火曜日, 11月 08, 0017

Hows life back home?

Yo dudes,
All still alive? hehe am fine at beijing la eat alot of peking duck ;-) cheap cheap somemore le keke
weather's cold here literally as cold as back in brisbane lor n its not even winer yet -_-"
They said it may snow here during december, but in the mean time its just pure cold winds...
As they say, beijing is really polluted ok! Most of the time the place has this white shroud surrounding it
Dont really smell anything from it, unlike in KL where u know its smog la ;p
Food here is cheap lor dirt cheap? literally free if u dare go eat from the joints where the locals go
but the hygiene n origin of the food they sell is really dubious x_x
What's interesting is they've got this dish, where they literally serve the food in a metal basin!
Really huge! U just order wat u wan n they stir fry it into this huge mess w lots of spices n like a gallon of oil! haha
but this would give even bum's curry fire-meat balls a run for the dough!
Shopping here? Alot of gd stuff, but aint cheap. Literally crazy prices man, like winter wear which costs like nearly SGD$1k!
Quality's very gd la, but who would pay tt much! hehe Of coz the normal locals cant afford it, except for the exceptionally rich.
Talk abt luxury items man *blink* n this isnt even branded stuff dudes! btw i saw this at some ulu shopping centre like PP or KTG
Havent really shopped at their orchard rd, Wang Fu Jin or Xi Dan yet.
Life here is very hectic too, very hectic. Work, eat, sleep. Nothing else.
Really! Dont really have the time to go around the place, except during lunch breaks to walk off the excess fats la hehe
Think of the portions of food we consume man... I had to skip 1 meal per day, else i did be gaining weight like crazy!
What else? Hmmm ya, visited the great wall lor, not really so great la ;p siong to climb up la, think of it this way most of it is like nearly 40 degrees slope up n the stairs are really steep too.
Havent have the chance to visit much of the cultural stuff, those u need the guides to know the significance of it.
Like the 13 tombs of Ming dynasty, nothing much to see other than the burial chamber n som stuff they found.
But u had to have a guide to understand the design, feng shui n culture... cheem la ;p
Girls? Quite a number lor, but nothing much interesting which catches my eyes. They're quite fashionable n dress quite nicely. Maybe its due to the weather all wear nearly the same la ;p hehe so cant really tell wat's their taste like la. I did say its not as bad as those china gers we see in SG ;-)
What i really hate is everytime u use a RMB$100 note, which is the norm u get from the exchange. They would check it to make sure its real.
Well its only SGD$20 for god sake! But to alot of them its like least a week's salary! So lppl lor ;p
Language is a barrier man! Seriously! They're slangs, terms n speed is so much more faster than back home. Think chinese in turbo + lots of slurs n everything in chinese, ome words are literal translation from english n some are functional.
When would i be back? Not sure yet le =( but i wana get home before 18th lor...
K la enuff said, ciaoz liao...
Siam liao la!
sixx, kook, mon, 小六, 老六, 小黑... wat else? ..

2 件のコメント:

5:43 午後 に投稿, Blogger Jonathan Wong さんは書きました...

Which is to say your mandarin must be real power nowadays huh...hehe...So what do you call routers in chinese???Me still trying to figure that out.

6:54 午後 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

LP man... my china still lousy as hell la! keke

Go here n read up lor ;p lazy pig! keke


Router is 路由器
Switch is 交换机

Damn cold n sianz now man... work work...



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