火曜日, 5月 31, 0017

Store Wars!

A great spoof of Star wars hehe ermmm pisode 4-6 la ;p keke


May the farm be with you! hehehe

日曜日, 5月 29, 0017

I like to move it!

Tired tonight, so wont blog much la hehe

Last night went out w Batosai & Gay Dog to catch "Madagascar" v(^__^)
Gd movie ok! hehe we loved the theme song sang by Sacha Baron Cohen, "I like to move it!"
(Too bad i couldnt find it online la hehe)

The show's filled with lots of laughter n even though its an animation, its clearly aimed at adults!
There's alot of songs which are remixes from oldies =)

Had a laugh when we went into the cinema, while we were like getting in, Gay Dog was talking to Batosai la... n i was like barging in hehe ;p

Ticket dude -> Battosai : "Tickets please"
Batosai hands over the tix... Ticket dude rips tix n returns stubs to Bat...
Ticket dude -> Battosai : "Thank you!"

This time as Batosai was saying something to Gay Dog n he couldnt really hear...
Gay Dog -> Battosai : "Say again?"

Ticket dude -> Gay Dog : "Thank you!"

=~~~) n we had a nut case bat on the loose all the way walking into the cinema, before he told us of the joke hehe

Anyway this show's much cooler than Star Wars 3 ROTS, as none of us slept thru it! hahaha
What to do, 3 single n eligible guys go out n watch Disney animation while surrounded by kids (~__~); HAHAHA

So basically Saturday night was the 3 musketeers going out hand-in-hand to watch Madagascar!
How nice! lol

So ladies if u need fun n laughter, please feel free to dial 1800-3-free-guys n we'll provide u with all the entertainment u ever need! hehehe

金曜日, 5月 27, 0017

My new baby (^ ^)

Yipee! Just got my k750i from Beng Yeow frm secentral forum la. It's abit on e ex side coz its a new model frm Sony Ericsson but everything abt it is smooth.
Compared to k700? No fight, its e natural upgrade for it n maybe even s700 too!
Of coz new phones sure got bugs la n so far i've found one, when u access e camera menu n e shutter is closed, then u open e shutter u may get a pure white screen. Which u can rectify by just closing n reopening it.
The only major flaw is e stupid camera sound! Arghh! Why cant sony just listen to us users n allow us to turn it off?

More word on it after my night shift... Stay tuned...

K at last updates ... Duno how to use the camera yet... so pics hor not really very gd la...

Bat on Saturday...

Dont play play a serious bat on saturday afternoon ok!

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Mai siao siao ok! 24hrs only bat hairstyle change liao sial! kekeke

木曜日, 5月 26, 0017

LoOoOng BeEeach...

First off ps to e few guinea pigs when went dinner w me today la. One word, horrible!
The food sucks! The best dishes was e bbq fish (which was a tad too salty) n e other's e fried buns.
After this time i doubt i wld ever step foot into Long Beach anymore. This establishment has turned into a pure stupid ang mor tourist only restaurant :(
To think i had fond memories of before...

Just so as to let u know wat we ate...
Some cold dish of sliced octopus w onions in a sour spicy sauce...ok only
Steam prawns...quite fresh but nothing special
Sambal kangkong...normal
Pungol mee goreng...stay away!
Chilli crabs...was cold n flesh was bland like boiled crabs stir fried
Bbq fish...nice but salty
Crispy duck...totally disappointed, too cold n flesh is tough like old duck :(
Dessert of e day was Almond jelly w longans, no taste or smell of almonds sop canned longans

Total bill was abt $280! Wat a rip off!

Knn even Viet Hoe's chilli crabs taste better than them le!
Not to mention their fried pigeon n plum sauce duck which think everyone wld swear by ok!

What ever happened to e gd old singapore food? Gone into legends? Or us being too blunt n conceited? ...

好想睡觉哦! I wana sleep somemore... (x_x)

Yawnz i shouldn't have went out last night (@_@)
Now stone like sotong lo
That's e price i've gota pay for being tempted by e dark side la! Lol
Si gui Ah Pui n Effendy la jio jio me go supper at 2am during our msn session...
In e end go changi vill eat nasi lemak n see Ah Guah la keke
E nasi cannot make it la but my tummy super hungry so loot la dont care liao la!
There's alot of ppl watching Ac milan vs liverfool la, kelong le e Ac goal keep!Yawnz i shouldn't have went out last night (@_@)
Now stone like sotong lo
That's e price i've gota pay for being tempted by e dark side la! Lol
Si gui Ah Pui n Effendy la jio jio me go supper at 2am during our msn session...
In e end go changi vill eat nasi lemak n see Ah Guah la keke
E nasi cannot make it la but my tummy super hungry so loot la dont care liao la!
There's alot of ppl watching Ac milan vs liverfool la, kelong le e Ac goal keep! Can let 3 shots in n equalize (-__-);
K la after supper we went beo'ing e Ah Guah lo keke
K k let this ugly fat panda go slack...

水曜日, 5月 25, 0017

I'm not rich! Really really really... + Long Beach's Quack Quack!

Had a pretty nice day =) till i read this blog Shoe Sessions

It's from a ger who says she's not filthy RICH! but duno if she's really tt humble anot la hehe (-___-);
Family have 7 cars ONLY, go shanghai or japan SHOPPING, ppl give her 2 CARS... i would really wana say she's not rich la... think abt it yourselves peeps hehe

Anyway i dont really care hehe except gota admit with her on some points la food! v(^__^)
Shima's not really that fantastic japanese restaurant lor =( sad case rite?
Ya when it comes to food hor ;-) hiak hiak hiak i'll surely be interested la

Her looks quite pleasant la, but some of u would find her face like went thru bread-making machine lor hehe but hor the bf looks abit like our dear Keith zai! keke
(Just add a goatie n change the hairstyle la ;p)

Just too bad i dont have any pics of Keith now =< but think u peeps whom know keith would find him simliar looking lor =)

K nuff said of reading ppl's blogs la =) hehe

Molo got a tough choice la hehe Yup its the time of the month again =)
More foodie w my colleagues la keke pay day!
Yeah... ermmm actually my payday's on the 20th lor but le this month everyone busy so no go makan dinner la So molo inpromptu go eat lor (^__^);

Venue would either be No-signboard rest at geylang or Seafood at East Coast Park la =)
Main dish is.... Chilli Crabs !!!! Yummy! kekeke

Hmmm but if go Long Beach eat hor, styill can eat tt crispy duck le =D~~
Duno wat's it called la... such a long time since i last ate it hehe

I remember the first time i had tt duck dish was when i was still a primary school kid, at tt age i was having chinese tutored at my auntie's place at the kampung off bedok rd, just opposite "Long Beach".

