金曜日, 12月 16, 0017

Two nice cutie plushies =)

Really happy day today! Why?

1. I settled everything with her liao, gave her the final gift, she's in the past together with my feelings. Wah really relieve all my burden liao hehe Feeling very light now!
2. First time tried my hands on the tikum machine n got two really beautiful cuties hehe (More on them later! Meow~!~!)
3. Took my first few pics with my T9 & compare w those taken on K750, not bad la =) (Just abit siong lor a 6MP picture take up 2.5MB of space! x_x compare to 2MP picture take up 500KB)

My day actually didnt turn up that well in the beginning eh, work screw up n in my mind is this heavy burden in my bag. Come back office still must wait 3hrs for her to come back office before i could give it to her! lol I didnt even bother asking her abt where she went nor about the email she wrote last night. I was actually damn pissed by her reply, it seems like free then can meet me up, machum like I'm her backup friend le hehe not as if I didnt gave her ample notice le, I told her 1 mth ago that i would be passing her the gift on that specific date and u can give me such an answer? hehe I really got nothing to say liao lor hehe

To me what's most impt is does she really understand the meaning of this gift? Does she understands the feelings, time n effort i put into getting this gift? Or to her it's just a pretty pendant, which any tom dick or harry could give to her? To her there's no special meaning for this gift? Only she herself would know.

Nah, I'm not mad about it la peeps =) I'm now laughing as I'm typing this out u know! hehe

Guys, now u know why I'm late liao hor! PS hor I got no choice have to settle this la hehe

Just for record, dont anyone of u mention her ever again.
Dont push your luck, I may just smile n shrug abit if u r lucky lor hehehe

Decide to strike it off as what i felt n wrote doesnt really matter no more, its just to let me remember I have genuinely felt for this ger =)

*shrug* Oh well nvm, all's in the past liao =)

K k on to the happy part! Yeah!

Went with the guys to Bugis arcade to loot SF2 lor hehe
But today is different, I tried my hands on the tikum machine lor =)
Spent alot of $$$, think $15 on the big cutie kitten
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$5 on the small one
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nearly $40 on getting the stupid pooh-bor-kia!
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Kauz in the end didnt manage to get it x_x

I'm beoing the purple one for a colleague as x'mas present lor but solli la didnt manage to get it =(

It's really fun lor! Hehe I couldn't stop you know! I was like hooked ok!
Always go change $10 into $1 coins till the cashier also know me liao, crazy guy change so much! I was like keep changing n using, then no $ liao go draw somemore! hahaha

In the beginning it was quite mild la, play abit, walk around then come back try my luck on the big kitten machine =) The dog was also there trying his luck getting the big kitten lor. In the end he gave up ;p and i got it at last! Hahaha

I show it to him and he bei tahan! haha

Then i went and try my luck on the small kitten and got it in like $5?
Show it to him, he lagi squeeze balls! muahahahaha

Then comes the horrible part la, i went out of control n kept trying to go for the pooh-bor bear la. Alot of ppl was there looking at this guy, put dollar after dollar man... Think I may have spent above $40 on trying to get this plushie lor

Ok, now for some pics to compare the T9 & K750i of these two cuties! hehe

Eh i didnt cheat and buy these two plushies from the operator ok!
It's 95% luck n 5% skill la ;p So I'm really lucky lor! hehehe

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T9 with flash

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K750i in warm light

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T9 w/o flash in warm light

Look at the cute cape the little kitten has! Really nice le! hehe
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T9 with flash

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K750i in warm light

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T9 w/o flash in warm light

Nice right these two cuties? hehe Ermmm i need help naming these two beauties lor =) Suggestions? hehe

Also during dinner time, paul-sible was ordering this strange sounding vegetable dish, called 奶白 (Nai Bai literally means milk white, but in this case think it means breast's white liquid x_x)

I was like WTF? wat's 奶白 and these freaking a$$h0l35 told me it means breast milk or tits =________=; dont make me gross out leh!

Really reminds me of some gross show in which the ppl ate pig's breasts x_x

In the end turn out to be this dish ^__^; Make me kia man! lol
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Guys, really appreciate u all for keeping me company the whole part of today la! U guys rocks!

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