火曜日, 1月 24, 0018

Back to my old roots

Yeah hon is back in town hehe
He came back no sound no word on fri night n only called us up on sat =__=
Kauz some fren le, all MIA come back also no word no sound eh sianz
Mandy also same pattern la diaoz no wonder they couple lor ;> muahahaha
she more the powderful lor come back n gona fly off on monday
but least she got xim la come say hi n shake hand for 3 mins before going off again lol
Hon is bo ban huat(No choice) ;p need our help so stuck in SG for few days kekeke
Sigh very realistic n practical hor? This is the katongites la, need ur help then come find u...
no need u tt time all duno run go where la! keke of coz there's others in katongites not like this la hehe ;p
Yesterday went to bugis loot SF2 like little kids lor keke
It is very shiok! So long dont have tt feeling of fun n adrenaline rush liao lor hehe
Most impt thing is i use Chun Li n trash all of them
First time Chun Li user here as compared to their main char of Ryu/Ken/Guile la
Chun Li is really fun lor, with all her quick jabs n stabs, make them very pissed n annoyed...
therefore they make stupid mistakes... over n over n over again =~~~)
Now I'll learn from the cheegen guniang dog, win liao retire char be undisputed champion ;p
Never to use Chun Li AGAIN!
Ultimate hit n run technique ok! Hehehe then can really gloat FOREVER tt their SF2 skills sucks~!~!~!
Future plans? No idea yet, now enjoy first... After being cooped up for so long, like there's really no avenue to relieve...
First time in a very long while i didnt really get the chance to enjoy things i like lor =(
All the while its like i'm living in other ppl's fun n laughter... while not really experiencing the joys i find the most joyful
No matter wat happens, i know i've got this group whom is always there
Once a gamer, always a gamer ;p
This is mons, the real me under...
Be yourself, no matter what they say... 菜心你的 Kang Kong!

水曜日, 1月 18, 0018

菜心你的 Kang Kong!

Today kena wash left right center by me boss for poor performance in my annual assesement keke. Of coz i'm pissed la, but i wont show it out or let ppl know lor ;-)

I didnt even bother going lunch w the OLs. Crap la dont wana be with the gossip group... I know during lunch she would bitch abt her assesment, I already know her assesment would be bad too lor n tried trying to boast her confidence by hinting her how to handle the boss... but of coz she didnt heed the advice lor. Too bad lor

After lunch she dropped me a mail abt her assesement la =_= quite a long mail (@_@) havent had such a long mail from her in a long time liao. I thought of just ignoring it or butter her up somemore lor but i didnt la! Come on I not so nasty ok! I wanted to consolidate her but instead I just reply in a cold tone, the same tone as what she would do to me

I should be nasty but I still give face lor, not coz I'm soft la but she's still a senior in the co.

Went off to site in the late evening, without lunch. Not really hungry la, no mood or company to eat lor hehe Least at site I could find few more ppl to eat out with, ppl whom understand that being in the IT line means lunch time is often only after 1pm.

Today's lunch is at 530pm! Hahaha abit extreme la ;p

No choice le, gota work till late n settle issues kekeke

Today learnt a new verse at work "菜心xxxx你的 Kang Kong!"
Power le! At first I was like huh? WTF has 菜心 has to do with Kang Kong ?!?!?!

Then i slowly realized... Oh ya hor!
Shi@z this guy is good man!
Taking the meaning of vegetable sex to the next level! hahahaha

Dinner only came at 9pm+ la n was at 126 for dim sum lor hehe

Such a long time since I was last there. I didn't call her along even though she stays like 15mins walk away, guess she'll give me some snide remarks when she finds out! haha Then I'll have to repeat the process of telling her she wont come even if I told her lor... blah blah blah. History repeats? hehe

"Come What May" Nice song...

Dont expect me to be so forgiving... Dont expect me to be there like before... Dont expect...

火曜日, 1月 17, 0018

First step into the sunlight

Been quite a while since i last blog or wrote something
Alot of things have happened since my last entry, did my first tiramisu, meet some new friends n old... alot of thoughts have been going thru my mind ;p

I've started another new blog, but wasn't able to post anything
I couldn't start a new

I was lucky some of my friends still remembered their passwords, else i couldn't get back here again. As for the other blog, i wont do anything abt it, nor would i ask for it back. I'm afraid taking it back i would delete it off. Which is why i left this blog, with my friends. So i wont delete all my memories in impulse.