Very fond memories la hehe

My auntie operates the provision shop then and her hubby always buys supper from "Long Beach" la.
At tt tender age i really dont like to eat crabs keke coz hard to get at the flesh lor hehe...
So got one time my uncle bought this wonderful, crispy skinned duck from "Long Beach" la
Smell one time n i fell in love w it! ( Even though at tt age i also hate to eat duck la! lol)

From then on anytime i see duck dishes, i would think of those days enjoying the duck at my auntie's provisionshop...

These are part of the fond memories i've got from the old provision-shop, playing in the dirt, being poor, wrestling w my cousin over a light bulb! (hahaha), sampling my auntie's honey fried chicken =), getting free tikum box toys & last but not least drinking those pyramid tetra milk packs =)

How i miss those days... now the place has been pulled down n rebuilt to become a shopping centre... Singapore where's your culture ? *ironic laughter*

月曜日, 5月 23, 0017

Look what look! I'm no pervert~!~!

Shag man uncle old liao la (x_x) go out abit only i almost 1/2 life gone! hehe

Its really time we old birds should do something called exercise man! Sports gym volleyball, anything's fine with me la... (most prolly i'll start off running very well, but 10m down the rd i did be flat on the ground w lots of white froth from me mouth! hahaha)

Our "GOD" just got back in town la (hooray~!~!)
Sneaky bastard come back never inform us! hehe we tot he was only gona be back sometime next week la ;p

Sneaky come back nvm la... knn said suppose to go watch Star wars 3 ROTS w us eh, then ownself last night go watch liao (-____________-)...

Then still nvm le... today suppose to meet at 1pm bugis area eh...
LATE somemore (x__x) make me myself n i Sua Gu (mountain tortise) alone walk bugis...
(Flatbat dont laugh u also! knn 1pm u wat time reach?!?! -_- cb katongites forever late eh! hahaha)

So out of place for me le! So i was hiding in one corner in Kino reading japanese car magazines...

n everyone was like staring at me le!
Machum like hum sub dirty look u give to some pervert who's peeping up some ger's skirt ok!

I gan cheong (duno how to translate...) wonder whats wrong...

Jean's zipped up? CHECKED!
hole in t-shirt? CHECKED!
hole in jeans? CHECKED!
tummy too big? CHECKED!
something on me hair? CHECKED!

Bo Tai ji (Nothing wrong) le... why ppl keep staring at me?!?!

Who knows the tiny japanese car magazine corner is just beside the huge display of xie zhen ji (softcore girly mags, think the "in" word is Gravure...) le!!!!

kauz i was like sooooo malu ok (-__-)"" x 2

Who's fault isit ? Si gui bat... n SeaGate (sounds like Sea Kiat original name for "GOD")

No choice la, u see an uncle reading n smiling intently on some magazine in some corner surrounded by girly mags hor u would also think he's reading some pr0n mag ok! (-__-); Stupid kino should display those girly mags away from the corner ok!

No wonder no one's reading those car mags about performance mods...

Huggable Pillow ?!?

This is really something wierd (x_x) maybe i'll consider getting it! hahaha

Nice front right? hehe duno how is the actual thing man Yeah the back looks equally nice! H0t ;-) hahaha

There's even a bedsheet + pillow combo!

Nice right? hehe too bad my ex dont allow me to hug her la ;p kekeke Anyone wana sponsor me a new bedsheet? lol

Well its some hugging pillow of japanese females (duno is actress or amateurs la)
When i first saw it on www.popgadget.net i was like duh~!~! Simi lan sai lai eh (WTF is it?) !
Knn not cheap ok! I did say it's at least SGD$300+ n above (~__~); can buy PSP u know! hahaha

Dont joke ok! And thru a search on cdjapan, there's like quite abit more models to choose from! Must be pretty sucessful selling ok!

Duno how the end product feels/looks like la, but i did guess it woud be made of cloth n have a spongy feeling.

Guys its better off save the dough for ur gf la! Least w the $ saved u could buy her flowers n some nice bikini for her to wear so u can hug her like the pillow! (^o^)

Dont have a gf? then go out n get one lor! kekeke

PS : i still prefer flesh n blood n the nagging feeling when they always love to boss us around! hahaha

童话 (Tong Hua)

Have been listening to this song for quite a while, but didnt really take note of it the first time i saw this MTV on TVB8 la... K k i'm a bit sotong n blur when it comes to TV la
So of coz i dont really make note of the lyrics or the scene when it was first presented lor...

But by now i think nearly if not everyone had already seen, watch, heard of this song 童话 (Tong Hua)... Unless u not in SG or asia or in contact w asian culture la ;p kekeke

Anyway i've found the MTV n some flash movies of the same song n ul'ed it for all of u to watch =D

Gd rite me ?
muahahaha (special 10z to Ah Pui for the search engine la)

But most importantly i hope u guys would treasure whomever u have besides u lor... be it a gentle or barbaric ger (as in this MTV) la (~__~); but if ur gf is barbaric hor keep away from me ok! hahaha

童话 MTV Flash pack, give me a shout if it no longer works =)

Some of the words the ger told the guy in the MTV...
(Sixx's fansub ;p keke for those earning chinese n cant follow up the MTV la hehe)

In the beginning the ger says "加油..." (Good luck)

Ger to Guy, "来帮我搬家吧...来帮我搬家!!!" (Help me move house... HELP ME MOVE HOUSE!)
(~_~); Fierce sial! haha any guy would be stunned

Ger crying, "骗人的... 这世上怎么可能有这种事..." (Its all lies! There could't have such things happening)

Then she turns to face the guy...
Ger to Guy, "看什么看啊?" (Look what look!)
(~_~); really fierce le hehe Actually if i'm the guy i would hug her liao ;p

Dying ger, "你会记得我吗?...会纪念久吗?"(Would you remember me? Would it be long?)
Dying ger, "想到我的时候...要开心哦"(Be happy when you're thinking of me)
Heartaching part, duno why i also felt super sad at this point of the MTV...

Ger's last breath, "加油..."
Really touching le... =~<>You have to listen to me, even if the whole world doesn't)

PS : gers are tyrants! hahahaha ;p but guys just love it hehe (~_~) when woman bosses a little bit la hehe (^o^)

日曜日, 5月 22, 0017

Wei! Wei, You know who i am? I'm from Hong Kong!

Ok here we go... This is about last night's great meet up with our delightful guest from Hong Kong! Our pretty n lovely Zoey! Yup a cute loveable n very "in" doll from back in Tan Villa days =)
( Tan Villa's this place in Indooroopily where Ah Pui n gang are from )

The meetup was supposed to be at Reading rm @ Central Mall, but it has already closed down =( So we had to meet up @ Brewerks. The place is packed on Saturday night and it so happened it was the FA cup final, Arsenal vs Man U. Not to mention the first weekend of Star Wars Episode III ROTS.

