liao RTU to 8th floor w colleagues -_____-"

work work...

1900hrs dinner break! Go makan dinner w colleagues -____________-"
1930hrs Holiday's over! Get back to work x_x"

more work?

0000hrs Yeah~!~! Time to bath liao ="(
0030hrs back to work...
0200hrs x__x work till seh then can go KO le!

Wah lau really no life le! Only free time is when after meals go walk abit la

Crime here is quite bad lor
I was walking in broad day light got ppl come up to me and ask me wana buy stolen lapy anot!
Cool! ps i no $ buy lapy la

Food here is cheap lor, but the stuff can be pretty expensive too.
Especially luxury goods like genuine leather trench coats, going for like 600~1k per pop!
SGD converted liao btw!

Time spent w her? some la, but not much to talk other than work lor x_x
Heard is there would be few days I've gota spend alone w her la, coz everyone go back liao ="(

Feeling uncomfortable abt it...
Take an example just now while window shopping...

CL : "Wa! Alot of things to see leh~!~!"
ME : "Okie... Then u got alot to shop when they all go back lor"
CL : "Ya hor! Heeheehee..."


ME : "Dont count on me bringing u here hor! U come ur self lor" ;p
CL : "U can bare to allow me to come here by myself meh?"

@_@ Winner liao lor, I diam diam liao
Why should i worry so much abt her?

Crazy things I did these few days *hiak hiak*

1. Went out alone at night to buy her flowers ^^;
2. Almost wana buy for her the trench coat lor but know she wont accept eh
3. Finish all my work, quit immediately & Clear leave on the spot go find SK in suzhou NOW! lol

Molo i gota give an answer liao le... Should i take up some-song's offer?
As per normal lor, the mind wana take the offer, but the heart doesnt wana let go

In life, it doesnt really matter how many frenz u have
It's the quality of the frenz u have tt matters
I've found 3 angels whom support me in everything I do

U guys know who u r lor =)

Would I keep her as my other angel?

The time and effort I put in for her would certainly bring more joy n happiness to otherz
All the while It's been really fun, but am I really enjoying it?

Guess u all know the answer

2 件のコメント:

9:31 午前 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...


How is bejing weather...
Office everyday is like ghost town man...Sian.....Remember to buy things for janis and me and jackson hor...But no soft toys pls....Oh yeah Kenny send his regards to you..kekeke

1:46 午前 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

Nice trip :D but then the last part about the sweet things done willingly for someone... well, if U believe she is the ONE, then go all the way. If u think only, who confirm? Confirm yourself before committing on and off.. somesong offer do not come everyday..waiting for u. If that someone is meant for u, u will overcome all odds to be with her.. :D Fairy tales dun exists..they were created by evil people to control people's minds :P



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