日曜日, 11月 06, 0017

Shopping time?

Saturday... First day of solitude with her, not that bad la.

Last night KO'ed too late, was watching Marlene, some Italian Flick about a teenage boy who fantasizes about this hot chick whom is married to this army guy.
The setting is during world war, not sure if its the first or second one ;p
The whole show is in Italian n has traditional chinese sub.

The storyline is quite nice in the sense the kid is quite obsessed with this married lady.
Actually the whole town raises eyes when she walks pass ;-)

It's a sad n romantic show, sad as it portrays how Marlene had to resort to prostitution in order to survive, after her hubby was killed in the war n her dad officially denouncing her.
She was left helpless n vulnerable...to the wolves in the town, whom literally took advantage of her, eg food for sex -_-"

Ya this is an adult oriented show, alot of scene u can see the boy fantasizing about Marlene...Nekkid la! duh...
She's hOOt ok! But no my kind of babe ;p Dog would love her! Same for Lau Eng ;-) kekeke Yeap Meat lover baby! Think maybe Echo cup? hehe

U guys know la me like lean n mean type ;p

Dont wana leak too much info lor, quite interesting as the director came up with alot of hilarious scenes to depict the fantasies, often being hero saving the damsels in distress kind of sutff! hehe
So if anyone of u wana watch this show, just get back to me n i'll see if i could get an avi version out for dl'ing ;-)

After our brunch, went out window shopping for her trench coat, the one she wanted was no longer avail ;p too bad lor
But she's still very keen on the adidas one, instead she found an espirit model looking much nicer.
She's looking for this long trench which would keep her warm when going up the great wall.
As we all know la shopping with women hor x_x

One sentence describes the process best, Kill me please.

Of coz i did some shopping of my own, bought some pirated CDs la ;p Sting n Robbie Williams.

came back after which to do some housework, while she worked on the tender stuff.
Was supposed to go Wang Fu Jin at about 6 in the evening to shop for her tranch coat, end up went only at 7.
I chup siaoz her n went to take a nap at 6... nap ah nap till 7 then go out -_-"
I was like stoning while the little birdie was chirping x_x" Wana tell her to diam la, but didnt lor ;p keke

Went to this posh looking new shopping center, nothing much different from Time Square or our Taka la
I was thinking of more of exploring, running around, seeing new things rather than stuck in a building lor

So this time round i take it to explore this building lor =)
Alot of nice stuff la, clothes n such, but nothing really fancies me. Catches her eye, but not really for me.
Sorry not tt the clothes dont look nice, but most impt i would say is the person wearing it.

Clothes only enhances the person's image, doesnt mean wats the most trendy would suit everyone.
Like i feel sis wear the stripe blouse looks great, Jo wear boyish sweaters looks nice etc.

She's looking for a long trench coat, but most of the trench coat have this squarish pattern which is dull to me n i dont see anything tt nice...
In the end, went to espirit saw this cute white down jacket, which she fancied.

Then ask me

CL : "this one nice... or the brown(the one we saw this morn) one nicer?"
-__-" Siao liao lor very complex qns le... how to ans? Myself i prefer this jacket, but she wear not for me, so my opinion doesnt really matter lor
ME : "Up to u lor... both also nice =)"
Crossed x_x
CL : "Ask u choose which one nicer la! No ask u for wat?"
Ok ok mam... I understand... dont so angry la!
ME : "this one =)"

Phew... I tot nightmare over liao coz she happily bought it...
Till we went next door espirit for guys?!?!

Heng man, why nightmare? Coz there got woman eh jacket too! *ABISH* molo write complain letter to espirit liao
She saw a very nice black down jacket. x_x;

Siao liao lor. Gona kena the qns again liao, can siam anot? diaoz.
Why isnt Janis or HH here?

So of coz she asked me again la the white one she bought looks nicer or this black one?

I wana say both looks nice eh, get both lor ;p but this black one the collar looks too big, but i like the feel of the material, very smooth like satin?
The design same as the white one she bought as in it doesnt have the normal squarish threading pattern.
Lady luck was with me... coz there isnt a white one! MUAHAHAHAHAHA~!~! Else i would surely pick this model instead ;p

The only two things there which fancied me was KFC n gelatio from some shop named romana, one was dinner, the other desert =)
The KFC is nice, they had this chicken-pah, which is much better than the ones in the Taiwan Xiao Chi chains back home.
The gelatio is fatastic! Delish, the choco reminded me of the italian hot choco from BNE.

Anythig different? Feelings aside, trying to keep everything normal.

Sometimes i feel the silence is a burden, her working n me zhor bo. No net somemore =(
We dont have much to talk abt lor. Easy for her n me =)

I'm now thinking of getting a Lenovo handset ;-) Looks nice hehe white brick type, saw it while having KFC just now ;p
btw their KFC quite exp, if u think of earn here, spend here la.

So far i've already spent 1/4 of what i've brought over x_x not very gd
2 more weeks? or 2 more days? keke boss come back on Monday surely gona scream at me eh ;p no do work! hahaha

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