Everyone was HOGGING the alfresco dining, as everyone wanted to smoke. It took us over 45mins to get a table. In the end we got this table which was the furtherest away from the TV (-__-); so we couldn't really see alot, except for little red n black spots running around on the green field! v(^o^) and between us n the TV is this table of over 20pax, starwars fans! Some of them are even in cosplay, there's 1 with a full trooper uniform & someone even had a "light sabre"! hahaha
Quite a few times during dinner, out Mster Jedi knight Ah Pui wanted to go over n challenge them! hehehe

Cut the crap, when i first meet our HK princess she was like out of the world ok! 2 years back she was still with long straights n a straight fringe, today she has this wavy (permed?) hair tied up in a nice pony tail n a side parting (Too bad no pix ;p)
She loves to chat with Ah Lau, mainly due to Ah Lau's canto is the best, his origins are from Malaysia n Canto is nothing to him la! hehe

Zoey came along with a female fren called Kobe (Kobe Bryant? hehe) a very nice n sweet ger whom is equally petite (more on this ger later on!)

Ah Pui was late, along with ABL & Effendy as Ah Pui was fetching them here. His trusty Nissan broke down due to a flat battery (? I think its coz Ah pui is TOO FAT! haha the car also wana take holiday le! keke)

After everyone (Zoey, Kobe, Ah Lau, Keith, Ah Pui, ABL, Effendy & ME) arrived at Brewerks. Dinner was a chop chop affair in which everyone was getting introduced, updated etc

The meal is just ok, but importantly is the company which made it very much enjoyable! (K the food sucks! Not to mention costly) We had like Brewerks burger (Medium, too cooked!), New York Steak, Seafood Spagetti, some chicken roast & Calamari (In "curry" sauce hehe, but its actually some tomato sauce w herbs) During dinner Zoey expressed interests in what else is there to eat =) So we sort of like suggested Durain, Rojak, Nasi Lemak, Laksa n the works and she wanted to try them out before she leaves! Of coz among the chatter she got interested n wanted to go watch Geylang & go see Ah Guas (~__~); This ger really curious ok! haha

The whole time during dinner our dear brother keith only watch the match n didnt have anything! K other than pints of biru la! haha got biru no need makan liao le! hehe

So after dinner we went for Durain at Geylang, i was filled to the brim by the stupid Brewerk's burger n had to forgo this durain session =~~( Stupid bread! Doesnt even taste like sour dough ok (-_-);

Ya Elwin came after work & after we had dinner la poor chap we always forget abt him eh le! hehe knn Ah Pui even tell us Alvin is coming liao (He kena the "Ah Lau sickness" in which he can't pronounce properly n differentiate between Alvin & Elwin! Hahaha) Along the way when we were picking up Alvin off Thai embassy i even made him confused by saying we went to "Blue Works" for dinner! Hahaha

Anyway the durains were wonderful la, i saw a few "red meat" Durain =D~~ but i was too full to eat =( So looks like i've gota come back again! The last time i came along with my company dudes the durain was horrible, mainly coz it aint durain season yet =(
(CSE dudes its the same stall we had our durain gathering the last time)

After Durain our dear brother Keith say hungry liao wana eat Tien Ji Zhou (Frog prorridge) so we went to this stall opposite the Beef Kway Teow...

Keith is the funny guy ok, u can call him Mr Opposite, we had Ang mor food for dinner n he forever only take chinese food, ppl drink chinese liang teh (herbal drink), he only take ang mor liang teh (beer)

Elwin also another funny guy la, we always forever forget about him eh hehe back in Stamford rd we accidentally forget he was in the car when we locked it. This time round when we came out of Ah pui's car Effendy closed the door while Elwin was coming out of it! haha Poor guy lucky didnt hurt him ok! hehe

K k ... below is how we sat la...

Legend : Red arrow is the only communication we all could focus on! hahaha
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

I had the $35 seat, Ah pui had the $55 along with ABL, Elwin had the $75 seat, Effendy & Ah Lau had the hundred over bucks seat.

Why? Everyone was looking at how Mr Smooth operator talked his way thru to Kobe hehe God he IS good! He is really capable of chatting up any ger ok! Everytime he started to chat w her, everyone would laugh at him hehe. Just too bad i was facing the WRONG direction la hehe

After all the food we all went home n our dear Alvin is still chatting her up! lol
We were in the car following them as we thought they would be going to Changi to watch Ah Guas la, but seems like the gers have had enough of fun n attention from us hehe

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All the while Alvin is looking on his left... n he aint looking/chatting w Zoey ah! haha

Nuff said, lets hope Zoey has some online photo gallery n i would link to it when its available =)

Bad dream?!?

Ok i seldom dream, but had a really wierd one...

In it i was like bz w work n paper strewn all over...n me boss ask me to attend some meeting w screwlose ger
I was like wa lau bo eng (not free) liao still wan me to babysit her?
But i still went along n masok ( keep/stuff) all e paperwork into me sling bag.
I was like walking towards e place when suddenly my sling gave way n all me paper was strewn on e floor. Ji duo sian ah!

And when i was picking up me papers.

My boss called me on my cell.
I was shock as somehow screwlose ger was beside me n answering it, so i just didn't bother la kin clean up me mess lor...


Cb gay dog had to call me n woke me up! (>_<);
This e 2nd time today someone call my cell n woke me up liao le!
Knn eh suay Sia...

Later tonight i'll post the latest gossip from last night' outing! hahaha

Don't miss it! ;-)

金曜日, 5月 20, 0017

Memory, you never let me cry... and you, you never said goobye...

Soory peeps, so long no blog hehe.. Realy busy with work n gota reinstall my lappy (at last! haha)
Of coz la reinstall lappy give alot of probs n imagein the amount of time n effort having to put back all the programs i use (@.@); better dont do this too often haha ;p

Just some SMS stuff i kept, sort of short quotes which i sometimes read just to get the warm feeling back into my heart =) Dont get wrong idea hor! hehe these SMS is just to show how stupid i am kekeke

From screwlose ger :
"PS correction sld be u look nice in anythg as long as u wear tt sunshine smile or ur's la ;-) take it as a compliment or sweet nothings if u wan :-)
*giggle* tnks 4 sweetin my day =)"

k la the end abit the CMI la hehe I was like ji siao someone lor, dont say por la but really mah ppl smile liao i just see enough to make me day liao! haha dont ask me who ok ;p kekeke

From screwlose ger :
"My impression of u was n still is y do u keep msgin when i'm tryin 2 get sm zzz like now?!"

haha of coz i kena snubbed big time la ;p was in a sensative mood tt time n trying to figure out wats wrong abt me lor hehe then ppl reply me like this, i sort of felt like kena long pia (bang wall) ok! lol

From screwlose ger :
"Treat u a meal? No prob-so when u free 4 a meal? Wat kinda food u like? Fishball no but since u like bittergourd ok la"

