土曜日, 11月 12, 0017

Party Time!

Woot first time go to Beijing's nitespot sial hehe sorry no pix =( All on CL's camera la
It is off San Li Tun Rd, a whole street filled with bars n pubs!
Cool eh? We actually wana go there n grab a bite for dinner at abt 10pm? hehe
I wasnt tt keen to go la, but just tag along to see the place lor
This place literally makes Boat Quay, Clark Quay & Mohd Sultan added together to shame!
Really whole street very long filled to the brim with pubs man!
It is really nice, but alot of touts would pull u in, old folks using pity to make u give them $ and alot of push carts selling cigs ;-)
I'm also pretty sure the ladies standby the streets are up for business ;-)
Nah but i'm lucky, sticking close to CL ;p keke use her as shield la hehe
It really serves it's purpose having a lady besides u ok hehe
Something i observed, there's no actual pub where ppl just queue to get in or wat, every pub is 1/2 filled only.
So could i say this isnt the real sweet spot?
We just choosed a pub n jumped in, think its called Red Moon.
Had some food n drinks, think its a standard practice across the pubs, to get a table u need to spend RMB$500 -_-"
This pub is nice, it was quite pack when we got there.
The music is quite nice too, most impt is the bass isnt tt loud to ring in my ear @_@
Think Dome back in BNE, the bass is shi@tz x_x Killer ok! hehe
But things got a bit rowdy at first this drunk guy just threw lighted ciggy across, then he threw wine glasses @_@
At the end he threw liquor glasses on the table, smashed one n threw another again ~_~
Before the bouncer came n asked him to leave... diaoz
Here the customer is king, uncooth n often very unpleasant... REALLY hehe
Anyway after all the fun activities of arm wrestling n live stage singing, it turned into disco time...
This is when the crowds turn thin... and CL went dancing w KC
They wanted me to join them, but i refused politely.
Duno how to dance n drink, ask me join them lau kui le! hehe
Havoc sial KC old uncle still can dance like nothing ok ;p
But best is CL la dance all the way non-stop, it seems she's enjoying herself lor, but i see like she's keep rolling up her sleeve
holding up her hair n keeping her scarf in place... very busy leh! hehe
She says she's having fun, but i dont see her smile on her face
So i duno lor, just sit n observe...
I guess this aint the right place to dance la n I aint the right pax to join them pubbing lor hehe
She was the first to jump onto the dance floor n she's the last to leave...
Not alotof ppl dancing lor, sometimes she had to dance alone lor
Diaoz... not exact wat i would call as fun la ;p hehe
But its a gd break from the constant work, eat, sleep routine la hehe
Time to sleep... nitez

3 件のコメント:

12:35 午後 に投稿, Blogger Jonathan Wong さんは書きました...

Weak man....Just shake your bum and it will be considered dancing ma...hehe

1:21 午後 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

Shake ur booty mama ;p

I sit there n see ppl shake booty can rite? keke

Was quite entertaining la see ppl dance so long! Think nearly 1hr keep dancing non-stop le

*clap hands*

9:30 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

Cannot imagine fat uncle dancing...Heehee - Melody^_^



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