月曜日, 10月 31, 0017

I'm not stupid!

Burr... getting cold in Beijing now, daily temp is around 3 - 17 degrees!
Air is cold, but more deadly is its BONE dry ok!
Imagine airing wet laundry in the morn n by afternoon its all dried up liao! lol
Life in Beijing is really cold in authumn, I wonder wat is winter like! ;p
At last I managed to climb the Great Wall of China! Muahahaha at Ba Da Ling.
Solid ok! The cold wind really drives into the bones!
Think of it this way, I'm wearing my trusted jeans, 1 t-shirt, the long sleeved turtle neck from Nike warehouse from BNE n my go-everywhere wind breaker!
Like tt also kena defeated by the chilling winds! lol
Had to go buy gloves at the base of the wall, which turned out useless hehe
I'll post pics up another day after i consolidate all of them from my colleagues keke
Side note, things were progressing not so well with her lor...
To be continued, hands too tired to type now =(

木曜日, 10月 27, 0017

Dying in Beijing...

Long time no blog liao le x_x ppl go overseas work trip got alot of time to RNR...
Me si literally work whole day ok! Siong man...
Typical schedule la...

0800hrs fall in for breaky w colleagues =)
0815hrs makan finish breaky, walk abit... =)
0830hrs go to 8th floor apartment to start work... with colleagues =)

ready to work!

1200hrs lunch break! Go makan lunch w colleagues -___-"
1230hrs lunch finish liao RTU to 8th floor w colleagues -_____-"

work work...

1900hrs dinner break! Go makan dinner w colleagues -____________-"
1930hrs Holiday's over! Get back to work x_x"

more work?

0000hrs Yeah~!~! Time to bath liao ="(
0030hrs back to work...
0200hrs x__x work till seh then can go KO le!

Wah lau really no life le! Only free time is when after meals go walk abit la

Crime here is quite bad lor
I was walking in broad day light got ppl come up to me and ask me wana buy stolen lapy anot!
Cool! ps i no $ buy lapy la

Food here is cheap lor, but the stuff can be pretty expensive too.
Especially luxury goods like genuine leather trench coats, going for like 600~1k per pop!
SGD converted liao btw!

Time spent w her? some la, but not much to talk other than work lor x_x
Heard is there would be few days I've gota spend alone w her la, coz everyone go back liao ="(

Feeling uncomfortable abt it...
Take an example just now while window shopping...

CL : "Wa! Alot of things to see leh~!~!"
ME : "Okie... Then u got alot to shop when they all go back lor"
CL : "Ya hor! Heeheehee..."


ME : "Dont count on me bringing u here hor! U come ur self lor" ;p
CL : "U can bare to allow me to come here by myself meh?"

@_@ Winner liao lor, I diam diam liao
Why should i worry so much abt her?

Crazy things I did these few days *hiak hiak*

1. Went out alone at night to buy her flowers ^^;
2. Almost wana buy for her the trench coat lor but know she wont accept eh
3. Finish all my work, quit immediately & Clear leave on the spot go find SK in suzhou NOW! lol

Molo i gota give an answer liao le... Should i take up some-song's offer?
As per normal lor, the mind wana take the offer, but the heart doesnt wana let go

In life, it doesnt really matter how many frenz u have
It's the quality of the frenz u have tt matters
I've found 3 angels whom support me in everything I do

U guys know who u r lor =)

Would I keep her as my other angel?

The time and effort I put in for her would certainly bring more joy n happiness to otherz
All the while It's been really fun, but am I really enjoying it?

Guess u all know the answer

月曜日, 10月 24, 0017

The Wedding... Crashers? keke

Also commonly known as, Shirlin's Fortune n Xiang's Doom ;-)hahaha

K k dont joke, wait molo the sisters are gona aim for me liao!
Bull's eye target sial! hiakz!

Today we celebrate the customary wedding dinner of Xiang n shirlin =)
Our long time friend, buddy, ah-long, geylang chiongster muahaha

Joking ah! Next time bring him go there eat 126, you tiau & beef hor fun!

