水曜日, 8月 31, 0017

An unforgetable b'day for Bat!

Dinner was changed to Changing Appetites.

I've got alot to write about, but i feel there's alot of touchy things going on during this unforgetable dinner...

A seemingly innocent dinner with crouching tigers n hidden dragons x_x

Well i feel like a useless guy, not knowing such things are happening right in front of our eyes n not noticing about it...

Sorry folks, this time round its really all my fault la.

Hell let's just enjoy things while they last...

For starters, we ordered a round of drinks. Dog n paulsible had the choco frezze, bat had the lycee soda, someone took the orea shake n i had the banana freeze.
The so called choco freeze looks fantastic, but tastes just like choco flavoured hi-lo lor ~_~ Me? The sliced of banana in the banana freeze were the best! Hehe i hate hi-lo taste ;p~

Our b'day boy had some strange pasta filled with strips of beef
Not sure how it taste like, as he didn't wana talk about it. But impt thing is he didn't finish the pasta... So u derive the ans ur self...

Vron had some steak which i've got no idea what is called hehe think its some WoW factor stuff
Looks not bad =)
Well least she finished her steak but left behind her fries ~_~ hehe Dieting bride ok! kekeke Hubby coming back in few hours more! hehe

This is a WoW factored Wave something fish n chips, aka the stingray lor
Looks interestingly decent?
We each had a piece to try lor, seems like plain fish. Except damn thin slice man! Dang did they choose stingray on diet? hehe I really doubt this is stingray man!
We've been cheated!!!!

Dog had this medium pepper Shirloin steak, no WoW factor.
It should really be WOW ok! hehe
Heard n saw the terrible demo, Dog had a hard time cutting the meat, he even have a hard time even using the fork to poke the meat! Bat chewed on it before spitting it out. Paul-sible commented it isnt Shirloin cut! -_-"

I only tried the mashed potatoe below the steak. Just a bit better than Secret Recipe's stuff.

Paulsible had this cheese burger, didnt ask him how is it...
Looks not bad

The legendary Seafood Combo for 3!
This is shared by all of us ok! hehe
Well i ordered this coz a sad man is a hungry man lor! hahaha

Let's see... (clockwise) Top left is a big thick n juice fish fillet, right of it is deep fried calamari, followed by prawn tempura, mussles w melted cheese & soft shell crab.

Shirlin : no comment
Bat : no comment
Paulsible : no comment
Dog : softshell crab very "good" ah!
(cant see the facial expression, but i think he's crying la! lol)
Me : Best thing on the plate is the coleslaw. Fish tastes flat, calarami is nice, prawn tempura reminds me of Sakura's, Mussels dog warned us not to touch! Softshell crab? I got no idea it is softshell crab ok!

I had the Spanish Paelle =)
Nice looking!
At first it looks very nice la, filled with lots n lots of prawns, squid n mussels lor. My take on the prawn? Looks stale, even if its quite big, coz i ate the heads n there's no sweetness in the prawns. The squid n mussels are plentiful but somehow feels like forzen stuff man... The rice hor at first i tot its really paelle style cooking, whos knows its in actual fact a very lavish fried rice! Could still find lumps of white rice -_-" Not to mention its really very oily.

Very sinful, its been such a long time since i had such a high colesterol meal liao. Think of it this way, literally every spoon of rice i took had either a large mussel or squid. And on top of which i gave away all of the prawns coz i didnt wana eat prawns then. The portion is huge lor i couldnt finish even 1/2 of it le -_-"

It tastes really unique lor, but its definately not paelle! There's no crusty bottom!

In short this is a really unforgetablely sucky meal la!
Anyone whom even wana think of going there hor, please reconsider !!!
Unless u are the typical Singaporean whom eats there just coz its a nice place to chill out at.

火曜日, 8月 30, 0017

Her untimely request today...

I duno how to write this down... I knew this day would come soon, but i really didnt see it coming this soon.

Yes, you'll have guessed it. Its the end.

I'm still quite hurting from the SMS...

"Hi-short qns-Shld we heed ur fren advice?Shld i stay away fr u?Is it better?M i doing more harm 2 u by agreein 2 go out wif u-i'm ok wif it but m i selfish?"

I made a nice n short reply... the hardest SMS i've sent to date...