I'l forever keep this SMS ok! Just for the sake of the FREE meal! (^o^), of coz ppl not so ngiao treat me eat $2.50 eh fishball noodles la! kekeke

From screwlose ger :
"Oops i'm sorry my dear-no wonder take taxi-k la u claim taxi fare fr me-1 meal nt enuffah plus a movie lo"

Wah this SMS i also keep haha makes it 2 meals n 1 movie treat le! kekeke Can treat this like coupon print n go redeem! hahaha

From trouble ger :
":x u not e first who say.. everyone going to kill me le cos i send her e song one *give innocent look*"

Emm this one i was complaining abt our dowager playing this nice song over n over n over n over n over ... AGAIN! nice song u hear repeat over 2 hrs hor u would also puke blood ok!
Just so happens today we OT the dowager also do the same THING!!!! ARGHHH~!~! This time not me la, but Mike Tyson go confront her, "eh this song very nice hor~!~!"
(in a sarcastic tone la kekeke)

From Wanabe ger:
"Hurry up kanna sexual harrrasement from allan"

Hahaha this is classic ok! hehe think its HH first time solo w allan at some remote site which we're suppose to go meet her la (as per norm we're always late! kekeke) then allan was like getting overly friendly w her =~~~) KNN funny part is kauz HH chor lor n look like guy le! hahaha still got ppl wana get fresh n touchy w her? OMG~!~! kekeke

From trouble ger :
"nah!my bf suddenly tell me yest tat he dun wish to get married which of cos made me upset.just wan to understand u guys mindset.not tat i wan to marry but he keep mentioning it when i have not even tink abt it.asked him if he hinting break,he say no.NAN REN!"

This SMS is the most cheem todate la, so just kept it lor hehe
why? coz in the blurrness she one SMS made all guys seem like jerks le! lol
aka "1 bamboo stick overturn the whole boat" in chinese la ;p
Of coz me see this SMS super lost in space... haha coz machum like my fault like tt le ~_~

From trouble ger :
"wat u said is right...i should do it while i'm strong..we r goin diff directions le,no point ..but um getting e after effect now! :("

This one is sad la no matter wat i dont like my frens to suffer from r/s breakup etc la maybe its i naive lor thinking no one else in this world would break a ger's heart la.. but actual fact is it happens everytime la! Well ppl wan my frank opinion so i give her the bullet w/o the sugar lor (ps all my sugar kena stolen by the screwlose ger from above! lol) but i really rather hope i'm wrong lor (nabe buy toto also never so zhun ok!)

From screwlose ger:
"Ya i hvn't come down 2 earth yet ;-) it feels gd 2 b in e clouds :-P"

This one le is my compliment la least i can make some ppl happy lor! hahaha ;p

So can say all these are part of my fond memories (esp the free meal n movie part! haha) be it sweet or sad.

But do i really leave an impression in ppl? No idea... but i doubt so, as i'm like the floating cloud above, giving temporary shade to the weary n tired below...

水曜日, 5月 18, 0017

Can i say No?

Last night was Sweet! Having seen the specs of PS3. It's really great bluetooth, wireless n 3 x GE ports! I foresee someone making it a GE router out of it, with spare cpu power to do QoS n all sorts of layer 3-7 policy routing.
Just maybe i'll start writing e Perfect Routing Protocol on this baby v(^_^)
Now let's hope sony dont go crazy n start restricting e capabilities of this baby!

On other note i'm having issues with rejecting requests from women. Especially female colleagues, ya know e sad puppy eyes n such. Somehow i always end up replying w "Can i say no?"
A gd answer to reject helping them ;p
But somehow in the end it still ends up w me still helping them out... (~.~);

Ah both are so equally attractive n hard to get! Lol

月曜日, 5月 16, 0017

Planning for the future...

*Yawnz* what a wonderful day la! Nice rain, got to woke up late n had a nice supper last night @ 85 (^_^)

Best part, today on MC ;p kauz last night supper la! Some famous my ass eh Carrot cake / Oyster Omelette le, tasted wierd man (x_x) so no need guess la today visited doc again lor...
Dread visiting my doc man, why? Coz somehow they always say my blood pressure is damn high sial! (-_-); this time highest le 150 last time max only 130 eh, nvm la hehe

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

Saturday night is a wasted night man. First time migration failed n had to revert back sial! Haha
It was a ermmm badly planned migration la. Why? Coz too over reliant on Cisco equipment liao as in burn-in test, proof of concept ok then on site deploy tt time fail (-__-); really damn sia suay (unlucky) sial! kekeke

Even IBM also blurr how come the network so strange, so no choice lor after delay for 2hrs revert back. Brought back router then find out equipment spoil...

So of coz had a "wonderful" dinner cum supper at Prata King la, 3 of us Nick, Liong and me.
U know la 3 IT/networking nuts sit together analyze the issue n talk cock lor...

Both are very interested in what are my plans after this project, well everyone's interested in what i'm gona do leh (~__~); machum like wan me to leave like tt hehe. But no choice la after this if co no project hor, i would also kena retrench even though i'm a perm staff la!

I was really thinking of joining Quantiq lor... then chotto matte they know who is Lau Eng sial!!!
Eh si gui Lau Eng know these 2 nuts never tell me earlier! lol nvm i help u diao (scold) them liao, since they always call Quantiq for Cyberguard support give u alot of problem! Now they support me bo bian (no choice) hahaha no la joking ok! hehe

IBM also make me worry la, cyberguard so many problems meh? Actually more importantly if i join Quantiq hor Nick n Liong sure give me alot of problems eh! Payback time mah! hahaha

All these a side, it really pays to know ppl with the right connection la. Jobs these days sort of more like word of mouth eh lor and need recommendations eh, else its really very hard to get in la. Like IBM lor, paper is just for show. What matters most is ur mia sia (name sake?) If ur mia sia pai (bad name sake) hor very hard to network around eh.

Which is why Nick n Liong wont recommend me into IBM la ;p hahaha

Of coz if ur mia sia good ah no problem la, they were joking Liong go back office, take a cup of water n just walk to his cubicle. He would take at least 5 mins before he can take a sip, coz everyone is greeting him. Not the other way round le! hahaha
Another guy they say mia sia damn solid eh is their boss Ni Hao (Sounds like 你好 in chinese, sort of like a greeting like "watz up") or Mr Buddha, coz his forehead very shinny n always brings along a laughter! hahaha

( duno how true man keke IBM'ers are really crazy buggers when not talking abt work ok! lol )

In the end i'm really sian of IT lor, like going no where with IT, duno continue do network, system, security or storage. I'm like "jack of all trades, master of none" la (^__^) Some career move hehe

I should really decide on what's going on in my life liao le to stay in SG or move on or do business... The future is still so unpredictable...

土曜日, 5月 14, 0017

Spidie かわいいね!