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U see! Such a great looking couple leh!

This afternoon I had to go Kowloon to collect his hand-flowers
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I volunteer eh la! Damn PS man, everything abt the dinner it's Shirlin whom do herself eh le. Power hor? hehe

Had to assure the bride her flowers are safe n sound in my hands ok!

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Another view...

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I was so busy with the whole thing I didn't really had much time to take pics of the food la =(

Had to go around taking videos of the ppl at all the tables, the 2nd march-in n the saboo ;-) keke Not much of saboo coz they had to fetch the bride early later this morning

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See how gd the buddy is to the bride! Take drink let her drink le...
This is just before the first march-in, where everyone is seated n waiting. Look at how shag they are ok! hehe

We all also shag la, run around acting busy eh ushers! muahahaha

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My prized shot! Keke the only candid shot I had of them! keke priceless! muahahaha

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The bride's third change of gown... 2nd change was some Ang Ku Kuey everything RED eh x_x

Well I'll post more pics when i get the chance lor, the other pics are on the elder bro's digi-cam.

土曜日, 10月 22, 0017

Two sides of the coin

Hectic day, last working day before I fly off to Beijing on monday ~_~
Literally everyone's busy machum like preparing to go war! keke

I'm just so very stoned by all these activities, maybe coz there is nothing I could do to help... Think I'm the spare tire! hehe

Oh Well... Had to sneak out for an interview ;) Nasty!
My 2nd interview with some-song-net-works la!

Wa! Gota say man, the big boss ang mor very powderful, one piece one piece eh!
The tech manager also not bad la, abit better!

Machine gun ang mor, sounds very correct, but too fast liao!
Really catch no balls ok! Dang they should put speed limits on conversasion ok!

Literally 20 words he speak, I could only catch 2~4 words which represent the main topic! And gota react on those words ok! lol

They pay pretty well and agreed to what I asked for, but this is what they request of me...

You would need to wear long-sleeved shirt... Ya!
You would need to wear tie... Ok!
You would need to cut your hair... Sure!
You would need to shave... No problem!
You would need to look neat n presentable... Totally agree! -_-"

Last but not least...

You would need to wear suit... ?!?!? *dumb struck*

Engineer? Wear suit in office? ^^; zhun bo?

But I'm now in a dilemma... I'm sitting on the wall like Humptee-Dumtee

49% of me wans to see thru the Beijing tender
49% of me wans to switch to over...
1% of me wans to do "Who moved my cheese"

The last 1% of me is thinking of her, no doubt this 1% is very small n minute, but its very important to me.

This one percent is very strange, sometimes it makes me wana stay on longer, to help her out, to give her support, to see her at any possible chance, to be by her side.

But it goes the other way round too, for her I should move on, dont cling on what is not possible, she's not worth the effort I put in, 长痛不如短痛, there's so much other gers n things to do, I shouldn't think so much for her, dont ask her abt her life, dont get so close to her... Just dont do anything anymore, I've done really way too much.

Sometimes I feel I'm lying to her n myself just to hide my hurt n true feelings, which sometimes I accidentally revealed them.

Lesser communications with her would result in lesser chances of me spilling the beans...

Feelings a side, my sense of responsibilities tells me to stick till this tender is over... before making a decision. It doesnt mean even if the co gets the tender I would stay. I love the job, the pay maybe sucky. What's most troubling me would be I'm not committed and concentrating on my job ="(

She's so much more committed, like I dont exist lol...

No matter which decision I make... I know I would regret doing so ^^;

金曜日, 10月 21, 0017

Just thinking of a person and it just puts a smile on your face...

No pics today =) Alot of things to do today la x_x

Was suppose to meet Roger at bugis arcade, but I wasn't able to meet him up. Instead found David there! Keke busy looting SF2 lor Damn old skool le! ;> Even Roger also upgrade from LoD go play Maximum Tune 2 liao keke

Work la, no choice @_@ alot of things need to settle before I fly off leh.