"if tt is ur wish me lady. wat they say doesn't hurt my heart as much as wat u r askin for. but i wld accede 2 ur request then..."

I'm ok guys. I'm good no worries. Time i closed this chapter n moved on...

Carl's Jr vs the Oink~!~!~! Happy B'day Bat~!~!~!

Had an uneventful day today, except kena saboo by jobline man!

What happened? Well they submitted my cv to NCS for a job, even though i was quite strongly against it, due to abit of conflict of interest with my existing co lor.

Who knows really kena nightmare man... My CV ended up on my FM's boss desk n he called me up (-_-);

At first i thought it was a colleague who's playing a prank on me man.

Who knows it is really the boss who's interested in getting me over...
*Abish* First thing i did after off phone w him is to call Melissa n screw her -_-"
Hai(Got me in trouble) me man !!!
IT was really lucky he didn't tell my boss I'm looking for job ok!
Even though he's quite descrete about it, but next time round I'm gona tell Melissa to stay my CV away from both NCS n SCS. Period.

Nuff of crap stuff man...

Meet Bat at MS to rackie for molo's dinner =) hehe his big day le!
Was abit lost at MS man, after the reno alot of changes here n there ~__~
We got lost ok! hehe duno where is Long John Silver! kekeke

In the end we went to Carl's Jr to have dinner la, since its really a fast food joint. An expensive one though!

Bat had the Double western some crap burger n i had the sour dough lor, nothing fanciful. The meat's ok ok only, but the bread is very fragrant n the taste is quite unique with a heavy taste of sour cream. Overall the mixture of the bread n sauce is much beter than the beef patty! hehehe

Anyway after dinner we were walking around looking for a better place n i found this cutie pie...

Solli la...cant u see how sincere i am in apologizing? hehe ;p

Ya had to apologize for some of the nasty stuff i said lor...

Hehe but i'll need someone to take the rap for the devil pic below! Any takers? hahaha

Anyway we found a nice place called ゆきのやき (Yuki no Yaki) a CharCoal BBQ buffet =) looks nice from the outside lor, but duno how's the food.
Lily said it sucks la -_-" diao...
We've ran out of ideas n places to go liao le...

Sigh... so busy... I've yet to find the German amazon w hairy armpit for Bat yet !?!?! lol

月曜日, 8月 29, 0017

我被骗了 =~( aka He cheated me!

OMG~! It started with an innocent call from ABL, she was in the area with AB and wanted to go out lim kopi(drink coffee)

I should've known it was a trap!

A simple and easily avoidable trap indeed, but i still fell for it...

Before they picked me up, i already know what they wana know...
AB's well known for wriggling out the spicy paparazi news ;-)

At first when i boarded AB's nissan sunny, on my mind i've already prepared what BS to say liao hehe but i did not know on their mind it was much more than the spicy news they're after...

I did not notice they were going onto the PIE till it was too late to bail ship! =~~(

Alas...the greater evil is to kipnap me to go IMM to listen to Superstar n see the senseless hordes of fans screaming just to get an autograph... x.x

ABL wanted to see Jun Yang, but think we only managed to see Kelly n Wei Lian.
We drove all the way from Bedok to IMM just so she could catch sight of her idol Jun Yang x__x

The crowd is deafening n it was hurting my left ear -___-"
One of the reasons i dont go pubbing, the deep bass always hurts in my left ear...

There was even a crazy guy whom pasted a SUPER ugly poster support one of the male superstars contestant on his 350z =~~(

We were like F**K how could he go about tranishing the name of the fairlady?

Anyway i had lunch at Kopi Thiam at lvl 1 of IMM lor, AB kai siao (recommended) the Laksa or chicken rice, but i got only Laksa as the chicken rice like no more liao le.

The Laksa looks delicious la, but the taste really falls *FLAT* fail liao la.
Sometimes i really wonder man, Singaporeans have bad taste or what?
So many ppl queue for this stuff?

I also ordered they're Italian bread, kaya roti style, which took a very long while to come but was fantastic! Both of them loved it but it was bloody expensive man! $2.20 for 4 small squares -_-"

The place is really small lor, the staff not very gd or courteous la.
Except for the manager or boss which happens to be a chubby guy, fantastic service.
What happened was AB bought the 台湾鸡排(Taiwan Chicken Chop) and open it at Kopi Thiam's table lor.

