金曜日, 11月 04, 0017

Cant get away... from her

How i wish to return home... I know she's trying to make things better, to make it be normal.
Would it really help much?
Smiling at me sheepishly, soft voice which seems to be caressing my mind...
She's the angel i opened my eyes to this morning...wearing her fav maroon colored top, asking me to go for breaky...
This is the way she is, her happy and little girl like attitude.
I'm seeking for an answer which she cant help out with, no one can help me out at all.
Solitude is the best way out for me... to be alone...I should really revert back to before, closing everything
I need to seek out my 3 angels to confide in...where are thou when u needed them?
Yeah, I foresake them when i choosed this path, i didnt wana heed their advice...
All of them voted anonymously against my decision, but i had wanted to try.
So it would take a while...
My emotions are stablizing, but its still abit tender, easily shaken...easily hurt
Alot of u may think she's bad n nasty, but i really feel she's a nice ger lor just like alot of u peeps out there =)
I trust all of my frenz are nice n gd (except AB, dog n sis la ;p nasty kekeke)
It's getting confusing...
I didnt wana post this, she's reading my blog now, reading it and smiling sweetly...
i duno wats going thru her mind... only she herself knows
She asked if i had went over last night to cover her with her blanket
I denied flatly.

7 件のコメント:

12:38 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

Yo Bro,

No offense..She reminds me of Ms. Diana Chua... the "her happy and little girl like attitude"...

But of course.. they can never be the same person with the same personality ..


12:48 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

You have to go through this somehow. Wishing you best of luck. Maybe you can 'tahan' and make it your 2006 New Year's Resolution to make a 'clean' break (Like there's anything to break).
Also, don't think it's very nice to name specifics for the above commenter. This is quite basic courtesy.

5:06 午後 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

~_~; peeps, I dont wana step on another mine-field le...

I'm already in one liao actually mine is playing with the grenade on the mine-field ^.^;

I'm pending if i should finish up my work n go back... U all know lor u can never finish ur work...

Sorry bro over here cant access to del off the comment =( sianz...

But on the fair side, I would say Elwinb burted out the name lor, not on purpose eh la =) Dont be so hard on him le...

He's also trying to let me know n make me feel better lor hehe

10z peeps...

8:19 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

Wei Wei Wei...what the hell were you thinking man...You always said one thing do another thing....If you want a clean break..pls do it..Don't make us give up hope on you...If things still go back to the same as before when you come back, i am going to be very very disappointed with you..dude

10:56 午後 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

Wah lau, anonymous post put name la x_x everyone post anonymous i also blurr liao le

Ya lor i fickle minded hor? Always wana come clean abt it but cannot do it...

Gota admit it i suck at affairs of the heart, never being able to make a decisive decision, which is why I hurt my ex the most.
Wana let go but duno how to convince her...

Now i'm reaping my just deserts lor, cant let go.

There's really nothing going on between us, just foolish thoughts on my part. She's just being nice n friendly like alot of u are.

I'm gona leave her alone, she needs frenz. I need mine too.
She's gona feel hurt, but I mean nothing to her... I mean nothing to her... nothing at all

It's a real pity I couldn't let go of my feelings for her... I let it grow =(

1:39 午後 に投稿, Blogger Jonathan Wong さんは書きました...

As a nasty frd of yours!!!i demanded some pictures on your blog!!!!Pictures!!!!!

6:34 午後 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

Dear nasty fren of mine, bo pic le! got pig u wan? keke she offer u pig head p lagi gd le!

The pics when i get some proper internet then post la... here the net like shit le! Gota make the owner of the camera happy man ;p else she dont give me the pics ~_~

Pai mia le!



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