My first tiramisu is a mixed ball of success, some love it for its taste, while some hate it for the strong liquor taste. Myself i find it quite nice n fragrant, but i fall into my bad habit, not eating much of wat i made. No matter how delicious it is. Strange nut i am, best thing is i wont support my own creations whereas i would support other's! hahaha no matter how bad they taste! Wierd right? Maybe its due to i find what other's cooked to be so much better than mine? hehe

I'm officially out of the group at work, no longer can i communicate with them no more. It's like strangers meeting up, face to face. I'm scared. Duno what to say even though deep inside i wana ask n talk, communicate with them. But somehow i always stop myself. No more, no need to talk no more... it's really enough liao. I know the words which come out would lead to another cold war, what's to be said have already been said. Time for me to be really practical.

If frenz are meant to part, i wont do anything anymore to stop it
I will no longer be bothered if they dont miss or think about me
My frenz would know who they are, just touch yourself in your heart n u would know if i'm really ur fren or not. I dont wana say no more liao

I'm on the rd to recovery peeps, so no worries
I would be self sufficient n happy, I wont look at others to determine my mood
I dont wana carry this hollow laughter of mine no more

My bad cough is still haunting me, i nono wat i should do abt it...
Nah i wont do anything abt it ;p let it recover by itself, think its becoming a habit rather than really having a bad cough... nono, dont care hehe

Really need to thank those whom attended tonight's small dinner gathering at the last min lor =)

What's next in my plans?

nono... make something else which needs more effort? maybe bake a cherry pie? hahaha
in the near future i would be going to dubai...
after which somewhere in march/april i hope the trip to japan would be finalized soon
by july i would really have to make my decision, stay or not. Time is pressing...

金曜日, 1月 06, 0018

Numa numa :)

I've removed myself from the blog, i may start something new in the future :)

Lament of innocence...

Just heard off the radio...

Yas is asking callers about Guy's reaction "When you see a really hot lady, in your mind would you wana have sex with her?"

=____= All callers whom think yes is pure LAME! I'm no FCP or join no sexist group la, but come on... Just for fun its a really interesting topic, which shows most guys think with their dick rather than their head, but deeper with-in, is sex everything? Where is the love?

There's even this guy whom said it takes real guts to tell the lady that you wana have sex with her! And its the highest form of compliment a lady can get? =___=;

Geez, if guys wana have sex with beautiful women, just go geylang la! You did be surprised at what kind of ladies u can find ;-)
Not to even mention BKK *先生,要喝酒吗?* ;p

Myself wise, would I be interested in the hot lady?

Until these two years it's yes, but its not about sex or looks, its everything about her, her life, character... how does she carry herself? Her attitude is it bitchy but nice enough to make my mouth water ;p lol

But now its different, I'm not looking for sex, but love.
Most of what I had in the past is sex, it isnt love making =(

Now, in my heart mind n soul, there's only one...
Touch my heart, have I truely loved anyone before CL? ...

I know there's alot of touching moments in my past relationships, but i dont remember them no more as it didnt really touch me.

The most memorable was when I asked her to be my gf... first rejection, first kiss, first dance, first time in bed ;p and the many times I broke up with her...
I dont even remember the anniversaries n b'days with her, how we celebrate...

Wasted guy I am... So guess u peeps can call me a pervy or bastard lor

She's a nice ger, the type whom gives n gives n gives, of coz i also give too la!
but the feeling's isnt like love. Maybe I never know what is love after all...
I came to this conclusion that I am not what she wants n gave her back her wings, her freedom. All the while I've blamed it on the differences between both of us, never admitting it is much more than that

I really yearn for that someone for me put my hands around her hips n cuddling with her. It gives me this warmth n togetherness feeling which... would forever elude me

This would be my eternal punishment

Never be able to find one I would truely love n be with her till the end of time =)

ps : I'm seriously considering to shut this blog n the other one down too... no worries i wont delete either one. So u peeps could still continue using this blog to listen for radio


Tiramisu in Italian means, "pick me up," if you are feeling down maybe this famous Italian dessert will do the trick.

I'm not a big fan of unbaked deserts, even though my first cheesecake is an unbaked one (recipe from Joz) (~_~); I've always had this thing for the sinful but beautifully decorated cakes in those fanciful cake shops.

I saw Tiramisù being made on 美食大三通 off TVB8 just now and found it to be quite easily done as compared to Joz's cheesecake ;p kekeke

Dont even think I'm gona make a tiramisù just coz CL has done it before ok!

Just for kicks, I'll try to do it sometime this week ;-)
*Can see all tke katongites siam n off their HP n 1 even move house!* Muahahahaha
Just maybe, I would follow this recipe or another...

Interesting would be where to get the Marsala wine? Guess would be a sweet desert wine and should be the x-factor which was missing even if you had Kahluar in the tiramisù.