*Yawnz* morn peeps (=__=) just woke up only! haha Gota go work later again lor bo ban huat (no choice) la, work gota do sigh... If only they paid me for the OT i do lor. Co very ngiao (stingy)man, pay us only $10 to be claimed under meal allowances per day le! So imagine if kena work whole day hor, the meal we eat is pay ourselves eh (-__-) Too bad we're employed as executives lor so MOM cant do no crap!

Its really time MOM/gov did something to change tt law le, all local companies exploit it to make their workers work like hell n pay peanuts man! Literally any job u work the co surely put u as executive eh! My co is listed company somemore le! Freaking GLC no wonder the world hates any singapore company man! Damn unfair practices...

Pocket already leong (dry) liao le haizz 6more days to pay day =) hehehe

Actually today my grandpa's b'day le, too bad cant go lor...
kauz of all time they gota do it today! Stupid shutdown! Think gov ppl should all take n be shot le

Pissed man! The more i think the more tulan i getz... hiazz... relac relac hehe (^__^)

(^__^) (^__^) (^__^) (^__^) (^__^) (^__^) (^__^) (^__^) (^__^) (^__^)

K la share some pics since alot of u wana see the gift 083Miss CL gave me from her TW trip hehe

PS la the pics not very nice coz stupid K700i cant focus properly lor Gomen!

Lets start from the nice baby blue packaging la "Forever Memory" le nice rite? hehe least she got "fond" memories of me le! Hao gan dong (how touching) yo! Too bad cant cry la
Only Fond memory i can thik of are the terrible times she always use to manipulate me *sob sob* She only call when she in trouble la! lol this kind of kang tau no thanks eh! hahaha Those like xiao mei mei lobang she also no intro me la *sigh* dissapointed le tt's y u see uncle still single la! kekekeke

Wa~!~! Nice cutie spidie le! Personalized with my name somemore! hehehe See she remembers me ok ~~(>__<)~~
Kauz Spidie so PHAT! wana suan me isit? k la uncle tummy is fat la, but not so fat as this spidie ok! kekeke

Last but not least, the back of the spidie... Still got the words "かわいいね" in hirigana le~!~! So thoughtful of her!
At first didnt know where she go eh, but the moment i saw the words kawaiine in hiri i know she no go japan liao hehe coz japanese products wont use such words to express cuteness eh le ! Only prob is the words hor drop easily le, Janis eh trinklet already drop words liao (-__-)

Thanks hor Miss CL! hehe very nice n thoughtful of u to get me this gift!

金曜日, 5月 13, 0017

My love for food!

Well since i started talking about food, its time i ans why i use the nick "kook" too =)

Last time when i first joined FSC i was like damn sick of using my name sixx o register la
so at tt time i was in aussie lor, bored, bored n very bored!
Everyday other than studies, gota think about wat to cook n how to settle dinner lor.

(at tt time i was living w 8 guys in 3 x 2 bed rm units la, so its sort of communal living lor. So we setup this routine la everyday each unit gota cook 1 dish to share la. Since we all study IT eh, damn chum man! Think of wat to cook n how to cook! haha we really appreiate SG's food n mama's cooking le! hehe which all of us duely forget!)

Anyway, everyday i was thinking of cooking n wat to cook la, so came up use the nick kook lor! coz i love to cook! (the food i cook not bad ok! think of it as beta testing la! lol)

So just like to post some of the pics of the food i cook la =)
Not alot, but just some of the many stuff i cook! Think some of u would have fond memories, some may have cringing fears for it! hahaha

Chicken paelle =) one of my better creations lor hehe
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Cheese croquet, if bat say's its nice it has to be nice! haha
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My latest "creation" la hehe not really ;p coz i used premix betty crocker's keke
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Gota explain on this pic la hehe, the amount is suppose to fit into 2 x 9" baking tray eh, but i only got this 10"x10" square thing, so put it in n bake lor! Only half filled mah...
Who knows this bugger expand ALOT man, imagine from 1/2 filled to 1 1/2 time more le!
Kauz when gona bake finish tt time hor i super kia it would over flow or something man! hehe the pic is after it has cooled down la, so shrink in alot lor... link wrinkled raisin la -_- but still taste delish! hehe

Just too bad i dont have pics of the other great food i cook lor (eg, seafood paelle, chicken liver pate, pasta cabonara, corn beef pasta, non-bake cheese cake, bbq lamb ribs etc)

-_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-" -_-"

K some other pics of delish food i had recently but no time to post la! gomen!

Bean sauced fish head, from chinatown hawker.
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There's 3 great stalls selling these ok! Well i only managed to try from 2 stalls la hehe must go finish up the last one!

Famous Ang Ku Kueh from Any Ku Kueh shop along Upper Thomson
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This specimen is a yellow bean one =) They sell yellow bean (green), peanut (red) n coconut (brown) flavour n another type of kue kuey.
This shop damn style man only open from 1130 to 1730 n usually by 3+ everything gone liao!

Nuff of food, wait i get nightmares! hahaha

Shiok sial! Si bei bah! ( Very full! )

Had a wonderful lunch with my colleagues this afternoon
(on robert somemore le! gum sia le! hehe)

We had been harping on eating this wonderful nonya curry fish head which MJ have been recommending to us for a long time lor, just so happened today in the right mood n we just went ahead (w/o mike la! Gomen! hehe but then he got Catherine, Pauline & Cecelia to lunch w him la! Not to mention CL & Janis too! hahaha)

The place is at Singapore Teacher's Union la somewhere in Tagore rd i think hehe deep in thomson area la! Is is a hard place to find, but we managed to find it after MJ used his BRAND NEW street directory which he bought this morning! hehe
U dont buy a street directory everyday eh le =) So can say its sort of "grand opening" for it too lor! haha

Lunch compromises of the following dishes

Nonya curry fish head ($18)
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Sambal Sotong ($12)
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Kong Bah aka braised pork w yam ($12)
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Fried chicken wings ($1.20 each)
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last but not least, beef rendang ($7) no pix coz not nice looking! hahaha

The fish head was abit watery, but the sauce is quite appetising. It tasted sort of sour, sweet n mildly spicy (by our dear HH eat till become red ok! haha no pix ;p) The flesh is tender n tasty, but the fish looks stale n wrinkled la

Sambal sotong was perky, much more spicy than the fish head with this mild burnt flavour u get from eating BBQ sting ray la =) pleasant taste. Just that it is abit overcooked, so its abit rubbery la.

Best is the chicken wing man! 1 word Shiok ah! Tasty n tender flesh with just the right amount of crispyness u get from deep frying, cooked just right! Hit off with all of us ok! hehe

Kong bah is so-so only, all thinly sliced pieces of pork, somehow its not as tasty as what i would expect la. On the contra, there's also slices of yam which soaked in all the flavours of the pork hehe

Ths only dissapointment is the beef rendang la =( It is full of oil ok! Bits of beef are bite sized n very tender la, it tasted not bad. Only issue is anyone whom orders it sure kena shock eh...wtf 1/2 of the bowl is oil ok!!!!