Molo still got 2 interviews x_x. Scary...

For the fun part, a gd friend of mine treated me to dinner le. Had Tony roma's duno-wat fiest la, comes with chicken, ribs, sausages, coleslaw & corn on cob. Very nice n filling la! keke

Interesting observation was the corn cob was sqaure after we eat finish the corn ?_?

At first I didn't believe after my fren munched on her first cob, come out square. Second cob come out also square ^^;
Then i dont believe, go munch... Left a square cob too x_x 看到鬼啊!

PS : too bad i no take pic show la hehe

After dinner she had to go for her manicure appointment lor.
So while she went to this posh looking manicure shop, got this bright pink suede sofa le! Whole shop is pink in decor ok! lol Very chic!

Of coz u wont see me sitting on such sofas waiting for ppl la! Siaoz!

Me got chance run, run off liao la!
Lucky she no ask me stay there n wait for her ok! keke
Imagine how super embaressing it would be for me to sit on tt pink sofa ok! ^.^;

Went around suntec looking around for new stuff (eg Soo Kee & Gelare renovation, new arcade, New Nokia center akan datang)
Was actually looking for new japanese cutie stuff la, just look look see see lor.
Of coz i couldn't resist the temptation and went for some rounds on the SF2 machine lor keke

Anyway her manicure was done and it looked really fabulous ok!
Nearly as gd as what I could do ok ;-) hahahaha

Heard they filed n buffered her nails before giving a protective coat for the nails then 2 coats of nail polish and finished with a coat of gloss.

Very nicely done I would say! hehe

After which went to bugis arcade look for Roger lor ;p
Since he wasn't there, we watched ppl play those tikum machine like ufo catcher get big plushie and there's this guy whom got a PSP infront of us ok!

Of coz among the joy, there was 3 guys and my fren commented they were soooo girlish lor keke one of them patted the winner in a girlish manner n another one used the victory handsign and swipe across the eyes like some female singers la

More girlish than her la! hahaha =")

Poor guys ^.^; Hey ger, maybe the 5 of them are very good friends ? keke

Quotes from Class95... keke
FD : "They said that making drastic changes in your surroundings would improve your lifestyle"
GO : "My neighbour's love life improved immediately the moment she got rid of her 300 pound husband!"

水曜日, 10月 19, 0017

Man Proposes and God Disposes... >__<

There goes my world class brilliant plans liao lor!
Last minute kena arrow go Beijing ="( Suay part is suppose to fly this sunday morning! Lucky thing I had to be brother for Xiang's wedding ;> keke

Siam diao liao! ;p

But still have to fly on monday ="( So still cant siam -.-;

Anyway since kena crap liao I had to pull someone in ;-)
So I just recommended her to join along, coz of her skill set which none of us had!

Hahaha =") Eh i not so bad eh! Really la coz boss was asking for a particular skill set which none of us had, so I recommend her lor ;p

Diao... molo still got alot of crap to follow up before I could fly for beijing man x_x

火曜日, 10月 18, 0017

I wan a chocolate f*ck (*_*);

Eh I not so humsub eh ok! Just so happen I rather post this up than let someone else go comment about it ok! -__-"

It's a pure mis-communication ok! hehe Was at Swenson's for some after dinner desert ice-cream w sis la.

Gota bribe her abit for the effort in going shopping w me mah ;-) It's already pretty hard to go shopping liao n somemore had to shop for something else for another woman la! Really PS to those whom I've asked out to help me lor PS PS PS n 10z 10z 10z le

So what happend was she ordered her topless 5 + toppings la. Btw we were served by a nice waitress named Lilah, go find her very nice smile n very very friendly ok! lol

After taking sis's order, I sort of blurted out my flavours lor.

Me : "I wan a chocolate FUDGE..."

At this moment in time both of them were like staring at me ok.
I was like "huh? Chocolate fudge mah? Oh sorry I wan a topless 5...blah blah blah..."