Usually the staff at any food court would come over n tell u go fly kite n eat your outside food else where! But this nice guy just came over explained and offered to put the food into one of their bowls, so no one would say hey we brought in outside food! hehe Very gd staff! I would recommend him to be the best staff around!

Well after all the gd food n RNR we went to Daiso where i picked up these cuties!

2 nice snoopies!Flowery n Meow meow! ^_^

I'm sure mama's not gona be happy when she sees 8 of these cuties in the basin molo morn ~__~ She'll most prob give me a earful about buying these teacups hehe

After the horrid ppl n car crowds at IMM we went over to AB's place to chill-out (No choice i was held hostage against my will somewhere in Boonlay! lol)

Before we left we thought of go change our SCV analog set-top box to digital as since it would incur $2 charge starting September =( Bad starhub!

Along the way we went to this place at westcost to view 2nd hand cars, it was beside the No-Sign board rest n a charcoal korean BBQ restaurant ;-) which i think is highly recommended in makansutra forum hehe Anyway had a chat with the car dealers n even saw the Honda Civic ESI at Pang Brothers, just lucky that they're already closed! hehe else i would be buying that car *phew*

Last stop before we went to Tampines Stashub was to pick up AB's friend MengKoon a fairly tanned guy whom has a pony tail like Du De Wei hehe.

We had something in common, kena holland by AB major man! His is wana print something went all around w AB n ABL, in the end went to someone else's place to print ~__~...

My predictament is much more horrible, Kopi n kena kidnapped for 14hrs !!! Nasty !!!
Think CL's not gona call me go out supper liao la hehe next time is confirm surely + guarantee surely got round 3 eh hehe.
(Not to mention she's surely gona kill me for posting that pic in this blog ~__~ )

She's gona stay far far away from me n AB liao! kekeke

Back to my story...

MengKoon wana get a new SIM card as he lost his HP, which is why we picked him up at Clementi lor, but hor...
He no HP n AB didn't arrange a meeting pt in Clementi man! *abish*
(Think the other night when Keith went missing n leaving his HP was w Kim n AB called keith's HP...)

It was pretty uneventful after which, except we picked up his friend working at Century's OSIM... Sh*t I forgot to ask his name! hehehe

But somehow ppl just know me lor ~__~ Duno is it coz of my bad name or what le! haha

I only came home nearly mid-night n had to setup the TV box else my mama molo no TV watch liao x_x...

It was really horrible to re-lay cables to the plasma man, hole too small n hand too big! Not to mention the cable mess in the feature-wall -___-;

Phew... that is how I end my day, molo would be horrible!

Confirm eh...

Teach mama how to use new set top box... she say no LCD infront to display what channel she's at n no LCD clock to show time -_-"

Interview at Buena Vista which I'm not keen on but just to go along.

CL's surely gona blow her top n call me up to screw me ^.^; for 1, the pic n 2 her server password ;-) shhhh hehe she's not suppose to know! hehehe

Think i need help, how do i shuffle on Tues Bat's b'day?
Guys? Hey where u all going?!?!?! Diao... all abandon me liao x_x

日曜日, 8月 28, 0017

Frugal Fruitful day ^_^; Just chillin'

It's been quite a while since i went pass orchard twice in a day liao ~_~ especially on a Saturday la! hehe

This morn had to accompany mama n sis go Alexanrdra there for Goose meat(Yummy!), its at the hawker centre near Ikea. But sway-sway(unlucky) la there's no goose today~!~! =~~~(

We purposely come all the way down from the east n no goose?!?!?! Super sian 1/2 ok!
So LPPL lor get they're braised duck + 2 types of 猪肠(pig offals) 大肠,小肠n粉肠. Not bad la! hehe but abit high on colesterol lor ;p~

After having a sumptious meal we went to check out the stuff at Ikea =)
Nice! Lots of new stuff, almost wanted to buy the Felicia series of blanket or covers, the plan was to buy one or two to cover the sofa just to have a contrast or used as a blanket if someone comes over to sleep over la hehe.