Lunch came with very "large" plates of rice ( exact words from HH's oink oink mouth ) big plates, small amounts of rice! Everything was served bubbling hot! Like fresh from the kitchen =) but drinks were a tad too little, 1 jug of lime juice only managed to fill 5 cups -_- so we asked for another jug of iced water lor hehe

Overall quite nice la! We had 4 food experts la, just by looking at the plates u would know how delish the dishes were!

Mua plate!
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Robert's plate!
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MJ's plate!
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HH's oink oink plate!
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Not the cleanest but everyone left happily n very sleepy! hahaha

水曜日, 5月 11, 0017

Lost something impt...

Well not really something expensive or stuff like ic etc...
Just a small trinklet hanging out w my sling bag
Its a small dolphin swimming freely in its own blue waters, n its labeled "Sea World"
Its not worth alot but has alot of sentimental value, it's e last gift i have frm her...

Nuff of it, yester got a new hp trinkle, it has a cute fat n round spiderman on it :) w e words "kawaiine" in hiri.
It even has my name Sixx on it! How nice!
10z again 083 CL!
Come to think of it eh y spidie? Me not fan of it le! I also wan doraemon!lol
E spidie not bad la just abit more round n fat la -_- think she means i'm too fat! Haha
K k maybe i'll put some pics later...

月曜日, 5月 09, 0017


Soory folks 4 torturing u w my less than pleasant style of writing, well language really isn't my forte n of coz i suck at both grammer n composition. Not to mention e flow of my sentences seems like totally chaotic, comparable to primary sch kids! Haha
But le gota admire me for being daring enuff to write bs stuff abt my life la!
K ttyl meeting dog now! Lol

Horrible start to mon x x

It started frm ytd, watch tis dvd "closer" (my ass la!) Within 15mins i KO frm e boring slow pace (tis is much worser than "skin art"!)
Then kena super naggy headache x_x n it's bugging me ever since!
Any noise wld piss me off major n mama had to watch tis majorly noisy eh korean drama x_x
Its abt 3 crazy women trying to get married n it's obviously they didn't read "men r frm mars n women r frm venus" man. So full of theirselves to know how to really communicate w e guys.
Sound familiar rite?lots of gers r like these now, rite ladies? Haha
Back to my lousy story, whole 9 trying to sleep but e headache kept me up e whole 9 x_x
N today need to go woodlands help do mig at e check pt zzz

土曜日, 5月 07, 0017

Baking a cake... ?!?

Doing something crazy today ^_^ since i picked up this hefty pack of "Betty Crocker" Choco fudge cake mix ;-)
Well it aint to saboo some poor soul's b'day! hehe i kind of miss it btw ;-) haha

Since its mother's day i'm sort of also baking it for her la! hehe since my sister not in SG so no one to accompany her lor

So here i am trying out to bake this cake, yup this the first time i'm really baking a cake!
Come on man guys can also bake cakes eh ok! ( Aussie dudes think of Ah sia ok! )
Thanks to Ah Sia, i got to taste a wonderful b'day cake done using Cadbury's cake mix ok!
(I dont kind of remember who's b'day it was, but think it was for some ger n we were low on grocery budget anyway...)
My previous experiences with making cakes is only making the cheesecake which didnt need to bake la ( thanks for Jo for the recipe lor )

Really tough time le! Mixing the ingredients up. Me no have electrical mixer, so gota really work ~__~;
Got abit of help from me mama la hehe she QC me working la! ~__~; lol usually its me whom QC others la! hahaha
No choice she's the master of the kitchen! N its her territory ok! So no matter wat gota listen to her lor ^_^

Lucky i didnt make a mess out of it la! haha
Gota admit this Betty Crocker mix smells delish ok! Ermm... Sort of like Famous Amos cookies!

Maybe its due to the Hershey's choco content la

Now just gota wait 30 mins for it to finish baking before i go about looking for guinea pigs to do the taste test! hahaha ;-)

Siam liao la!
sixx, kook, mon, xiao liu, lau liu, xiao hei... wat else?

金曜日, 5月 06, 0017

Chin chai la!

These few days v slack n bo chup, everything also 1/2 f**k. Just dont have e zest to perform liao.
Everyday just wasting time n also not learning, worst thing is no job satisfaction...
I'm just working for e sake of finishing e job.
Maybe its time i moved out of IT? Or switch of job?
No idea yet, this notion have been floating in my head for a long time.
N this pouring rain isn't making it any better for me. I should be hm sleeping ;p

RE: Don't lose that 90% you already have

Anyway just to rebuke la. Its human nature to wana upgrade, change etc…
this article is a very one sided thing.

Think of it this way u got a partner, whom maybe 70% of wat u wan. Who knows few years down u see another partner whom is like 80% n ur 70% kena deteriorate to 50% how ?!?!? Don’t forget along the way it doesn’t mean a RS would grow ok, it would most prob deteriorate la… else ppl wont wana break off liao! hahaha

Can upgrade from 4rm to 5rm when pay equal cost/installments who don’t wana upgrade?
Just an example, u own n could only afford a suzuki swift. Here comes along someone who has a WRX la n tt someone can loan it to u la.
Would u not wana ride/drive it?
(Provided don’t have strings attached la)

Prevention is better than cure la, this I can see from the email… but a lot of time we need the cure rather than preventing things from happening…
So its more important to be able to patch on n strengthen the relationship than to prevent n if it fails blame others for the failing…

Humans need to learn n to learn is thru experience, if u don’t experience the heartache how could u value ur relationship?
Surely humans would be do folly n fail to temptation la but more importantly is to learn n use these experiences to create a better bonding relationship.

Think about it...

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 6:13 PM
To: Sixx; NGCL
Subject: Don't lose that 90% you already have

Hey guys, found this article in a forum & seems pretty realistic… As the phrase goes, the grass is always greener on the other side. So no matter which side you are on, the grass on the other side is always greener. Man can never be satisfied. So cherish whatever you have now. No one or rather nothing is perfect.

Don't lose that 90% you already have.

Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have. "Wow, this girl in my office is a real looker. I'm crazy about her because she's also understanding, intelligent, tender - so many things that my spouse is not."

Somewhere along the way, you'll find a woman or a man who will be more charming or sensitive.

More alluring. More thoughtful. Richer. Have greater sex appeal. And you will find a woman or man who will need you and pursue you and go loco over you more than your spouse ever did.

Because no wife or husband is perfect. Because a spouse will only have 90 of what you're looking for. So adultery takes place when a husband or wife looks for the missing 10%.

Let's say your wife is melancholic by nature.

You may find yourself drawn to the pretty clerk who has a cherry laughter. Or because your wife is a homebody in slippers and pyjamas, smelling of garlic and fish oil, you may fall for a fresh- smelling young sales representative that visits your office in a sharp black blazer, high heels,
and a red pencil-cut skirt.