Only after taking our orders did sis tell me both Lilah n her heard me saying "I wan a chocolate f*ck*..." *pengz*

Malu le! Super embaressing ok! In the end sis foot the bill n I kena suaned again by Lilah x_x for allowing her to foot the bill -_-"

Her topless 5 with almond toppings
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Mine w some butter scotch or something like tt la
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We basically had the same ice-cream flavours lor ~_~ except she had some sherbet la. Think we had a pure chocolate OD lor everything is so rich n chocolatie... x_x

The original idea was to go for earthquake la! hehe

月曜日, 10月 17, 0017

The Wedding Plan??? !!!

K k for the fun part =)

Actually its the sian part la! Was asked over to xiang's place on pretext of having spicy marcoroni ^_^ Dang such a simple ploy to trick me over! -.-;

Well the moment I stepped into the house I should have guessed there aint such a thing as a free lunch! ~_~

Already at his place was this "Mother" & "Child" pair whom looked very resemblence.
Ermm I've got no idea wat's their name btw! lol Bat? Xiang ? Shirlin? hehe
Nah they're actually brother n sister la keke

Yeah! Just before I was able to munch into the food...
He gave me this printed sheet titled "The Wedding Plan"... Chotto~!~!
I tot this was about enjoying gd food? =~~~( More work...

I dont mind the work... Till I read thru the LOOOONG list... x_x

Ushers : Fulien, JianFu, Sixx ?!?!?!
- Show all auntied and uncles to their tables. Try not to allow them to change seats...hahaha. They like to do that!

Me Usher? siao la!!!! Sia Suay leh! No wonder the bat wana get suit wear x_x
Bad choice! Where's SK? Where's the DOG? Heck, where's EVERYONE? =~~(

Ask me eat food can la, work during wedding dinner? *ABISH*

Table Photo Taking Arrangers : Jianfu, Sixx
- Gather people for photo
- Fend off people who try to sabo the couples
- Move entourage to next table quickly

-___-" I need a AK47 to heard those uncles n aunties n make sure they STAY at their tables ok! lol
Fend off... Forget it! They can do watever they like w the couple, I give them my blessings! Hahaha Just make sure I'm not involved! keke

Standby for Yum Seng : Jianfu / Sixx

OMG! U asking one whom dont drink eh go Yum Seng? Sparkling Apple Juice?
Bat can la, but think need to recruit more Brothers le!

Dang... what else could go wrong ah?

Ermmm where's the pick-the-bride-up portion ah?
I'm gona keng MC liao! Get excuse from fetching bride! keke

Could it get any worser than when we were picking up SH w SK rite?
RIGHT?!?! -___-" *gulp* I got a bad feeling about it...

Anyway after kena concorde by our dear bat! Think flight delayed by 3hrs ok!

We went ahead to bugis help the little kid buy clothes.

The kid have a very important role ok! To find problem with the bride ;p keke
No la think he's supposed to kick some door lor, duno is it the benze or some door

While they were gone, I sneaked over n got the 2nd last portion of the gift! ^__^
Yeah! Happy liao... Ermmm except I had to carry tt obiang paper bag all around! =~~(
Like let everyone know I bought something from tt shop x_x

Sometimes I duno is it coz I'm buying such things or the sales ladies just love to dig me le... I always feel so PS n face blushing, maybe they laughing at my hair, or uncle buy such gifts... ^.^;

I dont wana talk abt the Hokkien Noodles which smell like drain water la! keke
It's a gd place to chill out, not coz of the free drinks la ;p keke

Nor is it coz the great smile the little kid shows me after stepping on my feet!
Geez, he should hang out with guys more often man ;p

K la gota admit la the Hokkien noodles even though smells disgusting, but looks wonderful lor! Hehe

Sometime this week we go eat the Peh Lor Mee at Maude Rd ok? hahaha

日曜日, 10月 16, 0017

Foolish Knave? True Friend? Or Jester?

