月曜日, 9月 05, 0017

Mean Girls!

Hmmm why did i write such a blog leh? 不想活了啊?(dont wana live liao ah?) kekeke
Nah, think i'll do something good today by dedicating this blog to the few girls i know lor hehehe

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Let's see where should i start...
(ps la i only know less than like 10+ gers only, rest all lost contact liao lor x_x kidnapped by aliens or communists up north la ;p hehe sorry hor list does not include gers from IRC skype n etc lor)

The crazy gers from Ozzie...

ABL, a pretty girl with very attractive eyes. Very chio le! She is one very happy ger whom always brings smiles to everyone's face =) Now the bandit queen of AB hehe, she say go east AB cannot go west! hehe

Enn, another pretty girl! with equally exquisite eyes, but i think she looks more like Paul frank la ^o^ hehe see me sure ji siao me "Ai-yeah...How come everytime like tt..." -_-" Now attached to Ron hehe another great guy!

Jo, the sweetest of the lot of 5 gers ;p~ joking la! hehe someone said her complexion is flawless le! keke she's the kindest of them all n would often listen to my grumblings ;p hehe actually its more of we listen to hers! keke
Yup she shares the same name as me lor, so i always treat her like a little sister hehe

Sue, another sweet ger in the group! hehe always brings w her a smile as beautiful as the sun. Hey this smile beings warmth to alot of us during the cold winters ok! hehe. The rest of the gers come over only lie on the sofa or on AB's bed like dead fish lol!

Kel, also a sweet girl whom loves inuyasha! hehe She's the brainiest of the lot n quite hyper-active too lor ~_~ especially during the cold winters le hehe Always jumping around the place like Tiger keke

Shany, the most persistant ger in the group! She's the one whom helped alot of us get the $500 tix back to SG hehe Another brainy ger who got the guts n determination! She's also the one whom is most successful in dieting ok! hehe all girls should learn from her ok! Wudi!

Kim, another very sweet n pretty girl! Very quiet too! Hehe she has the sweetest smile around. Now she's bossing over Ah Lau while flying the skies hehe

Antz, our R&B watsup retro queen ok! You're able to talk to her about anything under the sun n she would be able to advice u very well!
PS la currently not in contact ~_~ hehehe

Kayleigh, another chatting girl who's quite pretty but shy. Just too bad I didn't have enough chances to know her better =) Friend of Elwin, Gina n QMO.

Gina, another pretty n chatty ger whom likes to act shy x_x KNS la sis u where got shy eh le! ;p~ PS hor hehe no time to go over n help u settle ur wireless issue...

Xinyi, pretty sweet n shy ger, even though everytime she say she doesnt know, but in the end would still be able to explain all the complex stuff to us all hehe

Victoria, another sweet n talkative girl. Always in the front of fashion n news at home n have a wicked dress senses. Last heard is she's just back in town! hehehe

The old colleagues...

Jane, one of the beautiful gers in Swiftech =) She's always helpful n brings w her an equally heart warming smile =) Last time i saw her was at Lena's wedding hehe ~_~

Lena, another beautiful girl which is much more devilish than she looks! Last seen at her wedding high on alcohol hehe ~_~

Lelyn, raccoon ger ;p nah she's very cute n lovely. Always have this sad puppy look in her eyes lor hehe worst thing is the eye bags make her look like raccoon le ;p keke also lost touch after she left the co...

Michelle, another beautiful girl but was working in GAIN w Dennis n Lesley. Last time i saw her was at CommunicAsia modelling for Juniper...

Karen, the daughter of... ermmm nvm ~_~ hehe another chirpy girl who's quite pretty lor think she was in secondary when i first saw her. Like 5 years ago? lol

The katongites...

Lily, Shirlyn, Mandy, SockHoon, all of them are sweet pretty n talkative girls ~_~ maybe even compulsive liars too! hehe Never play bluff w SH! She'll bluff everyone even SK! keke It's really hard to tell what's they're individual characters. As we all know them as so-so's gf n we all see them in gf-mode! hehehe U all know la gf is the sweetest thing on earth especially when their bf is around them eh! kekeke

Tiffany, someone special la! hehe the one i slapped while we slept in the same tent! The one i always kick in the ass! The one whom shown me the light in my darkest hours... Ya while i was sleeping she put on the lights!!!! %#*&#!@

Last but not least my current colleagues...

Janis, another sweet girl w charming smile. Quite shy n reserved. She's like the little girl in the office which everyone pampers. Ermmm better dont comment too much la! hehe wait she dont process my claim how?!?! lol

HH, our "pretty adorable n cute" colleague! muahahahahaha very bashful n straight girl whom speaks what's in her mind! *ouch!* She's also very cute n charming in her own sense lor ;-) Her bf can eat pork rite? *wink wink* hehehe

CL, she elbows! she swears! she throws things at me! she's not so pretty! she's fat! she's fierce! How can call her shy le?!?!? Me dont get it ;p but all in all her smile is intoxicating n her little girl look would make u forget watever u r mad at her for hehe one look from her glittering eyes n u would be mersmerized.

Oinky, a cute adorable ger who's recently step into office. Everyone's asking where she's from. She's shy n always have this pinkish hue in her cheeks.

Dont wana put Anna la~!~! ~__~ I kia of her! hehehe

5 件のコメント:

2:22 午前 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...


2:25 午前 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...


1:11 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

Yoyo, don't worry, u're not totally boring w/ low esteem/confidence. See ur blog liao know u "ink alot alot".

Don't stress lah. Wanna kopi can find me @ my mobile. Except when i working, lolz.

- Pineapple

10:28 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

mr sixx, u're very eng hor write abt us. wait i call ur co to report ah.

btw if i look like paul frank, i don't need to work le, just collect royalty fee. hiak hiak

- ms paul frank not lookalike

11:00 午後 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

PS ah del off 2 spam comments on top @.@

Pineapple, wah lau say till like tt. Ya lor i think too much liao lor ;p must be "Just do it" like u hor? keke do now think later? hehe

Paul Frank wanabe, got prob w it ah? report me lor ;p I post at night le! not during office hrs ok! hehe nah nah nah, nothing wrong abt me posting then rite? hehe at most is kena scolding by the ladies lor! hahaha ;p



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