Or because your husband is the quiet type, your heart may skip a beat when you meet an old college flame who has the makings of a talk show host.

But wait! That's only 10% of what you don't have. Don't throw away the 90% that you already have! Add to your spouse's 90% the 100% that represents all the years that you have been with each other.

The storms you have weathered together. The unforgettable moments of sadness and joy as a couple. The many adjustments you have made to love the other. The wealth of memories that you've accumulated as lovers.

Adultery happens when you start looking for what you don't have.

But faithfulness happens when you start thanking
God for what you already have.

But I'm not just talking about marriage.
I'm talking about life!
About your jobs.
About your friends.
About your children.
About your lifestyles.
Are you like the economy airline

The main message:

If you start appreciating what you have right now, wherever you are is FIRST CLASS!

木曜日, 5月 05, 0017

Good day mate!

Warm sun, windy cool breeze. No noisy mutts, no mama watching tv :) sounds great rite?
Its too gd to be true!
Something must be wrong here...
Hmmm e nokia shows 7:30am but my bio clock tells me otherwise!
Look at k700 n it shows 7:50amWarm sun, windy cool breeze, bleach epi 30. No noisy mutts, no Gay Dog giving me morn calls, no mama watching tv :)
sounds great rite?
Its too gd to be true!
Something must be wrong here...
Hmmm e nokia shows 8:00am but my bio clock tells me otherwise!
Look at k700 n it shows 8:30am!
K i'm f**ked!
Meet MJ abt 8:50 haven't prep yet! Siao liao la gona 'up e car' liao ~_~
Nvm still got time to blog on e move keke

Funny thing everyone is asking me when i'm gona siam sg go aussie count cows :) hee be professional bovine counter ok!

Tough question, no ans :) same like when i gona find a gf n settle down

So hope all of ya hv a nice day! N those not attached find a partner soon :)

水曜日, 5月 04, 0017

Statuary Biatches...

Uncle me really no like to speak bad of our dear statuary boards
(Which fellow ass-lickers in SG love so much hehe but it alone is worth another topic!)

No harm intended ah, this is aku personal log ok!
Knn dont wan molo CID or SSB come tap my net or haul me in for some wierd charges ok!

Today damn pissed man. Why? I asked my mama go IRAS n get me a form for filing income tax

Think IRAS send tax filing form by lottery eh le, suka suka send to u... n suka suka dont send to u !!! ;-(

Why i say tt?

A retired old lady, no means of earning her living. Now living off her savings.
For few years since she lost her job, IRAS never come ji siao her
CB this year send her a tax filing form ?!?!?!

On what basis man?
She no win lottery nor did she earn anything else other than the month amount we as her child give her...
Is this wat IRAS wana tax on?

Another example la me.

IRAS somehow suku ayam. Alot of u know last 2 years i kena fined by IRAS for failing to file in taxes on time.
Not really fined la, coz wat happen is i always miss the due dates coz not in SG mah n no one in SG read my mails eh
So first year i kena the present from IRAS i already kancheong le
Say till like criminal offence n must go report by some date to so-n-so la

Bo bian, i went down n puay my case lor, legit mah.
The IRAS officer LPPL waive it off, coz i overseas student no earn $$$ also
I of coz be gd citizen la tell officer eh i next few years wont be in SG la pls stop this joke man
Every year i kena such "present" no fun le!
Fuck wan me fly back n do tax filing ah?
Abit the jia bo eng le
But officer say bo bian.
I let her know nxt year again same case n then I left grumpily lor

One year later again same case la -___-""
n i again go tell the officer same story
last year already let u all know liao.
Still insist on sending the form to me...

*sigh* IRAS not tied in w CPF or ICA or MINDEF meh?
Cant they tell i no CPF = no income, i on student visa to aussie, i got exit permit from MINDEF

And still can fucking send me stupid IRAS filing form to me AGAIN!

So this year after i come back SG n started working liao...
Come tax date n i no recieve my tax form ?!?!?
Kan cheong rite?

So happen my mama today go IRAS lor so ask her help me take...

She came back n tell me the officer said some reasons why i no get my form...

I havent started working for least 1 year ...

Only after 1 year of work then they'll send me my form...


So on what basis do they have for sending me the tax forms for the past 2 years ?!?!?!
Why the F**K cant they just disable sending those annoying forms to me when they know i no longer working ?!?!?!

Can i sue them for causing me mental traumacy?
Kauz go there me may not look like gd guy la but i'm a gd guy ok!
ppl see me there will naturally think i'm big time w all those siam taxes n pai kias eh le!
wa lauz why dont they have the decency to provide brown bags to hide me face man! lol
( Gd WITs suggestion for those working in IRAS whom happen to be reading my blog! hahaha)

So now i'm a pek chek guy whom wana pay taxes, but cant pay coz i not yet work for 1 year ?_?

Somehow i got this feeling i've just got me balls squeezed blue by our dear IRAS...

Give u guys another incident la...
Fren of mine bought an apartment for <1mil think it was about 800~900k la
So gota pay stamp duties lor, it came up to be 7~8k n he paid up promptly lor
Who knows IRAS (again!!) somehow calculated the stamp duties to be over 15k due to evaluation of the unit to be > 1mil la
So my fren LPPL gota pay up the differences lor, then gota go fight his case la

Coz he bought his flat at <900k paid his due duties, on what basis does IRAS have to make him pay more than what he originally paid for the flat?
Bo kio stamp duties? I didnt pay over 1 mil, how can u ask me to pay duties for over 1mil?!?!

Its like i buy something at $10, so GST should be $0.50, so i pay $10.50.
After i pay liao u say tt thing is $20, so i should pay $1 for GST.
But hey man i buy the product at $10 le not $20 how can u ask me to pay $1 eh GST?

Same thing he got his balls squeezed blue too la! hehe but for a bigger amount lor! lol

Somehow somehow we're all at the losing end la, dont like also must pay lo
Bo then why ppl say PAP is actually kio "Pay And Pay" meh?


