火曜日, 11月 15, 0017

Embaressing deeds... Indeed!

We all know there's such a thing as retribution lor, but i didnt know it would come in such an embaressing manner! (*^_^*)

What happened?

Not eactly sure how, actually we went out for dinner and along the way there's a number of peddlers selling nice n cheap roses, i was resisting the temptatin to buy a few for her.

Yes, I've given her roses a number of times on this trip ;p

While we were walking back from dinner, she was up front with my boss.
I dont really like him la but he's the boss ;p keke He pays me ok! haha

Walking pass my favorite flower vendor...
I held her back n tell her "Oh shit he's gona recgonize me!"
And wanted to use her as shield kind of thing ^^;

Who knows while walking pass he came up and gave me flowers for free, due to me patronizing him for few times~!

Dang right in front of my boss~!~!~!~!
I realy wanted to dig a hole n hide ok!
Think my cheeks were flushing in the cold winter winds ;p

Liao liao la... Now he's got some firm idea of what's going on liao lor x_x
Along the way he was harping on her on the origins of the roses...

I kept quiet all the way ^_^;

He didnt ask much after that, think he gets the idea liao lor.

He gave subtle hints while having dinner with us during the past few days
I guessed he sort of wans me to leave with him on the 18th, to stop all the nonsense I've been up to lately.

Especially on this trip, lots of follies I've done

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The beautiful flowers which was given to me for free, think the flower peddler ort of knows who the flowers are for lor ;p

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This is the first bunch I got from him, very nice n lovely hue of pink. I love pink roses, but i prefer them in a lighter shade... Which i never could get for her =(

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This is the 2nd rose i got from him, this is just one of the bunch of sixteen, i love this hue. This bouquet is meant only for the smell, very fragrant! REALLY dudes! I've never smelled any scent as sweet n fragrant as this bouquet.

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The last single stalk I got, this one I got from the department store. Just to try flowers from other places...

But I've yet to find the most beautiful flower which could be compared to her...
Guess I would never be able to find any flower which could be as beautiful as she is, ever.

Yes, I realy do love her, much more than I would ever love any other woman to date
I know its an unrequainted and futile love, her heart belongs to someone else

All rights reserved, no flower or animal was harmed in the production of this advertisement. The cute model's attached liao so too bad porks ;p

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