Censorship board in Singapore asked me to remove this post lor ;p kekeke

Another sad part la, my ex aint gona come for xiang/shirlin's wedding dinner
Ermm duno should be sad or happy, no matter wat I would still hope she could join us n be happy lor

木曜日, 10月 13, 0017

Interlude... to?

This is another cloak n dagger post. I'm pretty sure those whom know me know clearly what I'm trying to do now.

My great plans is set to be in motion, only thing left is the date
Which I'm quite hesitant to make.

No doubt any date is a gd day, but I lack the courage to let it happen...

My 5 guardian angels have long since choosen to join the dark side
All these time I am alone in this path I've choosen, there's no one else I could depend on for guidiance.

It's the first time I've seen them in such an unanimous decision...

I'm afraid of the consequences, I've got no idea how ppl would react to my actions.
It's really time I should dis-regard what ppl might think n react.

Maybe I should say I'm about to right the mistakes I've done?
I just hope it's not whitewashing everything with another huge mistake...

No matter wat, she's expecting a show to be performed... And a show she'll get.

Moving along the fine lines of shopping for the gift from the heart

Ah my master plan is coming up very well, at first i was like quite demoralized.
Buying things never felt so hard! Simple right?

Just say what u wan n pay. Money issue right? Just pay lor! lol

Till i really went around looking for this gift...
I've never felt so embaressed in my life ok!

Even when back in Myers buying Bondi stuff w Andy x_x
Buying flowers when surrounded by woman also wasnt this bad!

How bad was it? Let's see...

I was in this particular shop by myself looking n choosing the gift
I was on my handsfree talking shop
The salesgirls were consciences of me n trying not to disturb...
Lots of other female customers around me x_x

Having a hard time choosing as the items on display all looked the same @_@
It's like looking for a particular french fry in a super-sized pack ;p

I keep eyeing the item i want n wasn't able to make a decision...
In my mind I keep worrying that ppl may not like the choice i made.

The pressure's mounting by the second!
I was beginning to sweat... much more than walking under the hot afternoon sun.
To think I'm in a well air-conditioned building!

In the end I made my decision and it felt really wonderful ok!
Relieved of the pressure at last!

I guessed it was the crowd of females in the shop which made me so uneased x_x

At another joint, I had someone with me this time round! Phew...

But he bailed ship! Left me chatting with the sales girl -__________-"
OMG! Horror again...

Surprisingly, this time round the sales girl was much more friendlier n made me at ease very soon. Even though the booth was in open space n everyone can see me looking for something ~_~; very PS eh ok!

I only briefly told her what i was looking for n she was able to show me quite a handful of what i was looking for!

Sweeeeet! She really got me! hehe In my mind, I made a mental note to come back again to look for her =D

I knew what I wanted already.

But just for comparative sake, I went to another shop n asked for something similar.
The salesman was very friendly n courteous, but alas their product range is very limited! And literally none of their products fit my requirements n were like over budget! Sad sad...

Looks like I didn't have any other choices then!

If i was set on getting the item from the salesgirl, it would mean 1 less puzzle to look for. =)

Peeps, could u give me a nice date before 22nd January?

火曜日, 10月 11, 0017

What would u do? bf/gf had affair or ONS

Just something bo liaoz a fren asked me during lunch...

What would u do if ur gf/bf had an affair or ONS with someone else when both of u are together?
Would u forgive him/her? Would u break up?
What if she/he was under infuence of drugs/drinks?

What if it happens again?
What if it was a leso or gay thing?

Myself wise...

I would forgive her n take her back, no matter wat happened. I would forgive her the first time, as long she's being truthful about it.
As long its a genuine mistake, I wouldn't mind it at all. Coz we all make mistakes. Just admit n seek forgiveness.

I dont wish for it to come to me via someone else =< wat's more terrible is not ur mate cheating on u, but her lying to u too...
If she wans to end the r/s, i would try to savage it, but if her heart belongs somewhere else...
no use for me to keep holding her back, u keep the person but not the heart.