In the end walk here n there, beo(look) here beo there...
No buy anything -_-... lol nvm lor

So out we went n at the small grocery style cafe just outside of the Ikea cuonters, we saw some really yummy stuff!

ps haven't open yet! hehe prep to bring this to office let those gweedy pigs eat eh! This time must ration liao! kekeke

If i'm not wrong the description was some double choco cookie! Yummy! My fav! hehe
Actually something caught my eyes too, a plain unlabeled plastic box filled with dozens of green/dark choco covered wafers... The green either signifies it is minty or has pistachios in it ;-) Wicked rite? hehe

No price tags, nor is there any form of signs etc -___-"
Super sianz man!!!

Then later in the evening wanted to meet Bat at Paragon to have the wicked soba eh, in the end we ended up at Tonkichi again! hehehe 1 month go twice abit the hiong ok!

Actually i wasn't keen on Tonkichi eh, but Bat just had to buy something for his sis as instructed by his mama, but his mama cannot be contacted, so we couldnt go to Meridian visit the Korean stall =~~~(

K la for those whom think Tonkichi sucks hor... Should go back n try again man!

Why le? Coz none of us really looked thru the Chef's Specials menu !!!

Arghhhhhhhhhh~!~!~! In there there's something special called Katsu Sauce which i've been dying to try out man! At last this time round I saw it n recommend Bat to try it out lor!

First up came this Prawn head... cheap cheap $3 only hehe nice n tasty! Dip it in the tangy dark sauce for added taste. It's really crunchy n is really filled to the brim w the sweet taste of the prawn.

I'm not sure about the dark tangy sauce, it maybe miso sauce but it tastes abit like winchester sauce. Well maybe someone can go ask them the next time round? hehe

Quite ok lor, they should give this for free la! each head is abt $0.50 lor

Well i actually forgot to take pic n took this only when Bat's tucking into it la ;p hehe gomene!

Looks yucky rite? But its really to die for ok! Cost abt $19 la

PS la the pic not very nice, coz the Katsu is dipped in a very dark sauce, nearly as dark as dark soy ok! n then they sprinkle seaweed strips on top lor! The dark sauce is abit saltish n very flavourful n much nicer in taste as compared to the dark tangy sauce they serve.

This set comes with a nice bowl of vegetable soup lor, which the Bat cleaned out la!

Bat's comments on the vege salad n the soup, "If veges were this nice tasting, i would eevryday eat veges man!"

But hor he never took another serving of the free flow vege salad la! hehehe ;p~

Since Bat took the Katsu sauce liao hor, i gota order something else lor... Then this guy came up next on my list =D~~

Jumbo Loin Katsu!

Jumbo Loin!!!!! BIG ok!!! hehe

This guy is HUGE ok! It comes with a side of kimchee + cold tofu, a very wicked combo!

There's a plate of 3 sauces for you to match ur taste, 1st is a much flavourful dark tangy sauce, the next sauce is a tomato sauce which is similar to the kind u dip pretzels into. The last is a sauce u eat tempura with, some light bonito soy sauce with lots of grated daikon?

I was abit greedy n finished all 3 sauces ;p hehe n had double servings of the vege ^o^

Somehow i didnt quite manage to finish my kimchee-tofu x_x full liao la ;p~

After dinner i had a mission to do... buy or order 1 box of white lotus w single yolk mooncake from Crown Prince Hotel lor...

Nice rite? hehe yummy le!

My sis just had to have the chinese filo pastry stuff lor, so i no choice buy 1 box la, got 25% disc now lor hehe so mai tu liao la! kekeke

Hmmm should be nice too! Yam + Pumkin hehe

For my greedy self ;p I got this box of Yam + Pumkin filling eh. No yolk hehe dont like yolks x_x

Ya i remember i still owe Engel a box of mooncakes...
k k i'll find 2 more typs n send them over lor =D

=) for the little kids at office! hehe

Ya i found the original Strawberry mint sweets liao! Yipee~!~! It's really well hidden ok! Took me quite a while to find it... ~_~ Also bought this plum sweet to try out lor =)


Last but not least... after dinner was talking w Bat about where to go on Tues night lor =)

His BIG day ok! hehe This is the day in which we can saboo him n do wat ever we want n he could do nothing abt it! kekeke

We're like lost for suggestions liao lor x_x
So this a list we came up... subjected to changes la!