月曜日, 5月 02, 0017

Bathing the Dog and Fishy smells

Sian man today started m day horribly, why le? koonz at 3+ n kena woke up at 8 -_-
How come leh? Well my family is now hit with the Da Chang Jing korean drama fever...
Y n my sis early morn watch it while i was KO'ed on the living rm sofa x_x
But never the less i was able to watch Naruto movie la... At long last ok!
Not everyone's as heng as Effendy can go jp n watch it eh =)
Well tot tday can continue my RNR after hanging out w Dog n Bat for few days straight
Who knows KNN eh while i was enjoying some anime (not discovery channel kind la dei! lol)
Stupid dog call me up begging me for help...
why leh? Coz he lost his wallet on a Comfort cab he took earlier
n u know the usual stuff, cancel credit cards n such
Then gota go make police report at some police post lor
So both Bat n i went to meet him at Katong la, to give him a kick in his ass for being so stupid man!
When we meet up then found out he cant make no police report coz he's a foreigner n no identity on him
-___-"" For god's sake how many ppl would be carrying their passports out man!
Kauz if u lost ur wallet of coz all ur identity cards would be in it la! duh~!~!~!
So we jolly well had to take a cab back to his place to take his passport just so as to make a police report lor
Most of the time i'm majorly pissed, but was indulging in my latest plaything. My precious PSP ;-) hahaha
We're really scared of going to Dog's place man... Everyone knows his mama is terrorist #1 ok!
(Even if she self proclaims herself as #2 also no one dare to claim to be #1 ok!)
Anyway she'll most prolly skin him alive n include us too if she was to hear about his folly! ~__~"" hahaha
Who knows so suay till when leaving tt time his mama came back >_<
This time siao liao la... Both bat n i had to put on thinking caps to come up with some excuses to save all of our butts ok!!!
But she's super not keen on letting us out! As she wans Doggie to sleep in his kennel le. Wait at night no energy to work man...
We managed to escape from alcatraz la and then gota go hunt for the closest police post to make the police report lor...
Kauz KKB area hor police post is much harder to find than Macs ok!!! Anyway lucky nothing much happened after tt la.
All these happened becoz the dog had to go to Alf's place to get a freaking stupid Win98 SE CD -__-"""
So we jolly well went to TM (AGAIN!!!!) for dinner. Since the dog's shag like dog liao hehe
Getting phobia of tampines liao man...
Ever since the dog started working there it seems to become our meeting grounds liao @_@
Dinner was LJS la =)  i took the standard combo A + fish as per norm, bat took the spice 3pc chicken set
N the dog as per norm dont wana eat... He'll only eat after seeing ppl eat la! hehehe
(nabe machum like char bo le! Dont wana eat coz say no appetite -__-" wana slim down -__-"")
So within like 5 mins of us munching into our meals, off he goes to hunt for something extra-ordinary! hehehe
This time round he got this grill fish meal thingie and was like boasting wah so chio le hehe he say see this pax infront buy this meal very gd looking man!
Who knows after he took a bite into it... $@!#!#( all the words come out liao.
"This aint no grilled fish! This is steamed!! Grill my ass man!!" Ya think if he said it loouder LJS staffs' really gona grill it! haha
-___- ya la of coz man who's expecting LJS to really grill the fis to serve u meh?!?!
Come on man It's a Fast food restaurant man hehe dont compare it to "Assault & Battery" ok! hehehe
I took a bite (so if molo MC most prob its due to the freaking wierd fish man!!!)
Immediately i wana peng san man... It looks like fish, but it doesnt smell like fish and for god's sake it doesnt taste like fish!!!
Ya its about as tough as chicken meat ok! And had this really wierd fishy smell, the kind u know stale fish would give off...
Well me being the gd bro, had to grind it in ;-)
"wtf dont come here n test this type of wierd stuff la LJS is well known for fried fish, So stick to it! kekeke"
Mean rite? hehe nah the dog can take more grinding hehe
Maybe later i'll write some of the more interesting stuff we did in the past ;-)
Just to rub it in for LJS, freak man LJS tamp the aircon machum like dont have man
You know the most horrible thing is just after smelling the fish, the dudes at oppo tables left.
#@!^T*O& BO DAMN STRONG OK!!!! Please la go out no need to put on perfume n such man
But why cant Singaporeans be more considerate.
If u just did sports n know u got odour, FUCKING GO HOME N BATH FIRST LA!!!!
Freaking no brainers man...
Other than tt dinner was peaceful... Luckily la hehe ^__^

So now i'm back home, sweaty n sticky from all tt running ard in the hot sun =(
but lucky i no BO la keke but lily last time always complain i got BO hahaha ;p~


日曜日, 5月 01, 0017

Alot of airports, no lions ~_~;

Long time no blog! hehe been busy running around like bees! haha
Ya enjoyed my weekend with the Gay Dog n Flat Bat.
The other day think it was on Friday at SLS we were like checking out some samsung LCD displays.
Its was showing drifting clips, the drifts are cool and we continued checking it out...
We thought the clips are from VCDs like drift bible n alike, so we were like quite shocked when it started to show LARGE blades of grass and humongous LEGS! (Soory duno if they were hairy or not! hahaha)
Only then did it hit us that the drifts were not done in REAL cars, but in RC cars.
The details on the cars are so detailed that it really fooled us man! Serious!
So i had to pull some connections t find out more info on www.frequency-rc.com & www.sgdrifters.com
(Thanks sis & Janis! For providing the info. Me on MC la! so no access to net! haha)
Just to let u guys see, how l33t these drifts are, i've put direct links to those files.
But please i would prefer u guys to access the files by clicking on the SG Drifters web link above
We were like really perked up at the thought of being able to DRIFT! Hehe since the last time we did was on scud race n go-kart isnt really very drift-able la lol
(k not to mention i lost my deposit for spinning into rubber tires @.@ hahaha)
YA this is the ultimate to bring out the kids in all of us guys! hehe no need to mod ur cars n such to drift liao ;-)
Well best is go look thru their forums to find out more info! hehe
Think i'll most prolly join them up one of these days to know get more info, before i seriously plunk down 400bucks man...
Btw the Gay Dog's more interested in getting a motorized helicopter rather than rc models so he could terrorize chio bus! hahaha ^__^;
Ya he would kill me after reading my blogs about his gayness! haha
Speaking of gay... nabe, really suay man just now at SLS foodcourt saw Mr "I.pinch.my.nipples.stiff" dressed in stilettos n this really sexy looking top n short frilly skirt la.
Chotto! It would look really nice if it was a lanky ger whom wore it! But it's Mr "I.pinch.my.nipples.stiff" ok!
Make us almost wana tor our lunch out man! haha
Just a short intro on Mr "I.pinch.my.nipples.stiff" la
First sight already wana peng san liao...
Pink tank top
Tight hot pants
STIFF nipples protruding out of his chest. (Ya it would shame even madonna ok! lol)
alot of blusher on his cheeks
short frilly blonde hair -___-"""
IT really made me stay away from girls with such hairstyles ok! haha
2nd time is also swuay la, see him at bedok int. Same attire -__-** Made me skip lunch ok! lol
Kauz but this tmie really man of all places in SLS ?!?!? 
i'll swear off from SLS n never go there again man!
As if ;p~
K k its a mean thing to laugh about trans la
Everyone got their own ideals on what's nice n outstanding la
But please man dont wear so shocking eh stuff le!
END OF SUCH GAYNESS!!!! >_< wait tonight i get nightmares how?!?!?! *ah bish*
Last but not least Happy b'day to Lily
Whom i think should be in KL now lor hehe Hope she's enjoying her time la =)