土曜日, 10月 22, 0017

Two sides of the coin

Hectic day, last working day before I fly off to Beijing on monday ~_~
Literally everyone's busy machum like preparing to go war! keke

I'm just so very stoned by all these activities, maybe coz there is nothing I could do to help... Think I'm the spare tire! hehe

Oh Well... Had to sneak out for an interview ;) Nasty!
My 2nd interview with some-song-net-works la!

Wa! Gota say man, the big boss ang mor very powderful, one piece one piece eh!
The tech manager also not bad la, abit better!

Machine gun ang mor, sounds very correct, but too fast liao!
Really catch no balls ok! Dang they should put speed limits on conversasion ok!

Literally 20 words he speak, I could only catch 2~4 words which represent the main topic! And gota react on those words ok! lol

They pay pretty well and agreed to what I asked for, but this is what they request of me...

You would need to wear long-sleeved shirt... Ya!
You would need to wear tie... Ok!
You would need to cut your hair... Sure!
You would need to shave... No problem!
You would need to look neat n presentable... Totally agree! -_-"

Last but not least...

You would need to wear suit... ?!?!? *dumb struck*

Engineer? Wear suit in office? ^^; zhun bo?

But I'm now in a dilemma... I'm sitting on the wall like Humptee-Dumtee

49% of me wans to see thru the Beijing tender
49% of me wans to switch to over...
1% of me wans to do "Who moved my cheese"

The last 1% of me is thinking of her, no doubt this 1% is very small n minute, but its very important to me.

This one percent is very strange, sometimes it makes me wana stay on longer, to help her out, to give her support, to see her at any possible chance, to be by her side.

But it goes the other way round too, for her I should move on, dont cling on what is not possible, she's not worth the effort I put in, 长痛不如短痛, there's so much other gers n things to do, I shouldn't think so much for her, dont ask her abt her life, dont get so close to her... Just dont do anything anymore, I've done really way too much.

Sometimes I feel I'm lying to her n myself just to hide my hurt n true feelings, which sometimes I accidentally revealed them.

Lesser communications with her would result in lesser chances of me spilling the beans...

Feelings a side, my sense of responsibilities tells me to stick till this tender is over... before making a decision. It doesnt mean even if the co gets the tender I would stay. I love the job, the pay maybe sucky. What's most troubling me would be I'm not committed and concentrating on my job ="(

She's so much more committed, like I dont exist lol...

No matter which decision I make... I know I would regret doing so ^^;

2 件のコメント:

11:46 午前 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

You would need to wear long-sleeved shirt... Ya!
You would need to wear tie... Ok!
You would need to cut your hair... Sure!
You would need to shave... No problem!
You would need to look neat n presentable... Totally agree! -_-"


oh ya better start another blog, china block blogger/blogspot - Melody^_^

7:21 午前 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

-_-" They tell me its corporate culture le, which I dont mind ok ;p

Just need to go shopping only mah ;> keke

Then my first post would be, "Help! I'm lost in china~!" right?

n my last post would be "I'm still lost in china" diaoz... kekeke



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