  • Ramen Ramen

  • Black Angus

  • The Tavern

  • Dann Ryans

  • Lawry's

  • Banana leaf

  • Chinatown beansauce fishhead

  • Sushi Jiro

  • Marina Sq some big burger restaurant

  • Bat's wicked suggestion "Genki sushi"!!!!
    U guys can whack him the next time u see him ok? hehe
    We should just treat him to a Cheese burger, small fried n small coke liao la!
    The happy meal toy can give some other kid make him happy better! hehehe

    And after dinner most prob would be going to KTV or go bowling lor ;p~ hehe
    Something which we've not been doing for a long time liao hor? hehe

    Ya forget to add, after bowling or KTV can go geylang eat supper at 126 lor.

    Need help the big day boy requests for a female German amazon, preferable the type whom havent shave armpit in ages n goes hail-hitler kind!

    *ouch! very h00t ;-) kekeke*

    Last words, Craig David's new album really not bad le! But think only Hypnotic, One last dance or Just Chillin' may become popular lor the rest like abit too slow liao... ~_~

    金曜日, 8月 26, 0017

    I'll always think of you

    Its been a long time since i last touch a book liao le! hehe
    (Really dog gone ages ago man... dont talk abt stuff like speed or linux journal la!
    Not to mention the pr0n stash under swervy's bed! hehe)

    Think the last book i picked up was Memoirs of a Geisha la... read till i z_z n the moment i put it down i never picked it up again! hehehe ;p

    Just so happened Janis was reading another book in the Shopaholic series the other day while skiving w us la! kekeke (Anyone that comes along to find us must be skiving la! hahaha even KC too! keke) So i just ask her to lend me that book once she's done with it lor, so after like few days n few more reminders (ya la my office the gers hor all is SOTONG eh le!

    Actually its like after forever lor.. then she remember to bring Confessions of a Shopaholic to me lor. =~~~)

    After a long wait... at last i got my hands on this book! Yipeee~!~!

    Ys it was yesterday she pass to me la! hehe but hor I left it in office lor ;p~~
    Heng(Lucky) no one took it la! hehe else I'll have a hard time explaining to her liao ~_~ n woman can be pretty terrible listeners at times eh ok! hehehe

    So I was otw home on 87 just now n took seat beside a very old grandma la.
    Best choice liao! I dont wana be caught dead outside reading this girly book ok! hehe Shhhh~!~!~! It's a HI-MI-TSU(secret!)

    But alas lor... "But it's time to face the truth...I will never be with you" -____-"
    (I changed my SMS tone again hehe ;p)

    One time nvm la... Keep on playing it! ARGHHHH~!~!
    Got alot of ppl SMS me le =~~(
    Kauz i wana read book n ppl wana SMS me =(

    Funny thing le this book gives me the feeling that every single staff is FEMALE le!
    No qualms about it la, but come on le there's no page numbers to be found in anywhere in the book !!!

    -___- serious man i dont think any crazy guy publisher would allow somethign so radical to happen! hehe

    It's like throwing a woman somewhere in New York with no street signs n rd map n expect them to comb thru looking for a cafetaria! ;p hehe

    Ya I'm really exagerating la! hehehe

    This weekend I've got alot of free time lor hehe I'll see if i can finish reading this book lor =)

    Just before i forget lor... a nice pic of the devil who's haunting me! hahaha (lol nightemare man! hehe now i look at the pic! hehe she's really gona kill me when she see's this pic la! muahahaha)

    My paint skills not bad hor? kekeke PS la i not graduate to use photoshop yet =( hehehe

    Devil hor! Swee right? hehe my artistic talent still not bad la! kekeke ;p think primary school kid can draw so much better than me la! kekeke

    Must print out n use as dart board le!

    PS la guys...nothing new on my side lor gomen hehe sorry to make all of u worry about me la! I guess afew of you would have found out the additional stuff I've added in this blog lor! ;-) hehehe

    水曜日, 8月 24, 0017

    Easing the tired mind...

    Seating here enjoying e spurts of water. Watching as innocent kids play gleefully among e cris-crossing waters.

    Nibbling slowly on e creamy cheese croquet, a strange sweet taste similar to swelting onions. Somehow it goes very well w e short fluttering skirts walking by ^.^;

    Somehow i feel at ease among e bustling scene.