Someday when I'm crazy enough I would shut this blog down... Until then just let me be crazy =)

水曜日, 1月 04, 0018

Why men LOVE Bitches

From Doormat to Dreamgirl... very nice catch phrase i would say!
This is the latest book I'm reading n hope to finish it really soon
It's intended audience is acutally women whom find themselves being treated like doormats
aka women which man no longer find attractive to
I bought it to self reflect on what I've done n find it closely relates to what I've been thru, in another angle
From another view, the female's point of view. The female whom holds her own. No relationship la ;p
but it really helps understand ppl's actions and mainly my own reactions.
I find myself somewhat mixture between the guy n being the nice girl whom gives everything...
and found how how really foolish i was =) hehe
Never never never give EVERYTHING till u get sooooo depleted n duno how to recover from.
Quite quirky as why didnt i read this book before everything happened?
Would highly recommend guys n gals to go read this book n see for yourself which of the 3 characteristics do u fit in?
The guy?
The nice ger?
or the bitch which is nice n holds her own
Learn from it
I now fear my own reaction would bring the impendent death of a great friendship, laying waste to all the efforts i've done
This is what i forseen long time back, her action n my reaction.
The cold wall is slowly building up to protect myself
I'm looking for an answer... But would what i learnt really help and be in time?
I really fear it would be already too little too late, I'm already becoming like a stranger

火曜日, 1月 03, 0018

First Potluck outcome ~_~;

It's a really wonderful event =) Abit dissapointed some of you werent able to turn up la
but overall chill hehe, least my time n effort paid off to see the smiles in those present lor ;p
Food wise quite adequate la, abit too much ~_~; keke
gona geta eat poh piah for next few days liao... Poh piah phobia for me liao la! diaoz...
MJ brought Potato salad which is splendid! Lots of ham n hard boiled egg in it hehe sinful!
Mike brought nuggets, which was abit too soft but still delish too
Shirlost n Xiang prep sushi, not alot but also nice. I love the onigiri hehe
Bat brought his auntie's fried beehoon, alot sial x_x same taste after all these years ;p hiakz lol
CL brought Japanese nuggets n tiramisu, bought are quite nice la =)
Who else turned up? Katongite's first mama to be, SH with her big tummy! haha
MJ brought along his whole family and Mike brought his GF Doris ;-)
Myself i went out to get the Ice cream & durain puffs coz our agar agar man last min sick lor ;p
Did they have fun? Yup!
CL was playing with Jody the whole time till later to join the rest in Bluff n then 99.
MJ n wifie was busy looking around n looking after their kids hehe
Mike n co was RNR as he didnt wana join in on 99 n bluff
They didnt wana play Taboo as it was abit too taxing on their brain! keke ;p
I've really had fun lor, playing 99 besides CL is stressful ok! It's like playing Munchkins with Paul
No idea why, but it seems like it was always left she n I as the last man standing n have to slug it out
Lady luck doesnt smile on me ok! Really tough n on later games, my hand was terrible! hehe
Food wise i was only dissapointed in her nuggets. I actually prefered Bat's pork nuggies of the last pot luck.
Why? Coz when u think chicken nuggets, you would automatically buy the "Japanese Crispy Chicken Nuggets"
No questions asked. It's like the norm stuff, nothing special. Anyone would buy that brand kind of feeling.
I've actually eaten the whole series of products from them x_x
Bat's pork nuggies is really something, it is like whole pork pieces rather than minced pork.
So u had this really feeling of biting into a piece of juicy n "bouncy" piece of meat, I really love it ok! Serious.
The taste n feeling took me out of this world, so much more unique than the Chicken Nuggets.
This is why i hope ppl would prepare their own food/dishes, something special.
From their heart, the effort, the feeling... Days gone from the gatherings abck in Aussie...
But her Tiramisu is really nice lor, not the best but very gd on her first try!
I'm sure it wasn't meant for us, but we still enjoyed it lor hehe
I wanted to cook eh, but last night was too caught up with Bat ton-night MS'ing at my place... Till i was dead tired.
In my mind was actually Carbonara, some tomato based pasta or Fendi's corn beef pasta ;p or Prawn paste Chicken ;-)
But I woke up too late n didnt manage to go market (@_@); 
plus i know she doesnt eat beef, so no corn beef nor my ox tail liao lor =(
I really miss making my paelle or all of the great tasting food back in aussie la...
but somehow the food i cook no longer had the magical touch like back in aussie...
I still remember the happy faces i brought, AB munching on my paelle filled with chicken n seafood
Antz on my lamb ribs, Alvin on my pate, dog KT kim n everyone else on my ox tail stew
Which Jo later copy n used crab sticks instead kekeke
Last but not least my or-nee(mashed yam) n or-zhut(black glutinous rice)...
Days like that would never return no more, but in the new year... I would come up with new dishes to cook ;-)
Katongites would become my guniea pigs muahahahaha ;p
So no worries peeps I wont bring testing food over to any gatherings eh keke