水曜日, 11月 09, 0017

Something's changed... ?!?!

Duno wat happened le... All of a sudden I no longer feel this heavy thing on my heart no more
Have i awoke from my dream? Duno hehe Funny thing, just suddenly it felt like it just doesnt matter no more =)
Instead of this heart wrenching feelig I've gotten since before coming to Beijing
Actually this feeling has been pestering me long before this stupid project started lor
Now i just feel very tired... n sick from this stupid flu i caught!
Dang and just yester i hope i got the H5N1 le ;p Muahahaha
Now le? Duno le...
All of a sudden the feeling gone liao lor, no longer got the heavy gut wrenching feeling liao lor
Took me really too long to wake up lor! Gomenasai! keke
Really sorry for those whom have cared for me so much n I've repeatedly let them down lor...
Have i learnt anything from this experience? Yeah! A hell lot of!
Most impt is my heart is as blind as the bat lor ;p keke nah the bat's lagi chum la ;-) hehe
Action speaks louder than words la, say so much also no use. Prove to all to see.
Now I'm really motivated to work n finish up the job ;-) Everything else, after the job then say lor hehe
I know I've got a great bunch of frenz whom supported me via MSN, skype n calls la =)
Sweeeeeeet~!~! Duuuuuuudes~!~!
"First sign of Depression is self-denial...No,I'm not depressed!...........Really................REALLY"
Hahaha Think this is the quote which may have sparked me off lor ;-)
Why keep holding onto something which we know wont happen?
Of coz lots of us wish for things to happen, but it just wont happen lor, like strike TOTO etc
Let's just say, I've learnt a lesson...took me a while, but impt is the experience which I got.
My life isnt about her, no more.
Have to be optimistic ;-) too bad things could have taken a better turn lor, now le? wicked ;-)
Regret? Ya only thing i would really regret is placing her as priority over everything else ^^;
Oh well...chances would come my way again lor, be it work or watever =)
@Dog, Situation settled, out of my way liao kekeke
@katongites, wait for me to come back for munchkins hor! hehe
@uni-mates, org something again when i get back?
@4th floor snake eaters, DONT EAT TOO MUCH SNAKE LIAO LA! MUAHAHAHA ;p
@all others, cheers =) out of my "depression"? hehehe ;p

4 件のコメント:

8:05 午後 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...


Congrats! Hmm.. Sweet.. Once the mind is made up, things seem clearer ..

Life is never simple, we made it so through complicated means..


1:02 午前 に投稿, Blogger Jonathan Wong さんは書きました...

Well done!!!! Finally the final episode of your 'Da Chang Jing' Cheerio!!! At least was a happy ending...waking up realising what went wrong and how to get up and move onz... This is the most important you have learnt. Hope you find your new 'korea drama' soon...hehehe But find ang moh better, not like korean drama, very draggy...hehe!!!

3:28 午前 に投稿, Blogger kook さんは書きました...

>_< wah lau... korean drama?
This one is made in Singapore eh "Wu Shuo Nan Yang" aka samsui women ok! keke super long n draggy ;-)

Maybe in the future i would find my own korean drama? ;p

English drama wait become like the most hit drama Desperate Housewives or Lost how? Wait the ang mor lady sue me for no give her TLC le!

So sry la, leave the meat-lovers to the expert lau eng lor ;-) keke

7:07 午前 に投稿, Anonymous 匿名 さんは書きました...

Ang Moh drama sometimes even more dragging.. before i enter NS, there were "Days of our Life", even now in the morning ard 5am, i still see the same drama... Better not be like that.. KAKAKAKAKA

- Pineapple (The Noodle Man)



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