    Alas gd things dont last as a rude couple came along n took up residence w/o even asking.
    Their chatter is loud n inconsiderate, breaking all my thoughts. It isn't as if they dont c my displeasure for sitting uninvited n on top of which interrupted me from blogging.

    Worse off is it brought me back to reality n made me feel hapless as i remember abt her.

    Somehow i wld need to bury my feelings for her n yet maintain normal composure. I'll need to keep my distance n not contact her for any non work related issues.

    But to do so i'd hv to bury myself in work n keep myself occupied n not give myself any room for a breather...

    This wld mean i'll hv to forego asking my colleagues over for a small gathering before my b'day :(

    There must be another more sane way to resolve this issue... But i'm not able to see it now...

    My mind is back to square one...


    Well on another point... my next post would be the 100th post liao le hehe but think I'll do something special lor. No idea what yet, but it wont be finding gays, ex or trans la! Anything hazardous to my health I wont do eh! hehe

    Till i find something nice n special la... jya ne!

    火曜日, 8月 23, 0017

    Fear vs Courage

    Everyone of us have their own fears, fear of insects, creepy crawlies, height, the dark, water, eating vegetables. But majority of the guys would fear their wives! Hahaha ;p

    Each of us have our own ways to go about overcoming their own fears (eg staying below when everyone's riding the roller coaster) some have derived their own extreme methods to get by these fears (eg listening to discman when watching a horror show in the cinema)

    Recently I'm hit by a wall of water which I've got no idea how to help overcome.
    Fear of open waters, somehow it reminds me of my old dog whom is facinated by the froth caused by the incoming waves on the beach and yet so scared of it.

    It's a fear of having your head be submerged in the open seas, the fear of being among the big fishes in the popular dive sites, the fear of having your dive buddy seduced by a pretty mermaids n leaving u by yourself...

    Heck its not as if one is not able to swim nor is it the fear of touching water.

    How ever try as I might but I'm not being able to help ease the fear of the open seas.

    In the end I'm not sure if its the fear of the open seas or its the lack of courage to try and experience diving.

    Maybe it's just there is not enough of trust in me...

    I'm really dissapointed in not being able to help at all to dissipate or lessen the fear... or is it I've totally failed as a friend in need?

    月曜日, 8月 22, 0017

    Normal friends

    Just got the pics which were taken at sakae T2 n tonkichi :)
    Gomen, i gota wait for ppl give permission before i could post it lo :)
    Ps la peeps gota respect ppl la she's my colleague wait i offend her hor she'll make life miserable for me lor ;-)

    Update : PS ppl dont wana give permission to post the pic la...Below is the exact words she said la...
    CL "argh .... not the pic we took @sakae pls. I not nice lah .. where got nice? Grp one ah ... ok lah ..."

    Left to Right, CL, ABL, Jo, Ennie, Shanny, Ronnie, GayDog!, AB (Lucky he no fart!), Ugly ME! hehehe hope u all like the pics lor, PS dont have group photo w Ah Lau, Kim n Keith... Next time ok! lol

    日曜日, 8月 21, 0017

    Munchkins n the average Joe

    Just picked up this card game just now hehe the description is hilarious! So I just bought it on impulse! hehe Hope the gang loves it la keke

    Go down in the dungeon. Kill everything you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run.This award-winning card game, designed by Steve Jackson, captures the essence of the dungeon experience . . . with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon . . .  And it's illustrated by John Kovalic! Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And, while they're laughing, you can steal their stuff.

    So read on the Munchkin rules in pdf format. In case I bring along the pack n we'll have fun somewhere hehe =)


    Horror note... I'm still getting nightmares of last night si gui AB's spoof of 林志玲!

    "加油!加油!" -___-;
    "来让我抱你吧!" x___x;

    Poor me...

    And all the gers there -___- Enjoy show hor ;p~

    土曜日, 8月 20, 0017

    Thank you for all that chicken! @.@

    Phew it's a really hectic day man! Not talking about work that is ;-) hehehe
    Had to rush around the place like an idiot n gota help coordinate/organise the outing!

    In the morn, HH gave us our gifts from her BKK trip =) very nice presents ok! Gum Sia(thank you!) le

    She got us a note holder n a keychain each lor hehe

    I love being the devil! I love the ears! hehe like kitten eh
    MJ's selection
    I love the giraffe, but the keychain really horny! hehe
    Mike took these first
    Mike took the mummy n the angel! hehe
    Horny horny horny Carrothead!
    Carrot eh HORNY le! Some portion below the waist is always standing eh! kekeke DOM!