If happen again hor, i would seriously talk to her about it. Is she trying to be funny?
Ya i would take the blame upon myself, coz most prob i had done something for her to go out n get into such a situation lor...
Most proll i would forgive her, if she's keen on repent. but if it was to happen again, it would mean she doesnt think much of me liao...

Les? hmmm it would be the same ans, once or twice still can forgive. But if its on intent then no need talk liao lor =(

But forgive is forgive... it would take alot to forget n bury the scar...

How about u peeps? What would u do?

Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 3

月曜日, 10月 10, 0017

Bat has changed...

From a normal fruit bat into... One that takes prawns ok! Weeeeeeeee~!~! lol

Here's the storyline, somehow someone went to Miri with his ex-colleagues.
Someone take initiative go Sarawak find his long lost bat cousins ok! Hehe

Our shy Bat go on holiday le ;-)

Nothing interesting right? Ya, then the story gets stranger...

In Miri Bat ate prawns and a few other seafood which in all his life you would NEVER see him eat eh!

He even say the prawns at Miri is soooo much nicer n fresher than in SG -___-"

Fact, no matter how we forced him to eat seafood he also wont touch eh!
Remember he was the one that started the infamous chicken rice w/o Chicken coz of his Prawn noodles w/o prawns? kekeke

Last time ask treat him ear Crabs, Crayfish or even Lobster he die die also wont touch! Be it in SG JB or KL Kauz...

Well fishy fishy ;-) Last night at dinner he was also defending himself, say no choice ppl eat he give face n eat !!!

Nabe, then us what? All these time we ask him order n eat prawns n seafood he never touch! Now say give face to ppl eat -_________-"

Diaoz at his b'day got stranger w us he also no give face eat seafood mah!

Ours faces not big enuff ah? I know mine not so big liao la coz rebond hair liao lol but the rest eh le? hahaha

Dont think its over liao... Still got part 2 ok!

Just now on MRT he said no choice had to impress someone eh sister n brother-in-law sial !!! (*_*);

His exact words, "Aiya know you guys so long liao, over 10 years liao. No need give face la!" (X_X)" This one is major no give face la!

Peeps! Tell me where got Prawn buffet eh, dont care how exp I'm gona pay n make sure this week gona drag him there n shove a ton of prawns into him liao ;>
Or go some seafood place n order 2kg of prawns just for him to eat!

Bat, just admit it! Raise up your hands and say I love to eat prawns n seafood ;-) hahaha

Let u guys go piranha him abit ;> hiak hiak

日曜日, 10月 09, 0017

Synthetic Persona... Would i break first?

Going crazy... I'm really messed up. This is bad, I'm really doing way tooo much.

All these for? Probally nothing at all...
When would i wake up n stop doing so many foolish n meaningless things?

Everynight, every waking moment I'm thinking of her.
What is she doing? Is she happy etc etc...
吃心? 吃情? 还是白吃! lol 中毒太深, 无药可救 =(

I know she doesnt think of me at all lor =( but I'm still keep doing things to make her happy...

It's becoming a nightmare, an endless one which I cant control...

Sorry guys, I'm like failing all of you, I just cant be sensible about it.

Even now I'm searching around for really meaningful stuff for her b'day gift =(
To date, I've never put in as much effort n soul in preparing a gift as this.
K those whom read this is surely gona kill me liao! ~_~

Let's face it, I wont be able to hit her soft spot.
She's waiting to see how long my infatuation last...

Would this be the final stupid act? I really do hope so...
But I'm really addicted to seeing her warm smile x_x

My life is in shabbles, by right I'm suppose to talk about Dog & Paul-si-ble's b'day dinner...

金曜日, 10月 07, 0017

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.

In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is traditional. Without saying anything, both of you communicate with your hearts.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.
What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

水曜日, 10月 05, 0017


Somehow this button looks very sexy to click on... Would I do it?

