水曜日, 11月 23, 0017

No more? No more?

Sad le... Was thinking this afternoon why my fav blog site poisonouslady so long never update liao

Who knows at night she post that she would be closing her blog -_____-"

Wah Piang! Sianz 3/4 liao la... No more jokes, no more crazy stuff to make my day...

At this time in which i was hoping for more support from ppl around me *sigh*

Gota be strong...
Gota organize next mon outing @_@
Gota find peeps go watch potter @ omnimax

Seems like alot of things is not going my way
BJ is a bitter-sweet memory which changes alot of things in my life
I'm still fearing the changes, I still duno what would happen

But I've gota be stable, there's not many ppl left by my side

Everybody is dissapointing me just when I need them most...

Cut the lamenting...

Just hope poi's happy with her new life w/o her blog, her dairy
Really wish all the best for whatever she's doing in the future =)

2 件のコメント:

10:26 午前 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

If you want ppl to support you, you got to show them you are serious about moving on. Everytime you are down, who are the one who console you? But after that, you disappointed the person by going back on yr words and doing silly things again!! Ppl's bf already went all the way to bejing to accompany her. Doesn't that tell you something? Why still harbour thoughts and feelings for her? Why even think of buying things for her even when you already come back to sg? Why?

11:11 午前 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

haiz haiz...

Kauz tell u guys wat i feel also kena shot *sweat* lol



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