    For the ladies... A bracelet + necklace set

    Janis took this set
    Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com

    CL took this set n wore it immediately! Talk about being KS ok ;p
    Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com

    She also bought 2 boxes of the bah hu(pork floss) rolls ^_^ delish!

    Anyway otw to site, I had a wonderful lunch with MJ n HH at 李范南记鸡饭(Lee Fun Nam Kee Chicken Rice). Dont play play ok! Got website eh ok! Hehe

    We had soy chicken, which was abit salty if eaten by itself, but it goes very well with the chicken rice ;p hehe

    This is 1/2 chicken ok! Alot hor?
    1/2 chicken is $12, which is abit expensive lor...

    Dark soy is poured on it! Somehow it makes the meat less salty. I find it crispy but meat abit old lor
    Roasted pork is quite exquisite too ($4) we couldnt finish it! hehe

    Look at the bits of pork lard on the vege!
    We were like having a hard time choosing which vege to order n they dont have a menu for us to look thru -_-"
    In the end we just took the Oyster Sauce Vege ($6) VERY nice! The sauce has bits of pork lard in it, which somehow made the veeg taste better. Quite expensive, but It's taste n texture is certainly worth the $! Serious!

    Quite a handful abt 1/2 dozen or more I would say, the fillings is also quite nice, but not fantastic
    Last but not least we had a bowl of Fresh Shrimp Dumpling Soup ($4) which is surprisingly cheap n nice. Free refill of soup too, if there's still dumplings in it la ;-) hehe

    What really surprised me is the toothpick they provided seems to be made from bamboo n is so much more sturdy! hehe

    The drinks we had were like cheapskate stuff, Home made barley was poh(thin) like water, but heck its $1 each glass la. Btw there's no GST or service charge here la.

    Lunch is really satisfying lor, would suggest soy chix fans to go n try there! hehe esp the dog! Dont throw the reciept ok! Look behind there should be a chop to say its a $$$ voucher off your next meal. Outs is $2 off next meal n this meal cost us about $32.50.

    Sometime during lunch the Dog called me to tell me he maybe able to make it la! It really boasted my morale la! Whole morning worried like fish le! hehe

    Least I know I've got a few frenz whom I could count on to turn up!

    After lunch I was like still very worried about how the evening dinner would turn out lor...

    Alot of ppl whom I've contacted were not able to make it, very disheartening eh le.
    I know la work is more important lor! I understand but I really hope they could make it lor...

    Equally vexing is I've yet to tell her that there would be alot of ppl at dinner tonight lor ~__~; hehe
    Even though I know she won't put me plane hor, but I still couldn't count on it lor.
    Well she wanted to meet up w ABL n AB to least give them the voucher for ABL's belated b'day gift lor.I know during the journey there's this invisible wall between us lor, which is good la =) We didn't really talk much lor. Except she joked about wanting to abandon turtle(run off) when she heard about 15pax may turn up! hehe

    When we got to taka, we were first greeted by the sotong Jolene!
    Yeah! My sweet cute n adorable little sister! hehe

    She was as usual stoning n sotong'ing at Wisma trying to look for a ATM machine lor hehe ~__~;

    The Dog was already at Taka, outside Mont Blanc Store with AB n ABL lor.
    Ennie n Ronnie are already in the Tonkichi restaurant liao hehe.

    And the organizer aka me is LATE! hahaha

    At that moment in time I'm still dazzled about whom would be turning up
    (Kel last min say sick cant join -_-", Elwin n Lau Eng stuck in office meeting -_-", Guy MIA, Keith stuck in meeting, Ah lau cannot join, Jon n antz at product launch, XP/Fendi/Da Liang working, Sue on course, Alvin in Greece)

    Talk about being depressed man! Shiatz nearly 15 pax didnt turn up ok!
    Really demoralizing man.