Was glancing on this button for quite a while... Or should i clear everything from the past?

Hmmm... making some changes =) hehe

Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 2

火曜日, 10月 04, 0017

But with my current status, No.

Was on the phone till 3+ this morn
Bared my soul n talking of things which I never would
The feeling was awful, but was not immediate
Had to force myself to end the conversasion. It was really bad

Tried to sleep on it, while I made my reply on SMS,

Would this be the end?
How would molo be like?

I dread facing it...

Nvm the hurt n the feelings...

In the morn she acted like nothing had happened the night before
I really duno wat to think

Is she really that forgetful?
That is all that matters

They're gona castrate the dog this sat! ;>

Someone thinking of me?

Had a fun and hectic day =) Monday never was this fun! Haha
Work abit only go home liao ^_^ then go interview w00t! I like~!~!

But during interview EVERYONE called me *abish* heng I put silent mode ok! keke
PS la peeps I know everyone's concerned for me lor 10z hor!

Would this job be my new life?

No idea, but what I do know is there's a hot babe working in there! keke

Think she's in the funclub department =)
Nice ger ermmm we sort of like exchanged glimse of each other la! ;p hiak hiak

After the interview I was like WTF over 10 missed calls n SMS x_x in a short span of 1 hr! haha

So was busy calling u guys back outside UE sq, think I was like an idiot la! Hehe
All of the smokers see some guy talking non-stop on mobile for least 1 hr!

Siong le my phone bill! Diaoz...

Call till i blurr, throat dry liao go find Mac buy drink n continue round 2!

Duno is heng or suay la, Sis called me n wan me help her settle her boss lapy x_x
LPPL lor owe her so much... must settle her wireless issue soon man! dang
Anyway went to meet her to get the lapy lor, since they dont have windows CD to do recovery -_-"

I very PS la... meet sis n I was still on phone! ;> keke
She bring lapy down I was on phone... she go back up to pack up n come back liao I was still on the line! Hahaha no wonder she's peeeved at me lor ;p

Come out w sis hor, duno is I heng or suay la!
again go Crystal Jade for dinner lor... she also very suay today la...

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Anyone seen before put spoon on plate break eh bo? lol

Something I learnt, never leave ur mobile w sis alone!
Dangerous n spicy event happened sial ;> keke
I dont wana comment la =X kekeke

Anyway after dinenr went to NYDC to have some dessert lor...
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Nice rite? Too bad u missed this Dog! lol

Now my turn la, duno who miss me so much!
Kauz was sneezing all the way in here man! x_x

Then after all tt went to meet tt stupid dog, meet Ennie! Hehe she was otw to PB for october feast la!

Too bad Dog's not interested lor else would have went liao keke

日曜日, 10月 02, 0017

End of Desperation?

In dire times n I need a decision fast, to stay or not to stay.

I've to leave SG by June 06, the earlier the better. Of course I'm really hesitating...

A new job is just an excuse to not see her in the future.
I wont be able to accomplish much if i was to switch company, if i was to leave by June. But it would be a gd move for my career in SG.

Would a new life a wait for me in the new place?
No idea... Think Who moved my cheese =)

Something impt when talking abt relocation, it is companionship.
Your Significant Other, someone whom would be able to help share your burden of starting a fresh there.

Think physical n emotional support.

Someone who is there when u need someone to comfort with
someone who is always with an open heart n wide open arms when u get back from work
someone who you could always count n rely on

Perhaps there is one or two in the past, but now...

Hey I've been a gd boy n didnt think of her ok!

Just had a wierd dream of her calling me

Her : "Wei Wei Wei... Ask u something..."
Me : "Just a min, very thirsty..."

Then I drank n drank n sort of didnt have the heart to go back to the phone call ~_~
Then I wake up liao! ^o^ Hehehe I thirsty mah! haha

Wierd n short dream ;p

I wont lament no more of her, no worries.

A parting gift... Desperate Housewives Season 2 episode 1