水曜日, 1月 18, 0018

菜心你的 Kang Kong!

Today kena wash left right center by me boss for poor performance in my annual assesement keke. Of coz i'm pissed la, but i wont show it out or let ppl know lor ;-)

I didnt even bother going lunch w the OLs. Crap la dont wana be with the gossip group... I know during lunch she would bitch abt her assesment, I already know her assesment would be bad too lor n tried trying to boast her confidence by hinting her how to handle the boss... but of coz she didnt heed the advice lor. Too bad lor

After lunch she dropped me a mail abt her assesement la =_= quite a long mail (@_@) havent had such a long mail from her in a long time liao. I thought of just ignoring it or butter her up somemore lor but i didnt la! Come on I not so nasty ok! I wanted to consolidate her but instead I just reply in a cold tone, the same tone as what she would do to me

I should be nasty but I still give face lor, not coz I'm soft la but she's still a senior in the co.

Went off to site in the late evening, without lunch. Not really hungry la, no mood or company to eat lor hehe Least at site I could find few more ppl to eat out with, ppl whom understand that being in the IT line means lunch time is often only after 1pm.

Today's lunch is at 530pm! Hahaha abit extreme la ;p

No choice le, gota work till late n settle issues kekeke

Today learnt a new verse at work "菜心xxxx你的 Kang Kong!"
Power le! At first I was like huh? WTF has 菜心 has to do with Kang Kong ?!?!?!

Then i slowly realized... Oh ya hor!
Shi@z this guy is good man!
Taking the meaning of vegetable sex to the next level! hahahaha

Dinner only came at 9pm+ la n was at 126 for dim sum lor hehe

Such a long time since I was last there. I didn't call her along even though she stays like 15mins walk away, guess she'll give me some snide remarks when she finds out! haha Then I'll have to repeat the process of telling her she wont come even if I told her lor... blah blah blah. History repeats? hehe

"Come What May" Nice song...

Dont expect me to be so forgiving... Dont expect me to be there like before... Dont expect...

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