    Anyway heck care la hehe least I got 8 ppl whom did turn up n made lots of fun n laughter for all lor =) hehe

    Surprisingly Ah Lau turned up with Kim! And Keith suddenly pop up behind n pat me in the back! Hehehe Thanks brothers! Shanny also turned up! Thanks! Hehehe

    Well I didn't have to worry about the Dog not fitting in with the group, even if most of the ppl there he hadn't seen any of them befor eh! Hehe He was like fish into water and soon was chatting with everyone like good old frenz lor hehe =)

    Some of the funny part was how AB n GayDog were playing w each other's hot nipples ;-) and how Dog let Tifanny out of the bag, just so to let her know my name !!! -_-"

    Diao... Tiffany! I'm gona kick ur ass major for this man punk! hahaha

    But equally dangerous was when AB was talking about hitting the big 30! ~__~;
    I was looking at a particular someone, whom i know happens to be the eldest in our group of 76'ers hehehe and still remember that someone telling me, "Sixx 你好!...给我记住!" ;p

    Another big joke is of Ah Lau having to book in early as Kim is on leave for a week! HAHAHAHA

    Look at the tyrant Ah Lau w the demure Kim! PS hor no ask the 2 for perm before put on my blog! ;p

    Anyway this is dinner lor hehehe

    Curry Katsu Rice, curry no take pic ~__~
    Duno how AB do man, take 1 or 2 pcs out liao still look like never touch before! lol

    Katsu Rice
    Jo was taking this overhead pic

    Toraji...? Duno wat name la item 19 on menu! hehe
    3 of us had this item hehe

    Anyway a nice review of Tonkichi for those whom were there hehe
    Dang I should have taken item 18, Miso Kastu, should be quite nice lor hehe duno if they got Katsu Sauce anot le... It's a Katsu dipped in Sauce eh.

    But I didn't have enuff time to study the menu lor ;p hehe too busy trying to catch up on what everyone is talking about la! hehe

    ABL pai sei la, hehe the gift i really got no idea who contribute lor! hehe
    Just take it as from all of us present or not present la =)
    If u really wana thank, then thank Ennie for choosing the makeup kit n CL for the manicure voucher!

    (Lucky we didnt buy more or opt for couple manicure/pedicure ok! hehe but it would be wicked to see AB going for manicure/pedicure! MUAHAHAHAHAHA)

    Guys guys guys hehehe I really hope all of you had enjoyed the outing lor!
    Thanks for coming n having a fun time la hehe
    It's really nice to see alot of u again after such a long time lor =)
    I'm happy to meet up everyone present there, but somehow I still feel empty inside... Think It's due to the lack of interacting w her?
    After dinner, we all went our ways la.
    For the first time after we left, I didn't SMS her at all... I wanted to, but i couldn't bring myself to SMS her, least to thank her for joining us la.
    I'm such a loser la, not even able to truely hold her attention nor talk to her abt topics she's interested in lor

    Funny thing lor Keith left his HP w Kim n went MIA la!
    We were like worried about where to find him n such lor, turned out he went ahead to the pub at Purvis st (Not Pelvis st ah! hahaha) which we wanted to go to play darts eh.

    Joker number 1, AB go call Keith's HP which was with Kim =~~~)
    Joker number 2, Keith later told us he called home to ask for Ah Lau's number, when he could simply just called his own HP le!!! -___-;
    Hound dog number 1, Ah Lau for predicting KNOWING Keith would go straight to the rendezvous pt!

    Serious part liao ...

    Jo was having some probs about work n finding work lor n the Tiffany was talking to her, advicing her on what should be her alternatives or choices which she could take la. Tiffany even offered to "open" path for her into a CS post in OCBC.

    Gota agree with Tiffany in the sense he's in the extreme end of how career life is. In the sense is if you're looking for a real career path, real prospects n most impt REAL dough filling ur pocket, but equally siong is there's no life, no time for relationships, no time for holidays.

    Everyday work, work n work.

    Knowing her, I would say she would have a hard time changing her thinking to fit the requirements needed of the harsh work she's looking at lor.

    Jo is not able to make the grade la Frankly speaking.
    Not unless she really R360 change ALOT la...
    Which i would strongly advice against lor...

    Prioritiez, alot of us are not able to prioritize la.
    The way we prioritize would determine on how far we wuold go in the career path n corporate ladder lor (If there is one in ur work place la!)
    My priorities? I dont dare to put her in my priorities lor, even if i get serious, would there be a chance for me? I shouldn't be thinking of her so much, but I couldn't help it. I'm still emotionally immature.